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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Was a guy named Mike selling them? A pillow for your guitar, or a pillow for you with a picture of your guitar? I had a 'legitimate' one. My daughter got it for me, one desperate Christmas Present shopping event a decade ago. Sits on your knee, "C" shaped foam w a black zippered cover. Sort of like a classical guitarist would use to raise the smaller classical guitar. I think they came in 'large' or 'medium' size. Tried it out a few times - gave it up. Gave it away. To "GoodWIll" ! It would probably be ok if you were 7 feet tall and playing a 3/4 sized guitar.
  2. So ... Since you're running out of time - here's some ideas. Go to the retailer you purchased the actual Super Jumbo 200 from and get THEM to help you by loaning you one OR loaning you an Epiphone Look Alike Version. Phone around to Guitar Centers to see if they have any 'rentals' they would rent to you. And, less 'honestly' - go to the GC website for Used Acoustics and find one you can get shipped from wherever it is to your closest GC, pay for it as if you were buying it and, return it after the celebration. Find another new one that can be shipped to you before the ceremony, purchase that one and cancel the order with the retailer that screwed you. Consider a Different Iconic Model. The Hummingbird is as impressive visually and tonally. (Is that a word?). Get a photo of an SJ200 - bring it to some graphic designer place to have them make a life-like blow up. Like when people get checks from the Lottery. As a final observation - many of us here are retired. I think we could count on one finger those who got a brand new $5k guitar as a Retirement Gift. So, you're friend should be ecstatic if he just gets a copy of the Back Order Slip. G'Luck !
  3. Next you'll be claiming you like "What strings do you use?" threads and are saving up for a Pelham Blue J45. What have you done with the real Sgt. Pepper ? How about a gratuitous comment about "G Strings" !!???
  4. Agree. When even the experts here get tangled up in their underwear trying to figure out the difference between Historic, Vintage, True Vintage, '42, '43, Inspired By Gibson and Endorsed versions - just for one model .... it might be time to call the Marketing Department in out of the parking lot.
  5. Agree. The Pandemic handouts - so many varying forms and recipients - are what started the ball rolling. No need to 'print money'. We are almost cashless now. Except for small purchases - lunch money. Banks certainly got fatter with all this. All they need to do is take a small 'service fee'. Charge the vendor and the customer too !
  6. And earlier ... "Ten percent of you guys want anarchy and the other ninety percent want what they tell you to want. " Can I assume the 'anarchy guys' are in the 'life coach' group ? I'm assuming the 'dumpster sniffers' are in the 'want what they tell you to want' group. Some days, I wake up in different groups. Sometimes, all four at the same time !
  7. Agree - the guitar work on Zevon's "Carmelita" is among the best I've ever heard.
  8. I was waiting on Sgt. Pepper to elevate the discussion further.
  9. You should wade through the active thread “Saddle Lifting Out of Its Slot” and see if that doesn’t answer your question. Bit - Spoiler Alert - Yeah, it’s no right. Needs to be fixed. Could damage bridge.
  10. That is where mine is worn off. A bit more - part of the other flower. But after 15 years ... I think no one else notices it. The 'flubber guard' is thicker and has a protective layer on it I believe. I guess Gibson went back to the 'classic' version - etched and painted not coated. So, yeah - what you've got is 'normal' and, if you like the guitar otherwise, it'd be crazy to bring it back. A replacement would do the same thing. When I first noticed mine - I bought a static cling thick plastic sheet ('guitar bra' I think) which you cut to shape. I used it a couple of times. P/G remained fine after all, as I noted.
  11. Sorry to hear you feel your 'new' LG2 is not as 'tuneful' after the various adjustments. I'd sort of prioritize the issue you discussed in a concurrent thread - the leaning saddle in the bridge slot. From the photo in that thread, it looks ... not good. My observation then was to get it fixed as soon as you could. My observation now, that your luthier attempted to, but was unable to fix that issue, is the same - you should get it addressed, before tweaking other things like lowering the action. I'm sure it's a great guitar and there is someone out there who can fit a saddle to the slot so it isn't leaning forward like a big dog. Consider a tusk saddle. More consistent than bone though not what a purist might choose.
  12. I agree - paint should not have worn off after 3 weeks. Either it was poorly applied, or you had something unusual on your fingers, assuming you prop one or two on the p/g while fingerpicking. Is it worn off in that spot or in others where you don't touch or scratch it with a pick? As far as your choices - sounds like a return should still be respectfully considered by the retailer you purchased it from. There are, or at least were, a couple of small places on the engraved p/g's where the engraving was shallower and the paint wears off sooner, but mine is 15 years old and barely missing any - maybe 5%. How much is your's missing? G'Luck.
  13. Since we're re-hashing.... that TOTAL width spacing at the nut of a max of 1/4'' translates to less than the thickness of a medium pick between each of the strings. The nuances, for me, are about the same as whether I use a salad fork or a desert fork. 5 String banjo, as noted by Murf, takes about a minute to adjust to from guitar = BOTH fretting hand AND the addition of 3 finger picks. But, full disclosure, I have more practice at eating than picking. SANDwiches don't require a fork, either
  14. They could at least have the decency to squirt salsa on those noodles. Characteristics similar to music .. that's charitable ! As similar as ketchup is to Italian Pasta sauce. "Music should be felt, not heard." Otherwise -its' not music, it's noise!
  15. I think my ears are much more likely to 'go to sleep' than my guitars might, after sitting unplayed for a week or so. They absolutely need to 'wake up' every morning after 6 or 7 hours of dead silence. When I wake up, it takes me 10 minutes before I can understand what my wife is saying. So, either she's mumbling until she finishes her tea, or my ears are out of synch until I finish my coffee. And it's safer to assume the latter.
  16. Hunter Biden, Al Capone. .. . Americanisms. Like the term 'hijack' . Like the Bird Man of Alcatraz. I thought, here in "The Lounge" we were allowed to stray from pure guitar stuff to other things as long as they were not religious, political or fattening?
  17. Saw a documentary a few years ago - on the way sharks congregate around a couple of small islands in the South Pacific every year to await the Turtle Breeding Season. The poor turtles, having spent a year, swimming in the middle of nowhere, head to this island to lay eggs. But they have to get past hundreds of sharks waiting for them. Seeing a shark attack, kill and partially eat a large turtle is not for the feint of heart. The 15 minute film ended by cruising along the coast and showing thousands of dead. partially eaten turtles. Nature is a bytch. Don't know where the tortoise came from they used for hundreds of years, but that island would have been the easiest way to harvest it. Now, fortunately, it is illegal, and the carcasses sit there for the crabs and the gulls. Circle of Life.
  18. Not too significant - but this morning FOX TV NEWS has a crew in Bozeman. Specifically, in a restaurant there. Every Friday they send one of their lead interviewers/talking heads to the most popular breakfast place they can find in small cities throughout the country. I was impressed by the urbane-ness of the clientele and how nice the 'diner' was. My only frame of reference for Bozeman was watching Yellowstone. Not a sleepy cow town !
  19. Al Capone didn't pay his fair share - and got sent to Alcatraz. Special 'uniform'.
  20. One factor not mentioned - the evil, greedy capitalists, once they get all the money they know they can use, want something more elusive: Power and Control. Those feed the money-inflated ego like steroids. Sort of like the law of diminishing returns. After you have five beachfront mansions - OK, ten - you are sated. Ten Ferraris? Build onto the garage...? Nope. You still feel a need for 'more', but not more money or 'worldly goods'. So, Power and Control rush in to fill the vacuum. That suggests 'freedom' needs to be eliminated. OR, re-defined for that 90% BBPlayer mentioned. And, the only two ways to curtail freedom are with a gun or a pen. I disagree, btw, with that '90%. I'd guess it's only around 50% of the population (I'm thinking USA, wouldn't presume to understand other countries with different histories, cultures and values). But the scary part is - 50% or 90% - it doesn't matter. Because the 2 choices we are given every November - neither seems to have worked. "Will my team get to 51% this go-round?" Doesn't matter. It's almost like we're being played.
  21. I started playing around '63. I try not to think of the tortoise shell picks I may have had and lost. Along with baseball cards from the 50s. Comic books ...
  22. Yep. As Slimt noted, ladder braced means LG1. They came with plastic bridges so many were replaced w rosewood to match the fretboard. Common back then to use ssn or Drivers Licence number on items for ID.
  23. Dispute Morris claims was the final straw - was actually started by her. Jason Aldean's wife posted something that basically said "I'm glad my parents didn't change my gender when I went through my 'tomboy' phase." . Being married to the guy who hit #1 for "Try That In A Small Town", she got some flak. Most notably from Morris, who rose to the challenge and called Aldean's wife a 'skumbhag' on social media. (spelling masked to protect those so innocent they don't know what it means). Because she wasn't respecting LGBTQers. So, it's just another example of how our country is being divided. Didn't bother reading the FOX article - there's enough on this everywhere else. People taking sides based on the media spins. I miss the good old days - before 'social media'.
  24. If you have a police report documenting the theft, did that have serial numbers ? Even if it didn't - you can try, with family photos like Sparque suggested. One with you Dad with the guitars and amps and another with him and you. And/Or ... how did you determine that 'the stuff wound up in a police compound in Ely, Mn a couple of years later? Maybe 40 years later, under 'The New Normal' they'll relax their 'serial number' rule. But, as has been mentioned - by now, the stuff is probably gone. They would have had to make space for new stolen stuff.
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