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Silenced Fred

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I love to eat ribs, I just don't like eating them.





I like the taste, but they're such a mess. My mom used to be able to cook them so one twist of the bone would wrest it free of the meat. I could debone a rack in 1 minute without a knife. No one I know has been able to do that. Therefore, I eat steak, burgers, and braats.

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Yeah cos you eat lots of high fat and cholesterol food like pork, beef and ribs!!!


Early death from heart attack or colon cancer anyone? [thumbdn]


Maybe time to treat animals with the respect they deserve? It is 2011 after all...good luck


Yeah, and create overpopulation.


If we weren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they so tasty?


And if you want to talk about how animals are slaughtered, I agree, its horrendous. Hunting is one of, if not the most, civil ways to kill an animal

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Yeah cos you eat lots of high fat and cholesterol food like pork, beef and ribs!!!


Early death from heart attack or colon cancer anyone? [thumbdn]


Maybe time to treat animals with the respect they deserve? It is 2011 after all...good luck

You RESPECT an animal that is bred for eating by eating it.


If I was a pig, or a cow, I would be hurt if I wasn't eaten. Like as if I wasn't good enough. Animals have feelings too, but I do not think it is accurate to say that like poeple, animals don't feel a certain pride and purpose in fulfilling the role they were born to do.

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Everytime somebody brings up how we get our food in current times it all goes down hill quick.


From the beginning of time man has killed animals to eat and it has never been pretty.


On the flip side do you know the kind of stuff that goes into growng vegetables and fruits nowadays?


And by the way Pork has been genetically engineered so much in the last 50 years that it is very lean, some parts of the pork have less fat than some parts of a chicken [confused]


We cooked a full pig 3 weeks ago, it was farm-raised and it was the best pig I have ever had.

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Having some ribs tonight, ordered in since I didn't have the time to do it right today with work and all. I'll think of you Vader while I devour some pig flesh. Man and animals have been consuming other animals (and sometimes men) since prehistoric times, it's your choice not to eat meat and I'm ok with you and your decisions - just don't push it onto others who don't ask for it. It's almost as bad as door to door religion recruiters. I've been hunting since I was old enough to take Hunter's Safety classes, and will do so until I can't draw a bow back any longer.

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I don't need to judge you, your God,Allah, (insert deity of choice lol)will do that...


You know it's funny...there was a post on here about pet cats...if you live in Korea cats and dogs are on the menu...If i were to stun your cat or dog, hang it on a meat hook and slit its throat to bleed the meat would you like that? Then eat it?


An animal is an animal, where do you draw the line?


Also to suggest that animals WANT to be eaten is ridiculous, but if you need to tell yourself that to ease your conscious you do that...


The "man has always eaten animals" line cuts no ice either....we used to live in caves, believe in witches, etc .etc...hopefully we are EVOLVING...well some of us..


I would question how many of you would keep eating dead animals if you had to slaughter them yourself? Yes some would, but 90% would not...


All of this before we even go into the growth hormones they inject to mature the animal for slaughter more quickly..


Eat what you like.. I really don't care..


Meat and colon cancer

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If you don't care why are you preaching? What other people use as a source of food is not going to be judged by me. Would I do it? Most likely not. Dogs and cats to me are companions. Just because civilization has been doing something for eons doesn't mean you need to just throw it aside in order to feel you have one upped others.

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Having some ribs tonight, ordered in since I didn't have the time to do it right today with work and all. I'll think of you Vader while I devour some pig flesh. Man and animals have been consuming other animals (and sometimes men) since prehistoric times, it's your choice not to eat meat and I'm ok with you and your decisions - just don't push it onto others who don't ask for it. It's almost as bad as door to door religion recruiters. I've been hunting since I was old enough to take Hunter's Safety classes, and will do so until I can't draw a bow back any longer.


Bow Hunting is the best!!! Not enough people do this anymore, its how my mom and dad both hunted and how I was raised to hunt. I remember landing my first buck with a bow, it was dead before it even knew it got hit. And wow did it ever taste good, the best was the deer pepperoni though we had it made extra spicy and extra dry. Almost fill your underwear up in the front by eating it if you know what I mean.

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An animal is an animal..


Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury....raise the double standard.

Except it's not hipocrisy, I use them for another purpose not because I have moral qualms about it. Learn what your big words mean before you start throwing them around.

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Hypocrisy - To espouse conflicting, contradictory points of view; to be inconsistent and hypocritical


Like saying dog's and cats = animals are companions...


Then eating them...


so yeah I know what it means...


Anyway...I'm done...never wanted to preach...eat, shoot, drink, smoke, what you like..

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Bow Hunting is the best!!! Not enough people do this anymore, its how my mom and dad both hunted and how I was raised to hunt. I remember landing my first buck with a bow, it was dead before it even knew it got hit. And wow did it ever taste good, the best was the deer pepperoni though we had it made extra spicy and extra dry. Almost fill your underwear up in the front by eating it if you know what I mean.

I absolutely love it, spending time isolated in the great outdoors is almost as great as harvesting an animal. No cell phone, no TV, no worries.

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Hypocrisy - To espouse conflicting, contradictory points of view; to be inconsistent and hypocritical


Like saying dog's and cats = animals are companions...


Then eating them...


so yeah I know what it means...


Anyway...I'm done...never wanted to preach...eat, shoot, drink, smoke, what you like..

Apparently not, I'm not contradicting myself. To me the animals are more valuable for that purpose (I also use my chocolate lab for duck and quail hunting, should I go scold him now for what he does and the meat that he eats?).

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All of this before we even go into the growth hormones they inject to mature the animal for slaughter more quickly..

Eat what you like.. I really don't care..


Meat and colon cancer

You realize your veggies you regard so highly have more than likely been doused with chemicals, engineered to grow faster, produce greater quantities, and given qualities to resist pests and disease. Even if you eat organic you need to realize humans have been using selective reproduction in food crops, the plants haven't followed a natural course of evolution either we have molded them to fit our purpose. So it's ok to alter their lives and consume them before they live out the extent of their lives just so you don't have to eat something that makes noise and has fur?

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I frankly don't think I could be a vegetarian, my brains need protein.


Definitely animals should be sacrificed with respect and revered as the blessing that they are.


A lot of people do forget meat does not grow in packages.


Here is the pic of the farm-grown pig I was talking about, it fed about 60 people, with plenty of leftovers.



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I frankly don't think I could be a vegetarian, my brains need protein.


Definitely animals should be sacrificed with respect and revered as the blessing that they are.


A lot of people do forget meat does not grow in packages.


Here is the pic of the farm-grown pig I was talking about, it fed about 60 people, with plenty of leftovers.




I think I just came...

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Not attacking you I'm just wanting your view points on the matters I discussed. It's not like I'm asking you to forgo vegetables and switch to a carnivorous diet. You threw the stick on the fire, sit down and enjoy the warmth. At least stick to your guns if you want to be so adamant.

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Yeah I kind of failed the whole vegetarian test got a kid and a sister that won't eat meat and my wife prefers vegetarian dishes most of the time but not me, I don't like any kind of vegetables really other than corn. As for the comments about cats and dogs, well Ive done enough traveling that I have eaten both several times in fact. Dog is really gamy tasting and strong and just kind of nasty tasting all the way around so nope I wouldn't eat dog unless I had to. Cat on the other hand isn't too bad cooks up as a fairly firm white meat kind of like chicken or rabbit similar to goat, so cat sure no big deal.

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