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Everything posted by Rabs

  1. I actually have all those tools above... But no I wont be doing with that... The traditional method would be to use whats called a thumb plane.. Tiny little planners.. BUT I will be using an orbital sander for most of it.
  2. Actually I think the board is 24.6 .. For which I may have to make a slight adjustment to the bridge placement.. We will see how it works out when the neck is on,
  3. Heres a question for you... To stainless steel fret or not to stainless steel fret.. That is the question 🙂 I got some of these as I had the thought of putting ss frets on. BUT I am aware of the said pros and cons of having ss frets... Most noteably I think is that they sound a bit brighter and I am not sure if I want that or not. Some also say that they will cause more wear to normal strings which I also dont really want. But in all honesty have no real idea if its a good idea or not?
  4. I use double sided tape... Some builders will screw it down and the screws go in the pickup holes so you dont damage the top.
  5. Yeah I wish that were my picture and I had got that far.. But its relatively simple.. Just absolutely make sure the template doesnt move, but thats the same for any template.... I have done some carves before but not a proper LP type.. My last ones looked like this To get the LP type you either need a cnc machine or to do it the way I am going to.. I have definitely decided to do a practice run first on some old bits I have lying around.
  6. No you use them to route around going up 1.5mm between templates... So you end up with something that looks akin to a topographical map.. And then you remove the corners of the ledges and end up with a LP carve...
  7. Cheers... Yeah I liked it too.. It simply came from, which way round am I going to put them.. I liked them both ways so did both 🙂 I think I am even gonna do a first fret inlay which is also unusual unless you have blocks.
  8. If you did watch it all (which I doubt) and cant see any talent in that. Then there is nothing any of us will say that will make any difference and its not even worth trying.
  9. Ohh.. I just found some more of those square snowflake inlay things.. Ordered 2 packs just in case 😄
  10. Wow.. Look at the top comments on youtube for that first video... Theres over 30,000 of them. Most of them thanking him for sharing a song that says everything they feel.. Its also been viewed over 10m times.. Thats some pretty powerful sh*t...
  11. Well I went to the workshop today.. And looking at my pictures it wasnt a particularly inspiring day. Not that anything went wrong but there was a lot of people there today and so, lots of waiting for machines and me just doing odd bits and bobs. I guess its cos I have kind of taken a step backwards that its left me feeling a bit underwhelmed rather than excited to share what happened.. Anyway. Here it is, New maple top. They only had this bit left so I had to do a two piece which is no issue. And new Sapele back The last time I did the routing for the back I was using my own router which doesnt have a hoover attachment. And man did I get some dirty looks as my wood shavings spewed from my machine 😄 So I was gonna use a workshop one but like the big machines they were all busy and I decided just to take it back to my own workshop and do it in peace where I can make as much mess as I want.. So that didnt even get done today (see what I mean). I also spoke to the guy who did the templates for me and hes gonna send me a new one for free as he said he happened to have a spare and I had also ordered the carving templates from him. Result Also I got a few other bits done. The fretboard is now the exact width it needs to be including 2mm off each side for binding (43mm - 56.5mm). Did that on the big disc sander (so much easier than how I used to do it) I also got on with the fret inlays.. Now, I used to do this with chisels.. Man, each one must have taken 20 mins or so at least to get right (especially on ebony). I know my hands wont take that so I went with the dremel route where you clear most of the space with lie a mini router. I have this base for the dremel and some mini bits. Man.. Why didnt I try this sooner. Each one must have take about a minute to do. I mean they are just roughed out, but getting these to the right size will be easy now. For the smallest inlay I needed an even smaller bit I also decided to start doing the inlays for the walnut board.. And had a moment.. The snowflake type I was going to use.. Couldnt find them anywhere... HOWEVER I did find some I didnt even know I had lol... They are like the snowflake ones but square rather than diamond shape. Then I had another idea... Change the orientation for every other one... Which I actually think looks pretty cool.. And of course after I had drilled all the holes, I eneded up finding the diamond shape ones 😄 So typical.. AND THEN, I swear, inlays are like pens or picks. They just go missing.. I had 10.. All of a sudden I had 8 and no idea where the others went and this was what the floor looks like. Spent soooooo long looking for them. Gonna have to order some more, if I can even find them again. I have had these for ages.. Hurrumphhhh...... So yeah.. A bit of a bitty day again... Hopefully once I get the top and back glued things will start to move a bit more. I may even go again on Friday if theres a space..
  12. Did you see this one... Another great message here as far as I am concerned anyway. It is all about the money
  13. Not just that. But he talks from a musician/artist standpoint. The voice inside us we all have that tells us we arent good enough to do this. What makes me special.. Yes as well as mental and physical illness he has had to spend most of his life confined to the bedroom.. And rather than let it defeat him, hes going to stand up to it and say no..... Its a pretty uplifting song in the end... The back and forth he has with his inner self I thought was really well done and very honest.
  14. Yes, very sorry for your loss.. I lost one of my oldest musical partners about 5 years ago now... He left a hole in my life that can never be replaced.. I do think sharing these things help a bit. Take care.
  15. It is in both. He said he used some more pink in the lighter one or something, But it is closer..
  16. Yeah it is.. I didnt even ask him to do that. I was ok with the first one but got this mail this morning... I mean, he does do it for a living but its good to get some personal attention.. I also sold him some nice London Plane a short while back and bought Nitro from him for my first couple of build but hat was over a decade ago now.. He says he takes it somewhere and they do the canning for him. I have made my mind up and gone for the lighter colour.. Its more unique and closer to the Gibson this is based off..
  17. Ok.. The guy making my paint says that he made a slightly lighter batch which he thinks is actually closer to the colour I am looking for. So the original And the first batch on the left and new one on the right.... I do think the new one is closer but damn it I like the darker one too What do you guys think?
  18. Ha, cheers... I am booked in for Tuesday by the way.. Gonna do a new back and possibly get a new top too.. Im not 100% happy with the knots. I wonder if in the future they will cause like shrinking issues or even worse some kind of discolouration.. At this point and whats already gone in to this build, id rather be safe.
  19. Lol.. We are old.. Kids dont do books.. Its all on her phone.. Actually when I got her the acoustic I asked if they had any chord books and they dont sell them any more cos its all online... And scales.. No not yet.. She wouldnt understand how to use it yet.. As far as I am concerned she needs to learn her chords first. And now she has an electric, how to do a power chord and palm mute a bit...
  20. He did.. A TP-6 https://www.thomann.de/gb/gibson_pttp040_stop_bar_tp6_gold.htm?glp=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwue6hBhBVEiwA9YTx8LVJRxESR8zbZpNqyfSp7Z4A-DlpSRjw5mlbryBqAOiGjfaK0Ml74BoCx1YQAvD_BwE
  21. Well thats coming... One of the whole things that started her off is she wants to start a band with her friends which I asked her about when we were waiting for the sales guy.. She said she has a friend who plays drums and has a kit.. And another of her friends who is starting guitar this year.. So yeah. Hopefully by the time her friend gets the basics she will have a basic knowledge. Im gonna go over next weekend maybe with my tools and do a setup and check the neck and go over the amp settings and stuff.. I have been trying to get her to understand power chords but she doesnt get it yet. I will keep trying 🙂
  22. Very sorry to hear of your loss.. I lost my dad about 5 years ago to cancer so I know how it feels too... And thats a really nice post about your mum. She made a difference to peoples lives and that is an amazing thing
  23. No, not on this build.. I do have a black bigsby type somewhere but have never got around to using it.. I had thought about using it for that all Walnut build I am doing.. It would look pretty good on that.. Im just not really a tremolo user. This is also starting to make me a little nervous. This build really will be a test for me, pushing almost every part of the build process to its most difficult... All the multi ply binding, shiny perfect solid finis, carve top etc... So we will soon see what my limits are 🙂
  24. Very coo huh.. I got them to do it on a fibrous board which is an old school Gibson thing.. BUT I was told by the guy who does the Nitro paint that I will have to spray it black.. The guy I bought it from said it will go black when lacquered.. So I have to opposing views there and will have to do a test on the scrap when I cut it to shape... The nitro guy said he will throw in a small amount of black nitro.. And I got it from https://www.rothkoandfrost.com/ . Not cheap mind you.. Mother of Pearl has got super expensive (like everything else)....
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