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I dont know :-k


I just cant get in to 1-3-5 "blues" guitar soloing.... To me it all sounds the same, and repetitive...... So how can it have feeling when the same licks are being played over and over and over again [confused]


It doesn't have to be "the blues" to have feeling....


I'll take a well rounded rock guitar player over a blues guitar player any day of the week.... But that's just me

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I dont know :-k


I just cant get in to 1-3-5 "blues" guitar soloing.... To me it all sounds the same, and repetitive...... So how can it have feeling when the same licks are being played over and over and over again [confused]


It doesn't have to be "the blues" to have feeling....


I'll take a well rounded rock guitar player over a blues guitar player any day of the week.... But that's just me

If it's being played well, they're not the same old licks. Just like with any improvised music, it may start out with some familiar "Recycled" licks just to get the conversation going, but if it's working Blues should come off different every time. And I don't see it like "This music has feeling and this one doesn't", it's the musicians that endow the music with soul, not the other way around.


and, I'm sure you knew this, it a 1-4-5 progression. [flapper]

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I think Yngwie's one of the best guitar-slinging entertainers.....


Pretty cool live. He's all over the stage.


A far cry from Satriani whom just stands there and moves to his music....Which isn't a bad thing at all, mind you.


Now, I'll always be a musician first and an entertainer second, but showmanship is important sometimes. (I try to be entertaining....)


It's true.


So I guess that means that Yngwie sold out. He should have been on your list in the other thread [biggrin][flapper]

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Blues came from being oppressed and having a life full of trouble's (mostly a man in jail). Jazz came from small marching bands parading the street's. It is a good compare as the early marching band (Jazz style) was always played at funeral's in the form of a dirge. That would be where the likenesses end. [thumbup]

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So I guess that means that Yngwie sold out. He should have been on your list in the other thread [biggrin][flapper]


Haha I forgot to laugh.....


Being a good showman (albeit while being a master of your instrument) has nothing to do with selling out.


Rush is pretty entertaining live. Does that mean they sold out? No way in hell!


Sure, maybe overkill theatrics (stuff that makes old school KISS and Alice Cooper look primitive!) indicate selling out, but not if it's genuine rather than smoke (no pun intended!).


All these so-called "artists" these days with the dancers and choreography are the farthest thing from genuine.


The Who were theatrical rock. But they didn't do it overkill. And if Pete's onstage antics weren't genuine, then I don't know what is.


While KISS kinda took everything to a different level (and became overkill later on), there's only room for one of those. I could never have all of those pyrotechnics and makeup and stuff.


I'd rather have a nice light display, maybe a couple of props, but most of the theatrics are the musicians themselves (much like The Who!). I tend to act like a goof onstage.

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I'd rather have a nice light display, maybe a couple of props, but most of the theatrics are the musicians themselves (much like The Who!). I tend to act like a goof onstage.


....before emerging from a chrysalis and then slaughtering a couple of dwarves. [scared]




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Jazz is blues plus swing plus improvisation, according to Winton Marsalis. So certain aspects of blues are obviously part of jazz, but jazz is more than but not limited to blues.


Somebody see if they can find a clip of that guy Malapropism, or whatever his name is, playing in a shuffle rhythm mixing chords, double stops and lead work all at the same time like SRV. That'll be a start. If he can't do that, then he needs some lessons. [sneaky]

That's not fair. That's like saying SRV needs to take lessons because he cant rip through the mixolidian scale from nut to 21st fret. Yngwie just played a little blues, he didn't try to take the mantle as "Greatest Bluesman Ever". And hopefully you don't have to be as good as SRV before you can play the blues.

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I dont know :-k


I just cant get in to 1-3-5 "blues" guitar soloing.... To me it all sounds the same, and repetitive...... So how can it have feeling when the same licks are being played over and over and over again [confused]


It doesn't have to be "the blues" to have feeling....


I'll take a well rounded rock guitar player over a blues guitar player any day of the week.... But that's just me



1-4-5 blues is my bread and butter. The better guitar players make it interesting.

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