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Everything posted by Larsongs

  1. Sweetwater started theirs a while back.. Not sure how it’s working, or about Fees etc.. Just that it’s been in existence for a while…
  2. Sorry for drifting off topic.. I kept waiting for proof that it was real.. And asked a couple times. I don’t recall the OP answering? Did the OP ever ascertain proof of authenticity? I hope it is & not a Chibson Knockoff which are very common these days…
  3. I am the Lead Vocalist.. I totally agree!
  4. My Martin D-35 is a 1975.. I worked in a Music Store in Palm Springs, Ca. in my youth.. It was owned by the late Rockabilly Hall of Fame Artist Jody Reynolds.. “Endless Sleep” was his biggest Hit Record from the 50’s.. Elvis had the Honeymoon Pad in Palm Springs & Jody would supply all the Instruments for his Jam Sessions whenever he came to town.. Jody & Elvis had been friends since their early days when they were unknowns touring around the South.. Anyhow, Jody would take his D-35 to the Jam Sessions.. Elvis would play his D-35.. Since Jody owned the Store & the Inventory that D-35 Guitar was still considered new.. I got that new D-35 Guitar as a Birthday present from my girl friend, who I later married & is now my wife of many years… Enjoy your ‘79! They are fantastic Guitars! Sgt. Pepper, what year were your D-35’s?
  5. I think I mentioned I recently bought a new HD-28E with L.R. Baggs.. It’s a really great Guitar.. I bought it as a back up for my D-35 as it’s almost 50 years old & I wanted another Martin to play out with in addition to my Gibsons.. My D-35 is a fantastic sounding Guitar, is in great condition after Martin did Warranty work, Re-Fret & perfect repair to the Body. It gets of Studio & playing time.. I’m just paranoid taking it out anymore having had Guitar thefts in the past.. I know some of the Tone & Sound of mine comes from aging close to 50 years but it is one of the best sounding Acoustics I’ve ever played.. I played a Collings a couple years ago that came close.. But, even some D-45’s I’ve played didn’t sound as good.. Although, they were new… That said, I love my Gibson's too!
  6. That’s manageable.. What do you do for your Electric Guitar’s? Saw this on YouTube & thought I’d pass it along to anyone who might be interested about Humidifying Guitars…
  7. Were you able to ascertain it’s authenticity? Hopefully you did.. And if so, a great buy! Enjoy..
  8. In the 90’s I’d had a few to many Beers & left my D-35 leaning against a wall.. During the night, while I was Sleeping it off, a large heavy framed Picture fell off the wall & put a hole through the bottom curvature of the Body.. Unsightly & I could’ve shot myself for being so stupid! Some years later I sent it to Martin for some Warranty work.. While it was there I asked them if it could be fixed.. They said yes.. They did a beautiful job! You’d never know anything ever happened to it.. I seem to learn everything the hard way.. But, once I do it sinks in.. I hear you about Earthquakes! I have too many Guitars to put the Case humidifiers in. I’d have to spend most my days re-dampening Case humidifiers! I probably have too many Guitars but I like them all! I’m finding the Room Humidifier is doing a great job of Humidifying my Guitars.. So, I’m going to divide my Collection in 2 Parts.. Each consisting of low to high price similar type Guitars.. Acoustics & Electric 6 & 12 Strings. And Bass’.. That way I can continue humidifying half of them for 2 weeks hanging out. While the other half are stored in Cases.. Then alternate every couple weeks..
  9. You’re up north.. I’m in Southern California in Palm Springs, Ca.. Hot & Dry most of the year.. I recently got an excellent Room Humidifier. Now, I keep half of my Guitars in their Cases & the other half in my Humidified Guitar Room which I keep at 45-50% humidity. I do hang some of them & have a couple on Stands so they can breathe & get the full effect of the Humidifier.. I rotate the other half every couple weeks.. It makes playing a little more fun as I’m playing Guitars I haven’t played in a while..
  10. If I’m not mistaken, using a humidifier can re-humidify Guitars.. I have 50 year old Guitars that have wonderful tone.. I do take pretty good care of my Guitars.. I do detail them periodically. I live in a dry warm Climate & haven’t really had much problem.. And, Until recently never gave much thought about humidity levels.. Our humidity ranges from 30-40% average… Recently, I have noticed some fret sprout & some minor checking on a couple of my older Guitars.. I now use a humidifer. I’m told even the fret sprout will resolve itself over time by reintroducing proper 45-50% Humidity to your Guitar…
  11. Why would anyone buy a relatively expensive Guitar without some kind of proof, documentation, original Receipt of Purchase, a letter from Gibson or something as to what it is?? What is that old saying about a fool & their money... I wouldn't do it!!!
  12. If they can’t provide some kind of proof of Authenticity there are many new Gibsons you can buy & know what you’re getting for $2500.00.. Here’s a List from a random Online Dealer.. With a little negotiating any of these New ones can be had for $2500.00 delivered or less…. https://www.musiciansfriend.com/acoustic-guitars/gibson--new?N=100512
  13. I would.. Without some kind of Documentation as to it’s authenticity you don’t know what you’re getting. Before I plunk down $2500.00 I’d want some kind of proof.. You can buy some pretty nice New Guitars for $2500.00 & know what you’re getting.. This is an age of Knockoff Copies which can be be had for a few hundred Bucks…
  14. I think we can have both.. Some Re-Mixes are great, some aren’t.. Just like some of the Records sounded great & some didn’t.. Stereo Mixes in the 60’s were hit & miss.. Particularly on Beatles Records.. Some are unlistenable.. I prefer the Mono versions.. Which could also be Re-Mixed.. Some of the Mono stuff is better left Mono… I'm sure the old Tapes are Bounced to Pro Tools or Logic. Then Re-Mixed with the best Outboard Gear & Software.. The results can be amazing depending who’s Mixing & the end Goal…
  15. If Dylan can’t or doesn’t want to give a great performance why not retire.. That said, his live performance, unlike many Artists, never equaled his Records IMO…
  16. They’ve been doing it for a while & may be another way for Musicians to move their Gear on to others..
  17. I've got about 10 Guitars & 3-4 Amps I seldom use.. I should sell them.. If I did I'd be able to pay Cash for a $12K-$15k Guitar, (maybe more), or a couple really nice Guitars.. A J-200 is definitely on the list.. Or I'd love a Gibson Vintage Sunburst Reverse Firebird VII!
  18. A new high line Gibson Les Paul Std. in 1968 was about $500.00.. Now they’re about 10 times that.. The used Les Paul I bought in 1969 for $75.00 today is worth $ Thousands.. The used 1959 Gibson ES345 I bought for $200.00 way back in the 70’s is now worth about $25,000.00.. Just because someone can profit from the Appreciation of something they own doesn’t mean they’re a rip off.. The value of things changes.. Someone who paid $500.00 for a Guitar 5 years ago who can sell it for $800.00 now because of Supply & Demand or Inflation or because prices of Guitars have gone up is exactly the same thing….
  19. Same principle.. If you look around just about everything has gone up in price.. A lot of things have doubled, or more, in the past 3 years.. Just because you paid X for something, whenever, there's no guarantee that it's value can go up or down in the future... Point being Something is worth what someone is willing to pay... Like it or not... It just is... There's a market for everything. We may not like it but that's the way it is....
  20. Prices these guys are asking is a Rip Off etc.. So that’s like saying a beautiful mint original 1963 Corvette Split Window Sting Ray shouldn’t be worth more than it cost New? That’s Nonsense! Value is determined by the market & what someone is willing to pay.. Just because “One” can’t afford it doesn’t mean the rest of the World needs to change… Again, Nonsense!
  21. I have Giles Pepper & Abbey Road Collections… LIB wasn’t my favorite Album so I haven’t added that as yet.. But will get Revolver.. Rubber Soul too when he gets to that one… As far as Alternate Takes many had no mistakes.. It’s just there was that one Take that had more magic which is why it was chose as “The Take”…
  22. I have my original LP I bought in the 60’s… I have Casettes too. The 8 Tracks unraveled! Plus, a few different Remasters on CD’s.. I can hear major differences on all the different versions.. I think most people just hear the Songs & are good with whatever.. MP3’s & their Car Radios & CD Player.. Which is fine.. Whether it’s a blessing or a curse I’m a Studio Engr. & do a lot of Mixing & Mastering With the Equipment I use I can hear things most people don’t & in some cases can’t hear… If a Mix isn’t good it really affects my interest in listening to a Song.. A lot of the Mixes from that transitional period from the 60’s & early 70’s Mono to Stereo suffer poor Stereo Mixes. Which is too bad as it really distracts the listening enjoyment of even great Songs…. I’m glad some of these really great Iconic Works are being Re-mixed & Re-Mastered so we can hear how great they really can sound!
  23. Not sure what happened to my above post? If anyone knows how to fix it, be my guest.. As for the new “Revolver” I’m in… One of the greatest Albums of all time.. Back then the Stereo Mixes could be hit & miss.. Most of the time they were a miss… Drums & Bass on Right side. Guitars & Vocals on the Left side.. Or any combination you can think of.. They didn’t sound like a real Performance.. That said, they were evolving from Mono & trying to figure out how to do Stereo Mixes… They've got it down now… I look forward to hearing this one….
  24. When Variety spoke with Martin in the fall of 2021 about the prospects of doing remixes for the pre-’67 albums, he made it sound like he thought the moment was nigh to tackle them, although he said he wasn’t yet underway on work on any of them. “I think we have to do it,” Martin said at the time. “If you take something like ‘Taxman’ from ‘Revolver’ [a track often cited for its bizarre stereo separation], ‘Taxman’ is guitar, bass and drums on one track, and vocals and a sort of shaking and guitar solo (on the right). And it sounds good; they’re amazing recordings, and amazing mixes. You know, we have to look into what technology we can do to make things de-mixed and all this kind of stuff, which I’m looking into. So I’m looking for the technology to do it with, to do something really innovative with ‘Rubber Soul’ and ‘Revolver,’ as opposed to just a remastering job, because it’s been remastered already. So I think we will. I think we also will look at outtakes as well.”He added then, “I think we’re getting there with technology. I think we are. I’m not doing it at the moment, though, I can tell you that much. But hopefully. So, yeah — watch this space.” S I still have my original LP’s of both I bought in the 60’s.. Of course many other versions too.. Cassettes, multiple remasters on CD’s… LOL! I still favor The Beatles in Mono Collection on CD.. I think that entire Collection is a Masterpiece! Lucky I still have my original LP’s of both I bought in the 60’s.. Of course many other versions too.. Cassettes, multiple remasters on CD’s… LOL!I still favor The Beatles in Mono Collection on CD.. I think that entire Collection is a Masterpiece!Lucky
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