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Last Night, I was in the presence of greatness...


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I finally saw Jeff Beck at Casino New Brunswick here in Moncton New Brunswick. Second date on his Canadian tour.


He was mind blowing. I hope when I've been playing for 50 years that I can make things look even half as easy as he makes it look.


Also very impressed with his bassist on the tour, Rhonda Smith. Realized why I've been hearing so many make such a fuss of her as of late... not only is she an astounding talent, but she's from Halifax (a 3 hour drive from here).

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I saw him in Halifax. I was also humbled by the experience. He played in a small venue format, half of a rink and lower bowl only. It was so cozy that you felt like you were on stage with him at times. He had an impressive pile of vintage plexis stage right, but never went near them. He spent the night stage left almost never more than ten feet from Smith, Rebello, and Walden. They were all facing each other a good part of the time. It was as though they were jamming in the basement and you were invited. They all played with a smile on their face and had the occasional chuckle at the humour inherent in Beck's music. I can't say enough about how well they all played. Beck is Beck. Smith was already discussed. She is also a pretty good singer. Rebello is so understated and tasteful that he can almost hypnotize you. Walden is the consummate showman with a driving energy that few drummers posess. I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to be there.

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I figure at his age I probably won't see him again without having to travel to do it.


I was also proud to see that on his pedalboard he had a Snarling Dogs wah, which I've got on my pedalboard also. Good enough for Beck is good enough for me. [thumbup]


...and to think I was starting to consider a Crybaby 535Q instead.


Gotta love when you find certain parts of your gear are also favored by a living legend. [biggrin]


Now the next thing is to see if I can find a pop-in trem bar with the same amount of bend in it as Beck's... Now I see how he pulls off all the wacky trem tricks without a floyd. I'm sure the roller nut helps too but I've found my American Deluxe stays in tune quite well... only thing it doesn't have that Beck's does in terms of hardware is the roller nut and a different trem bar.

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I figure at his age I probably won't see him again without having to travel to do it.


I was also proud to see that on his pedalboard he had a Snarling Dogs wah, which I've got on my pedalboard also. Good enough for Beck is good enough for me. [thumbup]


...and to think I was starting to consider a Crybaby 535Q instead.


Gotta love when you find certain parts of your gear are also favored by a living legend. [biggrin]


Now the next thing is to see if I can find a pop-in trem bar with the same amount of bend in it as Beck's... Now I see how he pulls off all the wacky trem tricks without a floyd. I'm sure the roller nut helps too but I've found my American Deluxe stays in tune quite well... only thing it doesn't have that Beck's does in terms of hardware is the roller nut and a different trem bar.

I remember noticing that he also has the bridge floating, and he often pressing down on the bridge (without the bar) to make it sharp. ALSO noticed that at times he will start a note with his hand pressing on the bridge, and then let it off making the note SEEM to go flat.


I may be able to understand SOME of it, but I doubt I would ever be able to DO it. (actually, I wouldn't even spend any time trying). The man is truly a genious-a freak of nature.

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I remember noticing that he also has the bridge floating, and he often pressing down on the bridge (without the bar) to make it sharp. ALSO noticed that at times he will start a note with his hand pressing on the bridge, and then let it off making the note SEEM to go flat.


I may be able to understand SOME of it, but I doubt I would ever be able to DO it. (actually, I wouldn't even spend any time trying). The man is truly a genious-a freak of nature.


Absolutely... the mechanics of what Beck does is really not that hard, but demonstrates a mastery of the instrument that few possess. I read somewhere that he sets his bridge up so when he pulls up on the bar the E strings are a perfect F# when the back of bridge is against the body.


I also noticed that he's constantly fiddling with the volume knob. He often plays with his hand directly over the volume so he can turn it down at a moments notice and you barely even notice he's done it except that either the overall volume or his tone has changed depending on how much he's adjusted it.


My father once commented while I watched the footage of Hendrix at woodstock that it was astonishing how many different sounds/noises Hendrix could coax out of a guitar... The same can be said of Beck and add to this he's had an extra 40 years to figure out what other sounds Hendrix hadn't already wrestled out of his strats.



Also, while he's got an overdrive circuit on his wah and also a Klon Centaur on his pedalboard, he seldom uses them.


And another thing is that Beck primarily uses his fingers, although I'm sure I saw him palming a pick for occasional parts.


There's lots of things that Jeff does that really don't seem that difficult until you try to do it yourself... then you understand why he's the master.


Tyler Bryant was his opener and was no slouch either... the young 20 year old is very talented. Couldn't help but laugh though when he asked how many guitarists were in the audience. It dawned on him he was in for a rough tour. Imagine being in front of a few thousand guitarists who are hanging on your every note and analizing your every move then in addition to that, you've got Beck watching or at least listening from back stage.

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