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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. So if anyone cares here is the set list for the show at the movies last night. It was picked due to supposedly to be the best show of that tour. I would hate to be at the worst. It wasn't bad just not that stellar. I would give it a B-. When they came out for the second set, Jerry looked like he was free basing back stage. Soldier Field, Chicago, IL (6/22/91) Hell in a Bucke Shakedown Street Wang Dang Doodle Friend of the Devil Masterpiece Brown Eyed Women Let It Grow Foolish Heart Looks Like Rain Crazy Fingers Playin' in the Band Terrapin Station drums space Dark Star (not all of it just a bit) Playin' Reprise Black Peter One More Saturday Night The Weight
  2. I saw it about 7 years ago. Buddy Guy I think was on the train too. Them Canadians thought the bands should play for them for free. Oh let me ask you a question do you go to work and not ask for a pay check? I’ll bet ya don’t. That’s those musicians jobs.
  3. Here’s my take on cops. You jump in the squad car with them, and go on a ride along and see what they are really up against. Any of you tough guys here want to take on some nut job whacked out on Angel Dust? I’ll bet one night doing that, and you will see what they really do differently. My first wife’s brother was a cop. And a guy who was dusted broke his jaw after resisting arrest.
  4. I’ve only heard a song or two from them. We’re they in that movie where The Dead, The Band, Janis and others went across Canada in a train right after Woodstock?
  5. Edit: https://www.guitarworld.com/news/bernie-marsden-gibson-les-paul-the-beast-sale-update
  6. I guess he has bills to pay. The site says it doesn't keep guitars that are sold up after purchase. I am sure that is why we are not seeing it. Congrats Jim Irsay or Joe B.
  7. Tonight is the night. My wife is not a Dead fan, so she is not going. I think I'm going to take my self out to dinner to Wahlburger's. Haven't been there is a while.
  8. You own the place? Looks empty?
  9. If you have to justify Gibson's prices they may not be the brand for you. Their prices are not going anywhere but up and an always have and always will. Everyone is raising prices on guitars not just Gibson. How many people have said to themselves, "man if I only bought that new '59 LP Standard back then when they were $________, I could sell it for $_______".
  10. There is a reason one is $700 and one is $3000. Its like comparing a Pinto to a Lambo. Both will get you to work, but one is much much cooler.
  11. They just make another cartoon one. And I am sure Disney is already on the next live action remake of an old classic. How about Lady And The Tramp, or The Aristocats, or Fox And The Hound?
  12. People are pouring in here to SC. In a few years this place is gonna be unbearable. And tourists season just started.
  13. It’s 82 degrees here. 4000% humidity and it’s been raining on and off for a few days and will do the same for the next few. Wish it was 65 degrees with 30 % humidity.
  14. Styx did and named an album after it.
  15. So it doesn't just rain there all the time? Must be one of those Urban Legends.
  16. You in FLA yet or still Jersey?
  17. If I'm gonna own a Tele its gonna say Fender on it. And I have owned at least 4 Tele's.
  18. I think they only made 4 and sold 2. They should have ran over them with Excavators like they did with the Firebird X's.
  19. They should make a double neck and name it a Flying W.
  20. I think they have a King again for the first time in a long while.
  21. Yeah my 2 CD set of W A - Argus is out for delivery.
  22. And then there is almost every guitar maker that doesn’t make theirs with round plastic backs.
  23. Sadly he rode off to the Rodeo. If you were a member of The Wreaking Crew you could hold your own and then some.
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