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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. On a more positive not - the p/g does perfectly align with the rosette inlay. And, firestripe is my favorite color !
  2. I keep mine out, and they rarely will need a tweak on 1 or 2 stings. Always in the same direction - maybe as much as 1/8th of a twist of the tuner key. Usually, even if played for a couple of weeks, they are still in tune. I agree w/ suggestions above that it is more likely the humidity and temps causing variations than the wood going to sleep. You note it starts out a tad sharp, then after you tune it and play a chord - it sounds fuzzy and flat , and the electronic tuner now reads flat ! I've noticed differences between my electronic tuner (clamp on headstock) and the iPhone app tuner, the later being more accurate. But I've never gone and re-checked the tuning later to see if, after tuning and playing, if the guitar was still in tune. Because, as I said, it invariably would be a week later when I picked it up again. What kind of tuner do you use? Is it set for 440hz and 'guitar' ? Strange.
  3. Amazing rendition of two songs. I heard a Chet Atkins recording of the blend - got the tablature... Decided I'd stick with chewing gum and walking ! Sort of funny how similar the two songs are ! Great, thanks.
  4. A fair question. When I got my mint H'Bird TV - either the Original Purchaser, who only kept it a couple of days before returning it, or Guitar Center, kept the desirable "Cali Girl' case and substituted a high-end TKL. (They told me up front, and I had no choice - I was interested in the guitar, not the case.) In your case (pun intended), I would think the Original Issue case would have somewhere the word "Gibson'. Either sprayed in gold paint on the outside of the case or on a pull tag on the string compartment lid inside. Usually both places. I am guessing you don't care where the TKL case you received was made, but the opposite - what case came with the guitar originally, so your sending a photo of the case you DID receive, won't answer which case SHOULD have come with it.
  5. Curious - how is the ebony fretboard holding up? Any divots?
  6. San Antonio was 'beachfront property' several million years ago. Before my time.
  7. I'm thinking 'you can never go back'. Becky Thatcher and Injun Joe (pc warning!) have been replaced by Princes Leah and Darth Vader. Norman Rockwell by Hunter Picasso. Have driven by Samuel Clemens stately home in Hartford. No Whitewashed Fences anywhere - basically a mansion !
  8. Turned out he was a 2nd cousin not a 3rd... - wife did some'ancestry research'. We heard his name read off at the commemorative service yesterday morning, watching on TV. 22 years ago - When I was a kid in 1963, I thought Pearl Harbor was ancient history. Obviously it was real and recent and painful to our parents. Maybe in another 50 years, there will be people claiming 9/11 never happened like the Holocaust. I read some comments on a different site where people are claiming it wasn't a commercial jet liner that hit the Pentagon, but a missile. Pffft!
  9. I don't think earthquakes are in the Top Ten of things we have to worry about as a country. Maybe we should have a "National Honey Do" list. Don't put earthquakes on it until science figures out how to prevent them. Would be like my wife telling me the tree in the front yard needs to be twice as tall. We can put tougher building codes in place to withstand stronger earthquakes, but that is as likely as me telling Mrs.40 she just needs to be half as tall.
  10. My thoughts exactly. An old Masterbuilt.
  11. Jeeesh. We have an LG reefer. Never suspected the water filters being bogus. I get ours at Lowes. Where did you buy the counterfeits? Do they 'work' ? I just read some fake ones are filled with newspaper. I guess I'm living in an alternate universe where the FDA, FBI or some Federal Agency screened things like this coming into the country and put an end to them. I don't care if someone knowingly buys a fake Gucci bag or Rolex - but not something contaminating instead of purifying the water we drink.
  12. DR, I feel your pain. I only have 3 guitars, but they're all 'top shelf' and I need a 'nice beater' I can feel comfortable with - like a worn out pair of Levis - playing on the back porch when the temps and humidity aren't perfect.
  13. Dave, Nice RK.... also, nice guitar stand. Is that a re-purposed church pew, or is my Sunday Morning Coming Down on me for sitting in bed ?
  14. Yes, we'd like updates. Looks like it's already in almost new condition inside and out ! Drive it like it's stolen !!
  15. I was in a training session with 20 or so others being put on by the HR Weenies. They gave us updates. We spent the entire lunch break glued to the news. They re-convened and completed the training around 3 pm. We felt they were as stupid and clueless about everything at that point. Very disappointed. I had a 3rd cousin on my mother's side (Lynch) in the NYFD who didn't make it out that day. Another cousin driving in to The City, worked at the Twin Towers, saw the plane hit while crossing some bridge, turned around and went home. Remind me of that Revolutionary War song "The World Turned Upside Down" part of the music un-earthed for "Hamilton". Michael Lynch, apparently was substituting for a fellow firefighter that day.
  16. It's important, I think, for a company in this type of business, to offer modified products that signal superior quality capabilities. Not just improve bottom line by selling a few hundred more items at a higher margin, but interest potential buyers of your most popular models in the standards versions, having planted the seed that they are closely related to the upgraded ones. Sort of like "Hey, if we paint a couple of these J45s Pelham Blue instead of sunburst - we'll sell a couple more." Neither marketing ploy causes the J45 I bought 6 years ago to sound worse, look different or be worth less if I want to sell it. And, the difference in tone between the models (J45, H'Bird, SJ200, et al) offers a sonic choice whether MLs or just in the Standard product line. Why not just make only ONE MODEL of guitar? Is the J45 the most popular? In sunburst, with mahogany? Mass produce them. Don't make H'birds or SJ200s - they're too expensive. One size fits all. More power to the folks who can and will buy the MurphyL ab guitars.
  17. Our 3 dogs take up a whole lot of my spare time!
  18. CD player stopped working in my 2011 Taurus last week. Now I have to decide if I get it fixed or just use Bluetooth from Spotify on my phone. Was the only place I listened to my CDs. Liked having the option. Sirius and the Radio are non-starters. Problem is - I'm always worried when you bring a vehicle in for something to be repaired, you risk them screwing up something else.
  19. DDan, Did the concert promoter say how he heard you had a great sounding guitar?
  20. Guys have bigger belt buckles. At least they use to. (Is THAT safer to say?)
  21. Wowsers ! Molly Tuttle may not have a 'signature model' w/Gibson - but this video endorsement ad will add more credibility than one. Looks like the J45 had 'crazing' in the lacquer on the face. They sounded like they all had brand spanking new strings. But - the tone was super-impressive. Expensive? Yep. Prohibitively so? Yep, for 99% of us. But - they are shooting for quality here, not quantity. If I won the lottery (unlikely since I don't play it) I would buy one of each. And then hire a 'music teacher' !
  22. Wow! Cool story! She is a great singer. Was more rock/pop in ‘06. When her hit “Nothing But The Water” came out. interesting she requires a J45 but doesn’t bring one of her own. Travels light!
  23. Yeah, but by .02" !? Pffft. Went to a show last night - Floore's Country Store. Robert Earl Keene Fan Appreciation ... He came on around 9:30 but had a dozen acts before him starting at 6pm. I was really surprised - the majority of the performers used acoustics with only 3 exceptions: one used an electric guitar, one an electric base and one a Standup Acoustic base ! Of the acoustics, most were were Gibsons. A couple of 'also rans' of course, but I counted a J45, an H'Bird, an SJ200 but the surprise was THREE Southern Jumbos ! Don't know why the Murphy Lab one is in Rosewood, thought they were traditionally Mahogany.
  24. Good everything - ad, price, humor and -best of all a great cause that doesn't have to be babied. For the price, I'd scarf that up ! I have a TKL that looks like it's a similar model. Built like a tank. Good 'under the radar' case emblazoned with "Ibanez' so no one thinks about stealing your First Act inside !
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