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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. None. I play acoustic. Gave up electrics when Henry got the boot, so since then I haven’t looked at what pickups cost cause there is no need for me to do so. I can go down to guitar center and go into the acoustic room and there are guitars that cost $299 and guitars that are $2799. I am sure I can go online and find pickups for dirt cheap or get Lollars (which I remember when I was into electric's) were expensive. The whole range is there.
  2. It never used to be like that. Are we still blaming a stupid cold/flu/disease we barley hear about anymore?
  3. It was supposed to be Frank’s first ever digital live recording. I guess there was growing pains back then. Damn I only listened to it on Spotify. Now I’m not getting it. Mudd Club on Spotify was terrible, so the vinyl must be a turd.
  4. Can’t. I cannnnn nought spkelll evier. I don’t know his name. It’s Big (something).
  5. Nope. It’s easy. Rios are killer pups.
  6. Yep getting nuked. In 1, 2 and . . .
  7. Ted Lasso was funny. Season 3 is how every show is on Earth now. There just have to have gay characters to conform.
  8. I tried watching the one with the degenerate drunk Dad that the US redid on HBO or Showtime. The UK one was better but after 3 or 4 seasons I got bored.
  9. Which ever one was the first one Spain maybe?
  10. I watched one or two episodes. It was meh.
  11. I saw a few Extra’s episodes. It was okay. I need to revisit it.
  12. The original Office was 200x better than the dumb American one.
  13. I saw one whey they went on as you say - holiday. I’ve seen the dark haired guy with glasses in another show.
  14. In-betweenies was funny. Spelled wrong.
  15. There was one show where a girl was trying to be an actress and she couldn’t drive and took driving lessons. That was good. The thing about Brit Comedy is they don’t run it into ground. 3 to 6 seasons and they end it. The one where the guy was an ex roadie and now he’s an exterminator was funny. Gavin and Stacy was funny. Coupling was good.
  16. I like bits of Might Boosh. I remember the one where the one guy was gonna fight a Kangaroo. I think there was one episode where they were stuck on an island . That was the first one I ever saw. The IT Crowd was funny. The sexiest boss made me laugh.
  17. Congrats. Um you know the drill. Well . . . we’re waiting?
  18. I saw that on the recommendations to watch, now I definitely will.
  19. I’m sure I need to see that.
  20. Aren’t all Blue Ray players reverse engineered to play BR’s, DVD’s, SACD’s and CD’s. I have one. Bought it at Wally World for about $65.
  21. Wasn’t Beta better quality than VHS?
  22. I’ve seen a few episodes of Only Fools And Horses and remember it being really good. Black Adder was hysterical.
  23. They are hit and miss at times. But when they are on they are on.
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