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Proper eBay etiquette

J-200 Koa

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Saw this eBay auction which claims to be a True Vintage SJ-200. It

is obviously not. Is it worth reporting?



I usually contact the owner if the guitar is misrepresented. How he responds determines whether or not he gets reported. People on this forum watch ebay like hawks, and frequently several of us will jump on the same seller at the same time, totally independently of each other.

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I doubt that guy knows anything about guitars. His photos make it abundantly clear what it is. The text is probably just copy paste off a website. No one is going to get burned on that. It's not deliberate and the label says exactly what it is.

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I have the same question. The true vintage part i assume?

i thought the same thing but i think the seller thinks it's true vintage not "True Vintage". or, maybe i'm naive and he's trying to roll someone for a few shekels. either way, i'm safe. as far as reporting it? i don't think it's egregious. might be worth a note to the seller. as always, caveat emptor.

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It doesn't hurt to say something.


If the seller isn't aware, it's entirely possible the buyer won't either.


"Correcting" someone doesn't always have to mean calling them a crook or accusing them of something. In most cases, when someone is mistaken, they are appreciative and don't take it wrong, even if it means it's worth less than what they thought.

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