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Posts posted by saturn

  1. Nice. You must have a good reputation as an amp tech. Do you write your name up inside the amp somewhere just to leave your mark? 

    I like that one song she did. "This song is about the apocalypse. I hope you enjoy it" 😂  


  2. Sounds like you kinda have your pick of whatever you want to do. I'm not telling you anything you don't know, but to get good gigs you probably have to play a lot of that  pop music.  Girly or not. Years ago, I would not have seen myself playing stuff like Earth Wind and Fire but here I am.  

    Personally, I've been in two bands fronted by females and although they were great I would be reluctant to go back to that dynamic.  Good luck whatever you decide. 

  3. 7 hours ago, billroy fineman said:


    Been pondering this thought for the last 20 minutes, and I'm struggling with a finger picking version of Eleanor Rigby...  I got the first two parts down, but the 3rd part 'ohhhh, where have all the lonely people gone' is stumping me  - think I'll do the chord thing this weekend and at least see if I can make it end to end on the song.    seems like such an obvious thing, but I seem to miss the obvious a lot,  but appreciate the tip!

    If it was me, I'd first try just strumming along to the part. figure out if he's adding Sus notes or something like that. Or maybe he's playing an inversion or playing it somewhere different on the neck which might lend itself to certain hammer ons or pull offs. Once I know the basic chords and positions it makes it easier to then figure out techniques. 

    Just my way. Others might prefer another method.

    Oh. and BTW. I was just watching a Rick Beato video where he was talking about the Dorian mode.  Apparently it's used in Eleanor Rigby. 😎

  4. When I learn a song, the first thing I do is figure out what the underlying chord progression is. If it's just a riff song I still try to relate the riff to chords. That way I know basically what key it's in and that makes it much easier for me to work out leads or fills. I rarely attempt to get things note-for-note or get every technique of the recording .  I mainly go for the feel or spirit of the song. Or in some cases try to come up  with my own arrangement.   

  5. Nice job with the song and video. Good story you have.

    For me? I was an only child (adopted) and had to entertain myself a lot. I really got into music as early as I can remember. I had a record player in my room and would constantly play records. Went from kids 45s, then around 2nd grade started playing stuff like Cliff Richards,  Glen Campbell, Barry Manilow, Beach Boys. A little older and it was KISS, then Van Halen. By Junior high I was a metal head.

    Got a guitar about age 14 and took to it pretty quickly. At least the hand dexterity part. I was never any musical prodigy. I took some lessons for about a year. I walked to them. But then teacher moved a little further away and it wasn't until I started driving that I took up with him again. He really laid the basic foundation for me . I just noodled with guitar for years. Got married pretty early and had kids, but still managed to find a few minutes here and there to play a little. Some time in the early 90s I started jamming with some people from work. That eventually led to somewhat of a real band. From then on, a series of relationships, introductions, and chance encounters has kept me playing in various bands to this day. 

    I've never written much of my own material. Mostly I play covers or contribute to my friends original songs. 




  6. We still watch some regular TV.  Local news, occasional network shows. I like to watch Jeopardy after work. I watched Viking on History Channel. 

    On Netflix I've watched the shows Ozark, The Ranch, Sex Education and some others.

    Now days I find myself watch more YouTube. Obviously a lot of music content. Also view several podcasts and live stream call-in type shows.    


  7. In today's climate, him and Neoconman wouldn't have lasted a fraction of the time they did back then. 

    I know it's not possible for Homz, but in theory I'd be glad to see them both back.  

    BTW. I'm kind of amazed that these old threads still exists and made it through all the different migrations and format changes of this Forum.

  8. 11 hours ago, rct said:

    Arranging an Epic Southern Rock masterpiece of One Way Out, get to the middle bit between Other Guitar Player and myself on slide but no, we head right into a slightly truncated Call Me The Breeze, which ends right back into the drum break and we finish One Way Out.  Like nine minutes of good ol' boy riffage and rusty guy slide playing.  It's really hard NOT to slide the OWO part in the CMTB part.  Fun stuff, all thanks to our brilliant bass player from somewhere in England, near Manchester, his idea.


    Good stuff. I play around with slide occasionally, but not confident enough to try it at a gig. I don't want to subject the people to sounds of a strangled cat. 

    When we do OWO I like to throw in the Moby **** lick on the turnaround. ( I said **** lick) [biggrin]

  9. Well, if you remember this thread...


    I finally got my Les Paul Studio Plus back. A month and  $180 bucks later it seems to be fine. Did a nice set-up on it too. Action is lower than I've ever had it, so I'll get used to that. Weird ho things work out. If I had never had to take my LP in for repair, I would not have seen that PRS amp on sale and bought it spontaneously. Now I have my LP back, a PRS guitar and PRS amp. BTW, I sold the Carvin yesterday for $500. My wife put it on her FB Marketplace.

    Here's the repaired Les Paul   



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  10. Played a nice acoustic gig tonight in Stevensville Md. . Really good crowd. We ended up getting sent shots of Tequila, Jagermeister  and vodka at separate times throughout the night.

    The only problem was having to cross Chesapeake Bay Bride during heavy wind advisory and terrible traffic. to get there. Drive home wasn't so bad.  

  11. 7 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    I had watched this before. Another of the 4 players made a follow up vid about his decision to change from 10s to 9s on several guitars and continue testing. I will do something similar.

    For all those that didn't watch the vid: It concentrates on differences in tone and definition. That is the point of it. I'm not going to try to convince you to watch it, but some comments here clearly show that they have misunderstood what the content is.


    I think Rick uses some hyperbole in his titles. It's more eye-catching. I sometimes do similar stuff here when I create a new Thread.  Rather than matter of factly stating what the topic is, make some cute little phrase. Doesn't seem as boring. That might turn some people off and they never even look at the content.


  12. I like Rick Beato and watch a lot of his videos. However I couldn't hear much difference in the string gauges in this video.

     IMO the difference is more in how they feel or play not so much the tone. I've used both .009 and .010 and probably even tried .011 on my old Strat back in the 90s. I've settled into .010 because I prefer to feel the string fight back just a little when I play and that seems to be a good compromise.  Not so heavy that it hurts but not so light that I barely feel them. Don't believe I've ever tried .008 unless maybe on someone else guitar.  


  13. 20 hours ago, rct said:


    Nice!  Been to the one up White Marsh for a couple of belts.  Nice set list.


    Damn. Just saw a FB post (someone sceenshotted it to me since I'm not on FB) that the the day we played there was the last day of business for them. Bar Louie abruptly closed 30 locations and that was one of them. 😲 Apparently White Marsh is staying open.

    We also play the Hunt Valley location. Haven't heard about that one. Hope our check clears from Friday night.

  14. Used it at the gig and everything was good. Much easier to control the volume than my Carvin. The Legacy is an awesome amp but works best at really large or outdoor gigs where the Volume can be cranked. Have to get used to Drive Channel being on the left, because it's opposite from my Carvin. Plus On and Standby switches are on back.

    I used amps channels for Clean and Drive for higher gain and used MojoMojo pedal for more of a slight overdrive.  Was very happy and think I will like it even more as I get used to it.

    Funny. When our band used to have another member, he had a PRS amp but I never took notice of the model. I see from an older photo that is the same as I just bought. Here's a photo of his stacked on top of my Legacy,


  15. At the moment, the closest thing I have is a Boss Katana. I keep it on Clean channel and use the Reverb. Any other effects, including OD I use pedals. All those other features go to waste.

    The only multi effects/modeling unit I've ever had and liked was the Boss ME50. I kinda wish I woulda held onto it. Even so, I still only used about 5 of the settings on it. I'm talking about at gigs and jams though. At home, I would sometimes fool around with a bunch of the models and effects. Not enough to justify keeping it I guess.        

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