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Sgt. Pepper

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Posts posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. 2 hours ago, duane v said:


    So it took this fellow 5 years of hosting this event to come to this realization??? Seems pretty disingenuous to me. Where was he three years ago??? Oh I know he was cashing those big checks the industry was paying him...... yes that same industry that he’s been a part of and accepting big paychecks from the last 6 years.

    I would had respected him more if he had said.....

    “I’ve been part of this machine that has marginalized and abused woman for years and I have allowed myself to become a candidate for the same mediocrity that has become an awful norm in this industry, so with that I will donate all the money I have received from this industry for abused women.”

    Its sad that industry in Hollywood eats its own, I feel for the women  and I'm sure it has happened to men too, that get taken advantage of, but on the flip side do you think that there has EVER been an actor or actress go up to a producer and say "I'll do anything to be in your Movie, TV show, Commercial ect."  I'll bet the answer is YES.

    And like a rotten song on the radio. If you don't like what he is saying turn it off. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, rct said:

    Dag Yo.  You are moving them fast, that's great!


    If it sells I'm keeping only 4 and that is it. I've said that before, but man on man. What an axe. I saw my D-35 today. Went to the store to get a box to ship the D-18. I touched it and left.

  3. 32 minutes ago, duane v said:

    The Beatles were my music teachers, as I’m sure some  of these great actors are teachers for up and coming actors. I’m not ashamed to say I looked up to them in my youth or in my old age, despite their beliefs or miscues.... Nobody is perfect.

    I’m sure they all worked their butts off to get where they are today.... Like them or not, I’m sure a magic Jeanie just didn’t show up to them in the middle of the night and gave them the ability to be world class entertainers overnight..... and the same for this Ricky character despite his misplaced self absorbing monologue.


    Your right. But in this day and age I'm sick and tired of people who I don't know and don't know me think I'm to stupid to make an informed decision on my own. I got the job I work at without anyone from Hollywood or a musician, graduated college, served in the military, got married, had kids, bought and sold guitars, all without their help or advise. If you want to listen to them and take their advise you are more that welcome to. I'm not interested. You can't turn on the TV without it being rammed down our throat. So for someone in the business to call them out, makes me smile. Even if he is one of them.

  4. 4 minutes ago, duane v said:

     Beatles did the same thing

    I was 4 when they broke up so I did not get to hear any of their yapping. I just listen to them. Love their music but none of them were nice people. Paul maybe the nicest of the bunch, but they all did bad stuff to each other and cheated and other stuff. I don't think they are angels, just people who made music I like.

  5. On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2020 at 10:52 AM, Pinch said:

    Never was a big fan, but the songs I've heard from it were better than I expected!

    If you have one Tool album, it is pretty much all you need. I would take Undertow out of all of them or Lateralus.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 minute ago, tx-ogre said:

    I quit paying attention to anything the Hollyweird types had to say a long time ago.   They’re nothing but a bunch of halfwits who’s claim to fame is earning a living to pretend to be people they’re not.  They ride around in limousines and fly around in private jets with their entourage of sycophants, at the same time lecturing the “unwashed masses” on what they should think and how they should live.   Nothing but noise.

    Agreed whole heartedly. And don't get me started on Bono.

  7. 22 minutes ago, duane v said:

    Actors, musicians, politicians and activists with a big enough stage to pontificate will voice their views in hopes of receiving some support whether it is blind or going in with eyes wide open.

    My thing is where was this Ricky character a month ago.???? He could have said the same thing but didn’t, which makes me question his sincerity.  I’m sure that $1,000,000 check for hosting the show was the main factor in him not saying anything prior.

    High profile musicians and actors are pretty much cut out of the same cookie cutter. I enjoy them for their talent and hard work, but I don’t focus on their personal beliefs.


    He was on the original English - and IMHO the better and funnier The Office. He is English too and has a carrier. He's been in movies, TV and does voice overs  and stuff like all the actor types do. He has a show on Netflix as he alluded to and as he said it go picked up for a second season.

    Your an actor, your job is being a fake person and getting paid for it. So your area of expertise is acting not politics. If you want to be in politics stop what your doing and run or office, if not shut up and stop telling me what I should or should not do. I'm 53, got my self this far in life without listening to what Bruce Springsteen or any actor wants to shove down my throat.

    Also he has been hosting just what we need another awards(The Golden Globes) show for rich people for the last 5 or so years, but I am sure he is not next year.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 49 minutes ago, brad1 said:

    Somebody needed to say it.

    I'm just saying...

    Exactly. He was spot on. None of those rich windbags are in touch with reality. They get told how great they are all day long and I am sure they believe it. They live a totally different life than we do. At least he had the cohune's to do it. How about Sharon Osbourne. Correct me If I'm wrong but isn't she English. And she is over here on an American TV show telling us why we are good or bad and expressing her view on a show called The Talk. Go back to England and talk smack about the country you were born in.

    • Like 2
  9. 12 minutes ago, duane v said:

    I dunno...... 

    To me if one feels they have to be vulgar and graceless to be funny, then it’s not..... But to each their own. 


    He's a comedian. They have been doing it since people have been comedians.


  10. On 1/4/2020 at 11:27 PM, depreciated said:

    Hi Forum. Nice to meet you. Some time ago I purchased a 2013 Gibson Les Paul with Min-ETune. It did not come with a charger, so Gibson sent me a new one. I finally needed to charge it and my battery and charger seem to both have male components. I looked up the battery online, and it differs from mine, in that the battery does not have two "posts" like mine. IMG_20200104_215606_01.jpg.b053f4c235253049d0417cc91d4f3e85.jpg


    The charger and that "post" do not agree. IMG_20200104_220426_01.jpg.1b6dc4330441dc19c8b3f533a914c49f.jpg


    Have I lost my mind (OK perhaps), but what am I missing?



    It must need to slide into some changing base you don't have. And they just sent you to AC to DC adapter. Call them (Gibson) and explain your delema. Or is there a hole in the mini-tune for the adapter end where the battery is installed.

    Come on Big Bill there are at least 2 zingers you can get from my reply.

  11. Depends on what you need and how uber fancy you want to go. Here is what I got

    Fret Rocker - $10 and they can be had for cheaper

    Black Diamond File from hardware store - $10

    Furniture Sanding Kit with really fine grit from 1500 to 12000 Grit - $15

    110, 220 and 320 Grit Sand Paper - $5 pack at the hardware store. I stole some from work.

    Strait Edge Ruler 18" or longer- I got mine at Stew Mac. A little more expensive, but it will be dead strait. $50

    Nut Files - I got a nice set made in Japan - $80

    Feeler Gauge - Get whatever gauge you prefer for setting the height at the first fret for when you need to file your nut slot - $10.

    I only play acoustic to setting intonation is pretty easy the manufactured does that. All I have to do is sand the saddle to where I like it with 220 grit sandpaper.


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