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want to buy les paul which one?


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first figure how much you are willing to spend, then try out every Les Paul that is within that budget. There are differences with each version of the Les Paul and nobody can really tell you what's best for you except you.


Even try multiple examples of the same model because there is always some inconsistancies that make one individual guitar better than another of the same guitar.


Some have chambered bodies and some don't. there's different degrees of quality to the maple top... or rather degrees of the flame pattern in the top, there are some Les Pauls that are solid mahogany and but most have the maple top on them. Some have maple necks while others have mahogany necks. Most modern Les Paul's have Burstbucker's now but there are some with 57Classics or 498T/490R, or 500T/498R. You'll even see limited runs with EMG's or Seymore Duncans, etc.


Just try everything you can and eventually there will be one specific guitar that speaks to you because it will not only look good to you but also sound incredible to your ears and feel fantastic.

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69 Nova? I drove a 71 Nova back in high school - lime green.

It was 10 years old, but all mine and it ran. Always thought

I'd find another one and fix it up. Nothing like your first car,

or Les Paul.


Definitely, go play a few and compare them. See if you really want

one (and you will). Then decide which is right for you.


Take your time. Factor in your music tastes and what tone you want.

P90's? Humbuckers? 50's neck, 60's Neck, asymetrical? Lot's to

choose from...

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Guest Farnsbarns Wunterslausche

I've seen lots of les pauls. Which version should I buy and why? Thanks


None, because you need to play them. The only way to choose a guitar us to play lots of them. You will find the one for you that way.

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