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Avatar Question ?


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I changed my Avatar to some acoustic instruments. It looks fine to me.


When I peek in at work, it still shows as the Boogie amp very squeezed.


How can this be?


What do you guys see?




Confused Murph.......

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The control panel says


Your avatar must be no bigger than 120 pixels by 120 pixels in size.

Uploaded avatars from your computer must be no larger than 150 KB.

The following file types are allowed: gif,jpg,jpeg,png


I am guessing that if you do not comply with this then potentially your image will be truncated / resized

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Here's what I see, and what I changed it to.


I see that.


Browsers cache images, so if you/other people are seeing your old avatar that's the likely cause. If you hit ctrl + F5 that should reload the page and grab any new elements.

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I see that.


Browsers cache images, so if you/other people are seeing your old avatar that's the likely cause. If you hit ctrl + F5 that should reload the page and grab any new elements.


That's what was weird. I changed it Sunday. It DID have to resize. Anyhow, I posted several times during the day, then went to work Monday and glanced in ( not logged in) and the old Boogie amp Avatar was there.


Then I look this morning (from home, logged in) and it was the new one.


I can't wait to get to work ( Did I say that? ) and see what it looks like not logged in.

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I've been seeing the Carvin/acoustics - normal size avatar with correct aspect ratio (not squeezed) using Google Chrome. I also checked with IE and the avatar looks fine.





Wow Big Kahune, now yours is changing.......




I'm kidding, I know yours always has.......

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