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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Polishing with a compound, of course, removes some of the surface layer. Not enough to miss in your lifetime probably! Pure polish on the other hand temporarily fills in the scratches. Assuming it is brand spanking new out of the box, and not off a Guitar Center showroom floor and the scratches are yours - you need to decide if they are too small to bother with. Gibson guitar polish has, for me, seemed to permanently smooth out 'fine' blemishes without 'compounding' the nitrocellulose. Someone once opined it contained a small amount of nitrocellulose. As noted - that finish takes awhile to stabilize into a hardened surface. I'd guess a year, but others on here know for sure. Ask yourself if your previous gigger looked better or worse or wear and therein you will find a likely answer.
  2. My first instrument was the guitar. I started my journey by discovering the notes/melodies to a half-dozen songs - riffs or choruses - on my own. I played them ad nauseam, (like the Theme Song to the TV Show "Bonanza" (20th century precursor to 'Yellowstone') to the point my parents sprung for a couple of years of weekly guitar lessons. To me, 'music' is like 'language'. You can talk, and listen without being able to read. Two different 'mediums'. But, being able to read (and write) doubles your ability to communicate. The point, well made by Sparky, for 'music' - few of us NEED to be able to actually read (and write) music. Only the 'professionals'. But I would have never gotten to the point of being a true 'amateur' if I had not learned how to read music.
  3. We are exponentially more fortunate when it comes to healthcare than our grandparents. Spanish Flu at the turn of the century - they had no cure. Heat attacks? Couldn't predict them or prevent them let alone 'cure' them. Doctors were telling patients to eat bacon and eggs every morning for breakfast up until the 60s. I worked in a teaching hospital that had an internationally acclaimed heart program for 10 years and they never stopped research, improving quality and sharing their findings with other programs. You'll be fine, just look forward to how much better you'll feel this 4th of July than you did last year !! I had what would have been considered Major surgery 5 years ago - two different surgeons doing two different things at the same time endoscopically. Out in time to beat rush hour traffic home, and can't find the scars now. Wife, had lung cancer - lobe removed, out in 3 days. Fine still, 10 years later. Breast cancer 5 years ago, caught early through routine mammogram. Small lump removed - right as rain today. So - don't worry - be happy !!
  4. Loose nut? Get a smaller size boxers.
  5. Point well taken - you're right - some people buy them already beat up. Jeans with holes in them, etc. At the coast - you can buy ball caps with simulated Seagull Crap on them. I personally never bought any of those items new and beat them up to look beat up. Don't want the artificial wear and tear and age of my accessories to detract from what Willie Nelson sung about in "This Face of Mine" !
  6. After a moment of introspection - I think Duane Eddy was the reason I picked up my first guitar. As others here have said - he was light years ahead on that style. But - he's in "The Angel Choir" now.
  7. Is there a separate app for "Accessories & Lifestyle" ? For those here who don't have any Gibson guitars ?
  8. Yeah, mine is "difficult to understand" not in the sense of logic or complexity of facts - but of human nature.
  9. Saints impart sanctity on the 'relics' they leave behind. Guitar players impair 'mojo' on the guitars they leave behind, pass down or pawn. They don't recognize it as 'mojo' when they own the guitar - just normal 'wear and tear'. I can't think of any other material possession a person would intentionally beat up to make it more 'attractive'.
  10. Half-way through "Big Intel" Michael Waller Also tough sledding. Unsettling. Most books I can sail through. This one, I can only take in small bites.
  11. I guess I've found that I 'hear' the bass more in standard, but 'feel' it more when tuned down with a capo added. And, yep - easier to play - bend the notes esp.
  12. Great First Post ! Welcome to the GIBSON Forum. Maybe your Power Chord Beginner Songs are no longer there, because you're here and not there.
  13. FWIW - I was never a fan. But when I got a J45 with a firestripe - teardrop size- I really came to prefer it. Key though, is the blend. Having the colors in the p/g Not Contrast w/ the face and some clear spots where the actual guitar finish blends in. You're former blue 45 with the Texas logo on the white p/g was a home run, so keep experimenting with your 185. Until YOU'RE happy !
  14. Often, different things will flare up due to one catalyst. If the docs unlock the culprit - the principal cause - everything will fall into place. Remaining POSITIVE is key ! G'Luck John.
  15. Perfect description, rationale for tuning down. I've tuned my guitar(s) down a full step for these reasons. It does confuse some other guitarists you might be playing with.
  16. I've read here that Music Villa in Bozeman is as close to a Factory Outlet as you might get. People who have gone for Forum Organized FactoryTours seemed to gather there and many made purchases of exclusive Gibson acoustics while there. Don't know if those Forum Member Tours are still organized - they weren't 'sponsored' by Gibson, or anyone afaik. G'Luck.
  17. He stole that from me: First time I ran away from home.
  18. Sparky, Holy crap! . It looks like I left a 'y' out of my signoname. Wonder if that will be easier to fix than setting up an avatar? BTW, I don't pick my own ears. I have people that do that for me. A professional. "But I'm only a Proctologist." I think I heard him say.
  19. Classic movie - great line was "The new phone book is here! The new phone book is here!'' He thought he'd reached fame and fortune because his name was in print. I don't think they bother making phone books anymore. Last one we received was only an inch thick and plastered with ads for lawyers. Even on the cover.
  20. Yeah. They are more sophisticated for want of a better word. Another artist gone too soon.
  21. Pioneer high school ? Sounds like it needed a name change as well as a teacher change. Equal Opportunity Offender.
  22. "The City of New Orleans". I wouldn't call it 'work, because I enjoy it. And I do it when I feel like it. No rush. Funny how a song you've 'heard a million times' suddenly attracts your attention. I assume it's not because the song changed, but because my musical taste/appreciation has. Last one I learned was from the musical "Hamilton". I have no idea what inspired me to tackle that one! "You'll Be Back". My problem (one of them) is that I've taken a vacay on keeping up on the playlist of songs I had nailed - for a couple of years. And they're starting to get fuzzy. I need to change my attitude and not let little things like cutting the grass get in the way. Since I have a small, captive audience of a wife and 3 dogs - there is no real 'fan appreciation' factor.
  23. I was born in a log cabin I helped my father build. As you can see from my avatar, I've got nothing else to contribute here. Had a nice avatar, but it disappeared during some system update.
  24. After a panoramic dental radiologic scan of my head, my dentist told me I had unusually large sinuses. Approximately 3 decades ago, it just occurred to me he may actually have been suggesting what took up the rest of the space in my head was unusually small.
  25. I am glad you are coming out of the fog. That is the only way I can describe the mental anguish - it is real but you can't touch it. Can't escape it - it surrounds you, covers you. BUT it will lift and the sun will shine again. Absolutely. You have to realize that you can make it happen though. And your wife would want you to. Just like she'd want you to smile every time you pick up that JP.
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