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What should I do?


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This is complicated... I traded my Gibson ES 339 for a Chet Atkins 6120 DSW last week. At the time the guy I traded with told me he had the papers for the guitar but he had to look for them because he was in the middle of moving. Now he's telling me he can't find the papers... [scared] The guy seem legit though, we did the trade at my old music school and he knows everyone who works there, he used to study there too, and people seem to like him.


When we did the trade and he didn't have the papers (bill of sale, certificates....etc) I took my papers and certificate of authenticity out of the case of the 339 and kept them and told him he could have the papers when he gave me the papers from the Gretsch. I don't think this guy is a crook but I'm a bit worried and not sure how not having any papers from the guitar affects it's value of could cause a problem if I want to sell it in the future.

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The guitar is real......It's not a one off Custom Shop, so it's legitimacy shouldn't really be in question, now or at a future sale.....


The guy seems legit as you say.....Moving can be a mess.....Perhaps he'll find the papers....Unless the laws are really


different there in Spain, I wouldn't worry about it......But this is just my thought Dave..................


( Of course, if you layer it in real gold leaf, well then that changes everything......:rolleyes:[blink][smile] .....)...

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Dave, you'll likely have a harder time selling that guitar in the future and for slightly less without any certificate ($100 - $200). If that bothers you at all, try to get your 339 back and look for another Chet. If you really like this guitar and want to keep it, tell that guy it's OK but you want to be compensated.


Personally, I could care less. I bought both my Stinger and Easton SG without any paperwork. COAs are for collectors.

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I told you that you would miss that 339 before long.


I don't know if I would worry a lot about the paperwork if you know the guitar is what has been represented as to you. Until recently you would just play the guitar and if you liked it you bought it. Now we have to worry about fakes and what not, but if it plays and sounds like you want, that is all that matters.

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It's obviously an issue for Dave or else he wouldn't have asked the question in the first place. Dave, there are so many guitars in this world that you shouldn't have to settle. Me, I don't care about these things but it should be reflected in the price. As you can see from the responses in this thread, other's don't care, either...but if you care, that's all that matters. If you consider it a deal breaker, then it's a deal breaker. Go get your ES back and look for another Chet.

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If you love the Gretsch, keep it! Paperwork, especially in a "move," can get lost,

legitimately. If he knows the same folks you do, I seriously doubt he's going to

cheat you. "Trust your feelings, Luke!" (Smile) I can't find my reciepts, half

the time, anymore. And, most of the time, I too, couldn't care less. But, it's

up to you, and your own comfort level, that way, obviously.



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