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Stairway To Heaven As Played By My Classical Guitar Class


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Today my guitar teacher passed out CDs to everyone. They have all the songs we've recorded throughout the year on them. This song was probably our best. I played throughout the entire song, although it's kinda hard to hear me up until the solo. I was playing softly so that I wouldn't overpower the classical guitars. The recording quality isn't the best, but that's because we used one mic to record all 40 guitars in the room including me on electric. There's a mistake here there but that's because most of the kids in the class have only been playing the guitar since they started the class back in September.


Here it is:




I hope you enjoy it! I sure had a good time playing it! msp_cool.gif

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T-man Jr, you finally have that solo down quite well......Nice to listen to it..........


I've been commissioned to record MY version of Stairway for a singer I work with....


I have enough ultra high end equipment to do it well, but, it's such an iconic song


that I really want to take my time doing it...( ie, my version will be the same length,


but without drums, and an e-bow is substituting for the 'flutes'..)....


It's nice hearing your progress from your previous version of the solo and this one....

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