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Google ad to fakes


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just get through one dude, most people don't work in the same field they went to college for anyway. Go for something you love so you don't burn out and your grades stay up, and just get through one, any of 'em. And good luck with it, it's not easy, they make it hard for a reason. The crappiest part is dealing with the bureaucratic crap and the administrative run-around. Staff personnel passing you off to the next staff member and sending you right back where you came from to get such and such paperwork signed by some special person who doesn't know they are supposed to be the special person...lol...anyway...good luck dude.




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I did challenge Google on this when they started serving Tang Trade ads to my browser. First they claimed there were no infringing goods on the site. Then, when I sent explicit examples and links, they claimed the "aggregator" defense. This is essentially the defense that a marketplace aggregator is not responsible for infringement by individual merchants selling on the aggregator's site (e.g., the E-Bay defense)


I have no problem with the aggregator doctrine within the limits of a site like E-Bay. They can't run every single add through an expert in the product field to determine if the goods are counterfeit and still remain efficient and reasonably priced. However, I'm pretty sure the folks at Google know ( I informed them, and I have a background in copyright and trademark law) that 95% of the aggregated guitars on Tang Trade are infringing, and the other 5% are not only because they are so badly executed that they don't look like the design they're supposed to be copying. The response from Google was again that they are not responsible for aggregation sites. The bottom line is that they know they are promoting ( not merely linking to) counterfeit goods, and will continue to do so while they get paid for it.


Do no evil my a**

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I did challenge Google on this when they started serving Tang Trade ads to my browser. First they claimed there were no infringing goods on the site. Then, when I sent explicit examples and links, they claimed the "aggregator" defense. This is essentially the defense that a marketplace aggregator is not responsible for infringement by individual merchants selling on the aggregator's site (e.g., the E-Bay defense)


I have no problem with the aggregator doctrine within the limits of a site like E-Bay. They can't run every single add through an expert in the product field to determine if the goods are counterfeit and still remain efficient and reasonably priced. However, I'm pretty sure the folks at Google know ( I informed them, and I have a background in copyright and trademark law) that 95% of the aggregated guitars on Tang Trade are infringing, and the other 5% are not only because they are so badly executed that they don't look like the design they're supposed to be copying. The response from Google was again that they are not responsible for aggregation sites. The bottom line is that they know they are promoting ( not merely linking to) counterfeit goods, and will continue to do so while they get paid for it.


Do no evil my a**

not enough +1s for the above statement. I had several circle c classes and there are just too many back doors in the systems.

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hey hey, don't buck the buckers, there's a place for all of em. Nothing like a good ES335 with buckers that have been potted real nice and can handle extreme volumes:)


335 does need humbuckers, especially some nice 57s...


Hes joking, he has a Les Paul with buckers.


Only kinda. I'm gonna put a filtertron and either a p90 or some weird type of single coil in my LP. The SG I get will most likely have buckers as well

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You might be right.

Cant tell...



Also, Steve DiGiorgio may have been using actives in his bass.

It's a little hard to tell from that video. I wonder if there are any interviews with Paul from that time period. I kind of doubt it, since back then he was probably most well known as...well...the lead guitarist on Death's Human. Two years before Focus came out.

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Also, Steve DiGiorgio may have been using actives in his bass.

It's a little hard to tell from that video. I wonder if there are any interviews with Paul from that time period. I kind of doubt it, since back then he was probably most well known as...well...the lead guitarist on Death's Human. Two years before Focus came out.


You two are turning into me and Dub


But Dub hasn't been around much </3 [crying]

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We're nothing like you and Dub.

We're not even gay for each other or anything. [lol]


...At least...dem00n hasn't responded to any of my advances. [crying]


Today my friend called me a homophobe.


(read in redneck) "as long as them gays stay off of me, I'm fine, but they always be lookin at me, lookin at me with them gay eyes..."

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