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I Feel A Song Comin' On

Buc McMaster

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In the last few weeks I have once again begun to play my guitar after an off spell of a few months........just got off into other things for a time. I've done this from time to time over the 39 years I've been playing. Sometimes I just lose interest, put it down and forget about guitar. I'd guess many of you have done the same (and those of you that haven't just haven't been playing long enough to hit one of those walls!). Anyway, I have found that stepping away from it for awhile tends to free up my "guitar thinking", if you will. I seem to see things a little differently......not in all regards, but a bit of a change in perception of what I'm doing with the instrument. And in that light, last night I hit upon a new "thang", a different combination of the same old chords, played a little differently........I feel a new song coming on!


(ps.......last week I also ran into my old drummer from my last band for the first time in a couple of years and he is very excited about "getting the band back together". Geez. I dunno about that, but it would be fun to spend a Sunday afternoon dusting off some of the old tunes!)

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