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Everything posted by jaxson50

  1. Beautifull! As Elane would say, it's sponge worth. 😉
  2. It was a type o, probably this FRIGGING android tablet that thinks it knows what I want to type. But technically, I saw both ELO and ELP at the place , but on different dates, so maybe it was a cosmic brain fart , or was it the NSA trying the infiltrate the forum and cause civil discontent? Hmmm
  3. Skunk Baxter wrote That must have been something those kids will never forget
  4. I read this article today and found the different stories very entertaining, some great back stories and insights into Emerson's relationship with other great artist. So I just wanted to share. https://www.musicradar.com/news/keith-emerson-tributes-keyboards-knives-hendrix
  5. Now I'm thinking I should have jumped on the 65 Band Master I saw at the local gitar shop last week.
  6. Just to show what kind if man Lyle is, a few years ago he did a show here in Boise at a pizza restaurant owned by a man who grew up in Lyles hometown. The owner of the restaurant had just lost his wife to brain cancer after a long battle. This pizza place could seat maybe 25 people. In return, the man gifted Lyle a vintage Huskvarna dirt bike, an exact copy of the one Lyle raced when he was a kid growing up in Texas. Needless to say it that show helped the family cover health care cost. Sadly the restaurant owner died two years ago. Lyle will always have my respect for playing that gig after doing a show here in Boise.
  7. He is one of a kind, witty and a great wordsmith.
  8. Indeed. If you see a 3k dollar guitar displayed at a store with visible cracks, what is your first impression? Either the builder does crap work or the dealer doesn't take care of guitars when they are damaged or has a flaw. Honestly, that thing hung on the GC Boise stores wall for ever. Nobody who knows anything about guitars wouldn't buy it, but how many sales are lost because of a bad first impression. I haven't seen anything like this from small shops, impressions and referrals are their lifeblood.
  9. That's not my point and frankly, I don't know if your being argumentative with me or not. It shouldn't be the customers responsibility to police music dealers to ensure they not selling used instruments as new. That should be the factories responsibility. It's that way in every other business, if a dealer pulls funny tricks they get dinged, or dropped by the factory.
  10. The fact remains that dealers an restock a previously sold item and sell it as new. Seems to me the easy way to stop this is for the manufacturers to require retailers to register instruments at the time of sale. It would take a few minutes, but once the instrument leaves the store, how many purchasers take the time to register the instrument with the factory? I still do business with GC, but with caution, I have ordered new guitars from the Martin factory through GC, and have received great discounts this way. You have the right of refusal at time of purchase and still can return it, but it's a good deal for both the dealer and the customer, the guitar isn T going to be hanging on a wall for months, so GC is happy, you get an untouched fresh from the factory guitar that you wanted. Here is another GC story, at our local GC, there was a very high end Taylor guitar hanging on the wall for years, it was discounted because there was a 1/8 " crack in the fretboard running from the7th fret to the end past the 22nd fret. I asked them why they don't just return it for warranty work? "Because we do that after it's bought" wasbthe answer. Does Taylor really want their products displayed when there are cracks in the fret board? I worked at two music stores years ago, that wouldn't fly at either, it undermines customer confidence.
  11. Have you gone back to Guitar Center and voice your concerns? I bought what I thought, and they presented as a brand new Martin from GC about 15 years ago. I took if to a guitar tech who is factory certified Martin and Gibson tech. He called me the next day with some alarming news, the guitar was 5 years old and had been sold by GC several times each time itcwascreturned and put back onto the rack as new. The bridge was not properly installed at the time It was built and would require a neck and bridge reset, the top had also settled ( bridge tilted toward the neck. The Martin factory rep the tech spoke with told him GC has a history of doing this, they also order large shipments and many times guitars end up in warehouses for long periods of time, apparently with no humidifier, so back it went! Trust but verify. Guitar Center has a good return policy, use it.
  12. Guitar Fetish offers guitar kits and numerous pickup configurations https://www.guitarfetish.com/Fits-Telereg_c_580.html And https://www.guitarfetish.com/ Does anyone have any experience with them?
  13. Red Skelton was great, nice guy to, he lived on a ranch on Tiwilliger Lane, in Anza, Calif. Close to my parents and my older brother, his wife raised horse's and other critters. My brother owned the local septic pumping business and Red was a client. (Insert wise crack here) . Any ways, Red had the entire family over to his place one the 4th of July one time, he also had an art gallery in Palm Springs, in the 60s we would see him in his 52 Rolls Royce Silver Wraithe , he loved his Rolls! Plural, he had several, two recently came up for auction,
  14. I grew up in a navy family, my dad got out when I was two, my two uncles served for 33 years each. These guys could down a pot of coffee and five minutes later hit the rack and be snoring before the sheets settled! Uncle E.J. was a cook, his last duty station was San Diego, he ran the bakery at the base, I swear, his coffee was chewable.
  15. It sure is addictive, but it was easier to quit than cigarettes,.
  16. What do you have to lose? If it helps you that's great! If it doesn't, no harm done. Hopefully you'll get relief.
  17. Good old spell check, CADDIE
  18. I want to make golf more exciting, I think we could mix NFL & Pro Golf, once the player is squared off over the Tee, the ref blows a whistle and a NFL D'back will charge the player from 15 yards.. The player can't be tackled after he hits the ball off the T. The caddie is allowed to block but can't hold or tackle. Repeat on each approach until you get on the green, now the D'back lines up opposite the player, Equal distance from the cup, once the player nods he is set, the ref blows the whistle, the D'back waits till he sees the club move forward, then he can tackle, the caddie is allowed to block (caddies line up one yard behind the player on right of left but can't break his stance until he hears the club strike the ball,, caddies must Carrie the bags on their shoulders at all times accept when aiding the player in picking a club) Maybe mix NASCAR NFL & PGA , caddies could chase D'back`s with golf carts between the T and greens.
  19. Really? Kill the kicker? Why not just run a play where a running back kills the ref? Or maybe the other teams coach? Or starting QB? Why the hate for kicker? I mean, if we are going to declare open season on football players, the QB would be the first to go. We could break the evil SOBs neck, watch his head flop around and laugh while he is carted off, never to walk again! Man That's A Sport! Maybe we can get real lucky and dismember a few guys! Wouldn't that be a blast! I have one question, did you grow up playing kill video games?
  20. The halftime show sucked, over all a boring game, but I'm happy for Stafford, Congratulations to the LA Rams
  21. RIP Ian, Both King Crimson and Foriegner were milestlnes for progressive rock, and we owe you for being instrumental as an early provocateur of that form of rock. God's Peace.
  22. I am to the point where I avoid anything China at all costs, it is nearly impossible , but on this, I have a choice, I will not watch these games You remember why pros were finally allowed to participate in the Olympic games don't you? Because the Russians had Bern paying their athletes since the 1950s and getting away with victory after victory. The last great winter Olympics were 1980 with the miracle on ice. But you are correct the use of pros is counter to the ideals of the games.
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