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Everything posted by 'Scales

  1. Seems in Oz we have 66 people in hospitals (27 in ICU) and maybe a couple of deaths per day in nursing homes. Local containment approaches to breakouts invoked as they occur. Government now shifting focus to getting much more business open and a million unemployed back into work with reopening structures and support information for businesses and employees to be released on Friday and target timelines by business type. Schools widely reopening in phased approach by year group. Social distancing measures remain major part of strategy for foreseeable future.
  2. well, they did include a chart. 😁 Our testing rate is about 10% higher than the US, but we just landed 10 million test kits and the necessary technical machines to administer them nationally which will be used for the balance of the year (versus 500k to date). Testing and tracing are a big part of the strategy - we certainly wouldn't have widespread immunity, but have bought the time and space to prepare adequate ICU, PPE, tests, Flu vax etc so that is the strategy here. Its strange how the 'expert community' in different countries informs different strategies. The hope would be that next time we might all employ strategies that have proved themselves after this pandemic is over. We can all do better I'm sure.
  3. ...on this, interestingly our Flu cases in Aust for the month of April were 229 nationally, compared to 18,705 last April according to the New Scientist. We may actually see less deaths from Covid+Flu this year than just for Flu alone last year it says. Hope so! https://www.newscientist.com/article/2242113-australia-sees-huge-decrease-in-flu-cases-due-to-coronavirus-measures/
  4. I sincerely hope this is very wrong - we need the US to be up and running well asap! CDC projection of rapid rise in deaths from 14 May: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/us-coronavirus-deaths-could-rise-to-3-000-per-day-by-1-june-leaked-documents-reveal
  5. In Covid? Well schools are recommencing and shops opening so it might well as kids are closer together and more people out and about. we had predictions that we might have less impactful of a flu season down here this year due to people exercising better hygiene practices and staying home from school/work at the slightest of symptoms thus reducing spread. See what happens I guess.
  6. The weather is superb! Fuel is less expensive than before. It's easier to get a good parking spot in town.
  7. Supermarkets and hardware have had huge quarters here as people did some 'panic buying' initially and eating at home and doing projects round the house more generally over the past month. Those supplying both have been running factories full tilt. Some online businesses and couriers would also have been busy I'd think. Hardly compares with collapse in trave, tourism, tertiary education, building etc, but yes some businesses have seen a big quarter. Over the past 3 months Australia has seen 93 CV19 deaths (mainly nursing home/cruise ship/international travel related) and we still have 28 in ICU. Restrictions (which weren't terribly severe) being lifted to some degree now, so the next month will be a good indicator of how we are going on the road to new normal.
  8. Joe Bageant - if you are up there smiling at this thread...god love ya man, you couldn't have described 'em better. I raise my glass to ya (again).
  9. going 'rouge' and opening up! (....and saying ahh?). superb!
  10. I have not been as motivated as I should be or thought i would be being at home so much nowadays...BUT... we are coming out of restrictions around here, and band rehearsal may soon become a reality 😀so I'd better get my sorry @ss back into it!!! The 3 new songs I've pulled together are quite easy to get motivated to play cos they are fresh and I'm looking forward t hearing the guys make them sound great, but the other 12 or 15 in the set take a bit more effort to get into - but the thought of rehearsal will do the trick - I'll play em this weekend for sure!
  11. I think you make a very good point Steve. It will vary by location tremendously. Are the people in the project housing developments in Queens NY 'cowering in their homes' or wisely protecting their families when they see those around them dying in numbers way above usual?, is it normal that the UK death toll last week went from a steady 25 year weekly average of 9k to 22k? ...there are places where it is very much more risky for people ....and there are places where its not nearly such an issue. Even here in Oz we are seeing different states relax restrictions at different rates and times. I expect this may even extend to different areas within a state as we move forward. Hugely challenging for those making the calls, but not one size fits all.
  12. I had a quick skim and caught bits of some of my favourites - The Stealer, Be My Friend and Mr Big..that's already enough to tell me it's going to be a great show!
  13. I will definitely be watching that later
  14. Lord Summerisle - a well written piece on the issues you face in your workplace I thought. Very best to you and colleagues at this time.
  15. 1 in 35 (!!!) deaths on the planet are in New Jersey - that's pretty hard to comprehend, so stay safe rct. I think we had about 8 new cases and no deaths in Australia on Sunday. Testing is really ramping up it seems. Some relaxing of restrictions starting but only minor changes really.
  16. I still have one of those too, but it always seemed to make everything quieter...the 'anti-boost!'...I'm sure that was my fault somehow though
  17. I still have my Fulltone Fulldrive 2 MOSFET... It has several switchable nice subtle drive options. I don't use it anymore cos for the band stuff I use a little gain on amp through its lesser gain channel, but the Fulldrive is nice once you get used to its quirks.
  18. That was always my favourite visually Rabs, though there was one John played that sounded really good...It was a different one though. if the guy has already bought 3 from you then you are doing something right! good luck with the new one.
  19. Good to hear (and hopefully see as it progresses) Rabs! i am working from home and I think I'll keep doing so after this clears - mainly on computer and meetings via phone until the planes fly again. I drive to town each day and go for a 5km walk at lunch or after work at a park as exercise is encouraged. I have drinks with my father in law who lives next door for happy hour in the evening. Read or tv at night...and that's pretty much it on the week days . Mix of yard work and outdoor projects on the weekend, maybe go check on mum every week or two. Not too different to what I would do normally to be honest. Lockdown here isn't terribly strict - most places are still open, just doing things differently like takeaway food at cafes and restaurants, limits on customers at a time in book, music and clothes shops, pharmacies etc. I guess it's kind of like Sweden but with strict social distancing - a middle of the road approach? i miss having band rehearsals with the boys though - hopefully in a couple of weeks if the numbers stay good and restrictions ease. And I miss being able to jump in the car and go interstate to see mates and family...that may remain the case I while yet. The Football comps are looking to start up again (no crowds) in a month so that will be a nice dose of normaility even if I hardly ever watch it.
  20. Perhaps you could hold your services at a bowling alley?
  21. You are missing deaths I'd say - looks like it would be 320 (4% of 8000). 12 new cases and 1 death in Oz on Thursday.
  22. Correct, but the point is that the more people who don't catch regular flu, the more they will be able to continue going to work as they wont be coughing and sneezing from regular flu and being told to stay home in case it's coved.
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