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Posts posted by Murph

  1. If you read the entire thread, and every link in it's entirety, you'll see that GHS actually SAYs that the strings are designed by Gibson and not just their regular sets re-branded. The center core wire is a touch different as well.

    And I don't see any notice of Gibson owing D'Addario any money during the crisis, just GHS.

    I'm convinced by all of the evidence that the Masterbuilts were indeed made by GHS.

    Feel free to reach your own conclusions.

  2. 31 minutes ago, ThemisSal said:

    Funny thing... I bought a nice cowboy hat.  I figured maybe for music and gigs.


    I put it on, and my family guffawed. The berating and taunting would have immpressed Monty Python.


    Anyone want to buy a hat?


    I could never do hats. I tried a few times.

    Kept bumping into things.

  3. Around 1977 I had a 3 piece band playing in a very old club in Apache Jct. Az. ( East Mesa/Phoenix) I had played that same very popular club for a year or so with a very hot and popular Country band, but this was a Rock act. The place was packed, big established place and we were well received. I got a note on a napkin saying we were sounding good, but we were playing too many songs in the same key. It was signed Jerry Garcia.

    I had never heard the name Jerry Garcia, didn't know who he was. I mean, I had HEARD of the Grateful Dead, but at 19 I was into Skynyrd, Eagles, ZZ Topp, Foghat, Joe Walsh, you know. Didn't know the name, and didn't recognize him either. I took offense and announced to the crowd that Jerry Garcia was going to sit in and play a song, took off my guitar and waved him up. Nobody in the crowd knew who he was either, he got up and played something with my bass player and drummer. Whatever it was didn't work very well and when he was done he left.

    It was well over another year before I realized who it was, and decades before I realized the genius and passion for acoustic music of Jerry Garcia. However, I never forgot the advice and to this day will rarely play 2 songs back to back in the same key, and took great care on projects to avoid it as well.


    I didn't have enough sense to save the napkin. ( however, I own a 1962 Double Cut Twin Pickup Gibson Melody Maker that was once played by Jerry Garcia )

    • Upvote 4
  4. On 8/7/2019 at 12:15 AM, Tman said:

    Ride Captain Ride - Blues Image. I know I’ve posted before. Love the first solo.


    The entire production of this is great. The instruments practically come in one at a time and the drums even increase in participation until the first chorus.

    Very tasty song, an unknown gem indeed.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Just a comment. I never learned how to mess with tabs. Don't know how they work. Wasn't meaning any dis-respect, whatever it takes to learn a tune is fine with me.

    However, there was no way in hell you were gonna put a music stand with lyrics on a stage for a paying gig in Phoenix in the 70's / 80's. This would have meant you didn't know your songs and weren't "ready". I realize these days even the pro's use iPads and those fake monitors with lyrics. It just didn't happen back then. Not in the markets I played.


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