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Posts posted by saturn

  1. Not to be pedantic, but 9.5 strings would be 9 and 1/2 inches thick.  It's .0095 and so on.. We call that 5 in the 4th decimal place (.0005) a half thousandth and it represents the thickness of about a sheet of paper sliced 8 times. Can't imagine there being any noticeable difference.

  2. 1 hour ago, rct said:

    Two steps down would be 1 step down to D, 1 step down to C.

    It's a 5th tuning, just the root and the 5th.  Capo at 4th and yer in E, 2nd yer in D.  Whatever they did, I don't know, not much of a CSNY guy.  I do own a capo so, yeah, just sayin.


    Duh. I was thinking 2 Half Steps. #-o C is corrct

  3. I'm not sure if we are supposed to chime in with our own guitar regrets here? :-k 

    Sometimes I regret that I've never been one of those guys who practices hours a day. I wonder how good I could be or get if I really worked at it? But i like doing things outside the house too much to spend hours inside practicing. Unfortunately you can't do it all. I guess I've always been the type to do a little bit of a bunch of things, rather than a whole lot of a few things. If that makes sense.   


    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Karloff said:

    hey, how'd it go at practice ? I was really contemplting one of these. hope you like it. 

    It performed great. I left the footswitch at home so I couldn't switch channels in the middle of a song too easy, but that was my stupidity. It has simple controls which I like and you can use your volume on the guitar to control the tone a lot.  

    The Reverb is pretty subtle. If you like a super amount then you might want to use a pedal for that. It's fine for me.    

    After a real gig when I add some pedals and play a wide variety of styles I'll know more. But so far so good. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, Karloff said:

    sweet. I was looking at them awhile back.  let us know how she does at a gig.

    That will be the real test. [cool] I'm going to use it at practice tomorrow night then first gig with it on the 24th. I'll let you know.

    • Thanks 1
  6. I was about to say that I only have 3 guitars and two of them are Les Pauls so there's not much to choose from. But then I remembered my recent PRS acquisition. PRS are known for their multiple tone options, but mine only has 2 humbuckers and a three way switch. No coil splitting or push/pull options. Other than the shape it's pretty much a Les Paul.

    So that leaves my Kokocaster. Basically a clone of Charvel Surfcaster. Has a  split humbucker at bridge and lipstick single coil at neck. And it's semi-hollow. I guess those features would make it more versatile than the others. 

    Having said that, I'm still most comfortable playing gigs with my Les Pauls. I think it's to do with their necks. 

  7. I've been contemplating selling my Carvin amp for over a year now. It's just too big and loud for what I need. And now that I bought the PRS amp, I really need to sell it. At 85 lbs, I really don't want to hassle shipping it, so that kinda leaves out eBay and Reverb.

    I put it on Craigslist, but all I get are scammy replies. One guy wants to give me cashiers check while his assistant handles the detail. Another says his mother wants the amp and can I email her to set it up. DELETE! 

     Anyone have other ideas? Thanks

  8. I took my Les Paul with the broken headstock into Ryan Fowler's to get an estimate on repair. Left the guitar there and walked out with a PRS amp. 50 watt Sonzera all-tube combo. Anyone want to buy a 100 watt Carvin Legacy? [cool]

    Now I have to get some playing in before Ravens game tonight. 



  9. I was on my way out of work heading to my gig when I got a text from someone telling me the news. Very sad and shocking. Local classic rock stations are playing RUSH all night.

    Hard to believe he passed on Tuesday and we just heard about it today.

    RIP Neil

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