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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Funny how we progress over the years. Start out as newbies frustrated with hurting fingers and buzzing notes, learning to tune without electronic tuners... . Then we get to the next level where we can play cowboy chords, maybe even read music. Then, hopefully an awakening - where we can enjoy our own music. Those who don't get there - quit, probably more than half who pick up a guitar. Then we might gig with others or join a group or even perform.... Finally, where I am and some here on this thread, re-discovering the joy of finding a new song and learning it from scratch. And just plain simple 'noodling'. To answer the classic question posed here occasionally: "How many guitars do you need?" When you've reached the peak, your peak, this peak, I think only one good one you can truly bond with. Like your friend - that old Labrador Retriever. With fond memories for the Pit Bull guitars you had decades ago - you remember Music is to be experienced, not just heard.
  2. If this is one of those "If you could only have one guitar..." First World Problems, I agree wholeheartedly with Anne. "Pick Me" Pick Me (Shrek reference).... the 185 will give you more depth of tone choices, playing styles than a J45. My 'opinion' is based on years with a J-45 Custom and and an SJ200. Assuming the 185's b/s are maple. Or to put it this way - if there were a fire here - I'd grab my SJ200 first. He who hesitates ...
  3. Saturn, they only have 5 stings (pronounced "Strangs) ... one is only half sized ! it should have taken you LESS time to restring than a guitar !!! AND ... are those turtles ears red from having to listen to blue grass ?
  4. Yep - Cabarete - a small town 10 miles East of Porta Plata. Nice week - winter as I recall. Got some nice pieces of amber.
  5. Gibson should have also hired a guy from Sherwin Williams. They come up with all sorts of cool color names. Rose Brocade... Dutch Tile Blue... Pineapple Cream... Tequila Sunrise....Oh, wait.
  6. Hyperbole. Yep. No burritos in the Dominican when I was there a decade ago - breakfast or otherwise. But 90% of the vehicles were mopeds. Men load their wife and three kids on them.. And use their moped, or motorcycle if lucky - to move their refrigerator to their new home. Mexico, of course, being proximate to the US, has a lot of cars. Most with the VINS scratched off. Never been ashore in Cuba - but they have a lot of nice US Classics from a time warp circa 1950s from the videos I've seen. Point being - none of those cultures pay much attention to traffic laws. And we're starting to move in that direction.
  7. Really nice color. Would have picked a different name. Caribbean Blue sounds better than Seaweed... Looks like Gibson has hired a paint mixer guy from Subaru.
  8. Speed limits are First World problems.: In Third World countries, the peasants ride livestock or walk - while their rulers ride Escalades. Sort of like when we complain about errant glue drops inside our $3K guitars. Traffic enforcement here seems to have become a thing of the past, along with people obeying speed limit 'suggestions'. Something tells me there are no burros or donkeys on that island - only Escalades.
  9. We have a granddaughter who is growing out of that phase. She wasn't half that bad. Just turned 12. I give her guitar lessons. From what you've described re. your 14 y/o niece - I would rather have a dog than a niece, granddaughter or daughter like that. Being from an older generation than her parents - I would not put up with that carp. it will only lead to her being a dysfunctional, anti-sociable person with no real friends or joy in her life. You might tell her now about the Lost Pony story. Might result in an awakening. G'Luck.
  10. Hey Jude - The Beatles Honky Tonk Women - The Rolling Stones
  11. It's been 7 business days since you sent the photos they asked for. I would assume you won't hear back until next year.
  12. SheepDog - although I've never worked in Marketing - I would have gone with Modelo Yellow instead of Urine Yellow. Just sayin'.
  13. Good Job ! One of the many things I look forward to this time of year is noodling Christmas Songs on my guitar. And hearing others like you actually perform them so well !
  14. Like a windshield, three options: Repair with glue, Replace it, or Leave it and see if it gets worse! I'm guessing wood, being the epitome of a product nature has made and man uses extensively, will sometimes show structural defects. 20 years? Even after 50 years: Sort of like people.
  15. So .. a one year old ate a candy bar and his diaper later was found to have a Baby Ruth ?
  16. Fortunately, in your most recent thread (Wood Splitting on Guitars Side) you indicate Gibson is being immediately responsive to the issue you discovered this week on your 2001 Gibson Bozeman Masterbuilt J160. I'm guessing Bozeman cannot have enough knowledgeable people standing by the phones to answer questions of 100,000 potential callers, some of whom may be the 3rd or 4th owner of the guitar. They have to have a 'process': first to determine if it is a Warranty Covered issue, so the caller is informed of their options in terms of getting the repair done locally, cheaper as opposed to having it done in Bozeman. I'm guessing the side is solid mahogany and would be easy to repair. "Stronger Than Before" is what we always hope for.
  17. Not familiar with the guitar- Isn't "Masterbuilt" an Epiphone product line? Those were solid wood, but I thought from Asia. Sounds like Customer Service was fully responsive.
  18. Dude. you're gonna crash this site with an offer like that. Sorry you've never found an H'bird you felt was a keeper. I've got a TV that is. I wouldn't give up on them - if you stumble across one hanging on the wall in a pawn shop - strum a couple of chords. And.... Check out the dusty old case and see if your name is on it !
  19. Similar experience - visited the Biltmore Estate in Asheville. Bowled over by the grandeur. Months later, we were able to process it and realized things like - their kitchen didn't have the capabilities ours did. Laundry was a major chore for them - not for us. They didn't even have Permanent Press clothes, let alone Velcro shoe closures. They had buttons on their shoes. The list goes on - cold and damp in many parts of the estate, only selected areas had walk-in fireplaces. Watching a series "Copper" on 1860s NYPD and the Irish who were drawn into it. If the 'quality of life' is only HALF exaggerated - I would never have survived there. Our well-loved "Greatest Generation" - was raised by a generation that was tougher, and made them tougher. Depression, WWI, etc. And, the generation that raised the generation that raised The Greatest Generation - was tougher still. Boomers, Millennials, GenX... we're heading in the other direction !
  20. In the other active "Customer Service Complaint' thread - the new Dove with the defect was replaced in approximately 3 weeks. So - I don't think it's Gibson that is slapping their customers in the face. Replacing a $3K instrument is a little more complicated than Amazon shipping out another tin of Popcorn and telling you you don't have to return the old dented one. And, obviously, it sets a level of expectations. One customer has an actual twisted neck and when he gets a well deserved replacement - another customer has buyer's remorse on a guitar with high action and wants his money back. PT Barnum, or WC Fields - You can't please all of the people all of the time.
  21. Hah ! May 28th ! But, apparently Digger is taking home the gold. Medal. Plated. Made Offshore. I remember the strange feeling - before I retired, being in meetings and looking around and realizing I was always the oldest person in the room. But, suddenly, I was the youngest person at the Shuffleboard tournaments !
  22. I was not active in guitar stuff in the 70s, life kept getting in the way of my 60s musicality. But, I'm guessing if I'd had the dinero, and time ... I would have jumped at the chance to own a "NorlinGibson'. The concept has been generally kicked about on a wider stage - that it is really 'Not Fair' to judge historical events and peoples based on current values, tastes, culture, and new scientific findings. Sort of like saying - "Why didn't Columbus buy Manhattan from the Indians before the Dutch West India Company did? "
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