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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. We live in a different time and place than the 70s now. Artificial Intelligence, et al. This performance is stellar. Comparing it to the original is irrelevant. How I hear and feel music I hear today is different than how I heard and felt it 50 years ago. I'm different. "The Times They Are A Changing". Daughter In Law in her 30s asked for a 'reliced' ball cap with 'rep' embroidered on it. We had to ask her ? She said it's a Taylor Swiftism for "reputation'. Peace, Out.
  2. When all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
  3. In the early 70s I worked for a company (Harris Corp) that moved its electronic chip stuff off shore. Barbados. Still assembled stuff in Florida, but got small components made much cheaper off shore. At the time, companies were awakening to the fact they could make more money if they did this. China was in the right place at the right time when Nixon opened up our relations with them in 1972 in an attempt to counter Soviet influence So was Walmart.
  4. Shipping - add another $300 !!!. I'm hoping that includes 'insurance'. Set-up is 'free' though.
  5. My pet peeve is when politicians are being interviewed and say "Let me be clear...." and then go off and around and never touch on any semblance of an answer.
  6. Good Luck - it's a beauty. Checks off many boxes for me ! Boxes, already checked off by 3 different guitars.
  7. Nowadays protesters don't decry tract housing - they call it "Affordable Housing" and insist it be built right next to the housing developments built to escape it. If I recall the lyrics - Malvina Reynolds also complained that the people living in the houses were also 'made of ticky-tacky. Not very 'Inclusive' by today's standards. As The Bard wrote: "Me thinks thou doth PROTEST too much." I never was a fan of the genre. More the folky folk songs - like Tom Dooley. Dula to the purists.
  8. Little Pickguards made of ticky-tacky. Flamenco guitars often come with a clear 'scratch plate'. Funny name in Spanish - rumpedaor or something. Not plastic, more of an adhesive film. You can also find 'electrostatic' film on the internet you can use if you don't have/want a pick guard - or you can cut and shape to fit over and protect your engraved p'g.
  9. We just power up our banned gas stoves and heaters. Media blows everything out of perspective: Riot in Walmart - lasts 10 minutes. But mostly peaceful protests in Portland, Seattle, etc. last three months. In other states, folks had already bought alternate power generators decades ago. One-third of my neighbors have them now. Probably be 4 or 5 years before they need them.
  10. You're a better man than I, Gunga Din. Good for you.
  11. $2,700,000.00 for a bottle of paint thinner and brush cleaner is a bit excessive. I buy mine at Home Depot for about $5.00. RBSinTo Curiouser .... what is your Go To, Kick Back drink? Not bourbon or scotch ?
  12. Dave F - did you somehow hack into my home camera? That looks just like me. On a good day. Re. the pick guard OP - in the past 50 years, any chemical might have been on someone's hands that touched it. If you're not the original owner, there's no telling what might have occurred. We know Insect Repellent safe for humans can wreak havoc with finishes. If it were simply 'age', then 90% of all pickguards from that era would be deteriorating - which does not appear to be the case. Regardless, unless you want to be on the cutting edge of another form of 'relicing' ', you might want to take it off and deep six it.
  13. Smoke three turkey breasts yesterday. Have to 'carve' them this morning, then head to youngest son's where 18 of us will be. Hope everyone here has a day devoted to family and giving thanks for all we have, and all we've been given.
  14. My mother lost her only brother in Saipan. Would never, ever buy anything made in Japan. As noted earlier, Japan's earliest products here were 'crap'. Became a cliche. But, we helped them turn their country around - and now they are an ally. And manufacture quality goods. Cars that make Detroit blush.
  15. I love it when a plan comes together. Key words in the OP ''Which would be better?" And he winds up with a Martin. I'm guessing next time he'll go to the Martin site and announce he really wants a Martin so he can get steered towards a ladder braced Gibson.
  16. Last week, Sgt.Pepper's Macallan - a rare 100 y/o bottle sold for $2.7M. A new record for a bottle of spirits. Four years ago, prices went up significantly on Scotch. A 25% tariff on single malt Scotch whisky exports to the United States is being introduced on Friday. The new duty is among measures being imposed by the US in retaliation against EU subsidies given to aircraft maker Airbus. Tariffs - would be nice if we saw them broken out or disclosed on things we buy.
  17. Yah. Brklyn. 25% EyeTie here. “You know” crept into every other sentence at times. The uniquest colloquial expression I’ve heard recently, similar in context and meaning to the OP’s. “Go ahead and”. Is ”I’m fixin’ to…”.
  18. Stihl power tools; Shinola watches.
  19. I thought TikTok was for women and children ... I guess the more things change the more they stay the same !
  20. Exactly. Unless it's coming from the other side of the planet, it makes you question the seller's judgement. (or even occasionally you see where the seller says he'll pay for shipping, but if you want it insured - YOU have to pay for that)
  21. Congratulations - hope it's a "Forever Guitar'. What made you decide on this model ? How long have you been playing ?
  22. If' you've had this issue looked at by 3 other places, including a reputable shop .... I too would have less hope going to a GC tech. BUT - you never know. He might be very experienced and you might hit him when he's not busy and highly motivated to solve the puzzle three others couldn't! I'm chiming in again because I remembered, after my first comment - I had a similar problem. on a 15 y/o SJ200. Came out of nowhere and went away after I changed strings and tweaked the truss rod (as . I'm sure that's been tried on your J45 already. G'Luck !
  23. I'm sure you've done this already - but there are good YouTube videos on the best way to seal and bond hairline wood cracks with SuperGlue. I'd make sure the crack was reasonably wide before inserting glue so it could get down there. Not to quibble, but I'd not put lemon oil in there before the glue. And I'd only sprinkle very fine dark wood dust on top when your done, not mix it in with the glue going down into the crack. And, I'd double check when I do string changes that the ball of the string is properly seated. And the holes in the bridge plate aren't chewed up or too large. Certainly shouldn't be in a 2 year old guitar. Sorry to hear this - the good news is you caught it in time ! G'Luck !!
  24. From the area of the bridge, disappears when you mash down hard on third fret 5th string, not evident if using finger instead of pick. My vote is that it isn't a 'sympathetic' vibration at a specific pitch but a delinquent fret way up the neck. I assume all the 'usual suspects' have been ruled out and you're not fretting any of the other strings - so it's a vibration of the string against one of the frets around 12, not visible to the naked eye - only ear. Maybe put a very thin piece of film/adhesive on those frets to see if it does anything good. You're right - It's a puzzlement !
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