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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I can’t even afford used stuff anymore.
  2. So what’s the problem? You want me to come to your house, and write something with a Sharpie in your pick up cavity, I can?
  3. He should have been G U’s mascot.
  4. Them college kids are throwing elbows under the rim when rebounding. And as the Buffalo said in the commercial you gotta Box Out. It’s fundamentals.
  5. The Rite Of Spring caused an uproar when Stravinsky debuted it. The novel Naked Lunch by W S Burroughs was banned for a while after it came out.
  6. Remember driving a car and turning left is a sport. Ok they do it at high speeds. To me sport has a ball or a puck and you have to do it against an opponent or a team. I can go golfing by myself that’s an activity, but I have to play tennis against somebody.
  7. Get the one Lemmy would approve of, it matches the bridge.
  8. I hope that was on one of Lemmy’s acoustics.
  9. What did it look like before it had a tan line? Show off the Rosette. The CNC Machine worked hard to rout that.
  10. The Leatherman I carried in my pocket was more useful than the new Ensign’s that checked onboard.
  11. Question? Did the South ever rise again? Asking for a forum member who is shy. Richmond a town so good the South burned it themselves during the last American soil fought War.
  12. No terrorist is coming here to learn how to make a bomb or to discuss the existence of ET (he was cute alien). They’re coming here to find out about their guitar’s serial numbers, and what guitar picks, and what strings they should use on a J-45.
  13. I do not miss saluting clowns just because they went to a military academy and earned a degree. I earned mine while I was in, but no one saluted me. When I was a chief and a senior chief, and I had to deal with Ensign’s (O-1), most of them were stupider than my E-3’s.
  14. So it wasn’t that John Phillips Sousa guy?
  15. Is this supposed to be a family friendly forum? Well sure it is but any 10-year-old when their parents are gone within three clicks of a mouse, they can be on porn sites, and look at the median age of the mostly dudes here, we’re probably all in our 50s or older.
  16. So I’m the only one watching. The rest are busy contemplating a Ted Standard?
  17. Tonight is: Illinois vs U Conn Clemson vs Alabama RBS, Clemson is not a cheese either. And Scales, Clemson is a college in South Carolina.
  18. NBA, NHL, Baseball and NCAA B Ball I do not watch till the playoffs or the tournament.
  19. Nope The Bulldogs. https://gozags.com/sports/2018/6/12/ot-mascot-html.aspx
  20. If I was Stephen Stills, I’d write a song about her. I need to listen to her Wildflowers album.
  21. Next weekend it’s 4 teams. So 2 games. Then the Final Game of 2 colleges. This is a win or go home tournament.
  22. My all-time favorite is when people come here and ask what guitar they should buy? Well,it’s your money money obviously get the most expensive one with the most bling on it. Look even the Disney channel has cuss words on it now. Mickey Mouse droppings F bombs.
  23. It’s a Sunbeam. Good stuff. The heavy duty mixer that I have is a KitchenAid, but the Sunbeam ones are more futuristic looking. I will post its serial number shortly and we can discuss if their is a 4 in the number string and what that secretly means.
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