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Black Dog

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Black Dog last won the day on May 1 2020

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  1. I think I'm supposed to like that guitar but I just don't.
  2. Where did you see that number? I've checked a bunch of different sites and I can't find that. The data below comes from the State's website. https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Death-Data.aspx
  3. He needs to learn to snort though, until then he'll just be second fiddle on the flute.
  4. That was hilarious. Her reactions and expressions are great. She's definitely not a fan of the snorting sounds. LOL.
  5. As far as I know, the Federal Government has not issued any stay at home order or closure of any specific sectors of the economy. Only social distancing recommendations and some international travel restrictions. The States have issued various forms of stay at home orders and business shut downs. Many of those have been and are being challenged and found to be unconstitutional. And, yes, we do have a right to disobey unconstitutional orders. It's called civil disobedience.
  6. I am really curious to see what will happen in the Southern Hemisphere. The virus came to you in your summer. As you go into the Flu season it's going to be very interesting. It seems that there have been very few cases in Australia. If not very many people have had it, then there will be no herd immunity and I would suspect that it should come back fairly significantly. OTOH, if there have been a lot of asymptomatic or mild infections then maybe not. For everyone's sake I hope that's the case. We'll find out soon enough.
  7. More signs that it's ending. https://nypost.com/2020/05/16/people-flock-to-nyc-area-bars-beaches-as-quarantine-fatigue-intensifies/ https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/10/health/coronavirus-plague-pandemic-history.html
  8. I was a 15 year old kid in Miami, Fl at the time. I remember it but honestly at that time I didn't really care that much about it. More recently, I have watched some documentaries about it and was blown away by the utter devastation it caused. The images are just incredible and heartbreaking. Now I live not very far away from it and I can see it from some of spots we hike to.
  9. The same thing happened in S. Korea. They were testing positive from virus fragments. False positive tests. It depends what type of test you are using. The most accurate is a PCR test. If they are on a ship it's probably a antigen test which tests for viral "pieces". That's most likely what happened. Don't forget that all these tests have their limitations and all of them have been thrown together very quickly without as much validation as you would normally have. Lots of false positives and false negatives. Also, in many viral infections viral shedding can occur fairly long after the infection/illness is gone. So far there have been no confirmed cases of people getting it twice and there is a lot of evidence that having the infection confers immunity.
  10. They told us we had to follow the stay at home order to flatten the curve so we don't overwhelm the hospitals. That's done. The curve is at flat as it's gonna get. The hospitals are empty. Time to open all the way. Also, stay at home orders don't seem to work. In NY during the stay at home order, 66% of new cases were from people saying at home. Those were either retirees, previously unemployed or newly unemployed. 18% were nursing home patients. Only 16% were from essential workers (including high risk health care workers). Staying at home increased your risk. The lock downs don't work. There is evidence now that there was an event in Wuhan in early October. That's probably when it really started. Wuhan is a international city of 11 million with lots of travel in and out. By the time we issued stay at home orders it was way too late. All just a waist of time.
  11. I never listened to him very much but I always thought this commercial was pretty funny.
  12. The two main roles I see for this would be for someone who is just trying to start learning about working on their guitar or for someone that has some experience but has a problem they just can't figure out.
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