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Dude that picture is KILLING my iPhone.


Have you tried using it running into your memory boy? I bet that sounds pretty cool.


Hope you dig it man


Yeah the picture is kinda massive. msp_flapper.gif


It's on my board. Now my chain goes Crybaby, Big Muff, Phase 90, Memory Boy. I've found that my Memory boy is a natural volume booster. Don't know why, but even if I plug my guitar directly into the Memory Boy and then run it straight to the amp, the Memory Boy makes my guitar a lot louder. So whenever my Phase 90 and the Memory Boy are on at the same time my volume is about double the amps volume. Then turning on the Big Muff adds even more volume. But it doesn't really matter to me since the Memory Boy is on almost the entire time I'm playing.

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Do they still do that when they're not in your effects loop? It might have something to do with the line level of your effects loop. Does your loop have a switch to adjust the level or anything?


They really shouldn't be doing that..


It's only the Memory Boy thats causing the increase in volume. Like I said, if it's the only thing I'm plugged into and it's plugged into the front of the amp it still boosts my volume. If the Memory Boy is off, none of the other pedals cause a volume increase.

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Well. I googled it and it seems that everyone has that problem with the memory boy so I take back that guess about the effects loop.


Here's what I found though. A dude emailed EHX about it and this is what he got..


"Thanks for purchasing the Memory Boy. The input has gain on it so that when Blend is set to 50% there is no volume difference between bypass and effect.


If you remove the bottom cover and look at the PCB, to the right of the EXP PEDAL jack there is an empty footprint for a trim pot, printed above are the words "GAIN ADJ." You can solder a resistor between the two small pads of the TRIM footprint, start with 10k. Or you could even short the two small pads together, this will be no gain boost at all.


If you can get the trim pot, you could solder a trim pot into the footprint for TRIM7, I would suggest 10k to 25k."


judging by that demo you posted, I'm assuming you have your blend set below 12 o'clock. I had the opposite problem on my Stereo Memory Man with Hazarai. I had a volume drop but I read that there's no drop with the blend at 12 o'clock on it.


This is why pedals like this should have a level control. Wheter it's an internal trimpot or a regular old knob I think it's an important feature. That SMMH drove me crazy with that volume drop...

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