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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 1 hour ago, fortyearspickn said:


      Picture, if you will,  a word where your Grocery Store clerks take it upon themselves to re-arrange where they stock the shelves.   Budweiser use to be in the back left corner.  Now it's in between the soup and the turnip greens.   

    Of course - it's all in the name of 'progress'.   Making things 'better'.   And, if you Resist Change -  you are resisting Progress.    Hard to argue against 'Progress.'    Especially when you're arguing with some anonymous clone who has declared himself  'Keeper of the Light'.    


    Actually, that IS happening at the Meijer I buy my groceries.   But it isn't really the clerks doing the changing as many of them are also griping about it.  For the last several years now it's been a challenge each time I go there to find what I'm looking for since I've become aware it's a sure bet that many of those items won't be where they were the last time I bought them at that store.   Equally frustrating is their tendency to discontinue carrying items that I routinely bought there for years.   And it isn't because those items are no longer produced as I found them in other stores (one minute Cream of Wheat is a prime example).   And that's just a grocery store.

    What y'all are going on about is even more frustrating for an old technophobe like me.   I've always been an "ain't broke, don't fix it" kind of guy who's learned over the years that "New and improved"  isn't always true.   I use the bulk of my computer skills and knowledge just getting from forum to forum and sending e-mails.  [wink]


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  2. Used to watch that show.  Did get to be a hoot at times.  And every Friday is always a marathon of that show.   And it's been  nearly 40 years since I saw the movie "Taps", so remembering one line from it(when most of the movie escapes my memory)  is impossible.  And the only Dub comes to mind is long time character actor DUB TAYLOR. [wink]


  3. 20 hours ago, IanHenry said:

    I'm guessing it's a reference to the weight of the guitar.  The guitar sounds pretty good to me.

    I'm guessing you've actually tried one of them out at a shop.  Either that or you have your iNet connection hooked up to one BODACIOUS sound system.  And can you be that sure it's the GUITAR that sounds great, and NOT the AMP it's being played through?  [wink]

    Or is this one of those social media "say something nice regardless" type of things?  tell the truth, through my PC's sound, the guitar doesn't sound that exceptional.  As I previously stated, NOTHING sounds remarkably good or bad through it.  But it is one very nice lookin' ax.  But then again.....

    I've always thought LPs looked great.  [wink]


  4. 12 minutes ago, jvi said:

    for 1.75 I will take a coffee instead....

    Depends on from where.  Like, from a restaurant or diner, maybe.  But at one of them there "designer" coffee huts(Starbuck's, The Beanery, etc.) $1.75 won't even cover the cost of the CUP!  [blink]

    Look.  If I'm gonna throw my money away buying shares of anything, it'll be Gibson stock.  [wink]


  5. I never made the connection either.  But you gotta wonder,  given how many singers over the years  sounded "Dylanesque" (some would say Tom Petty was a prime example) why Bob never bothered to sue them as well.   Ah, maybe he figured "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" or something like that. 

    If you find out why Fogerty was granted his suit please let us know.


  6. 17 hours ago, DanvillRob said:

    You're doin' better'n me.... 12-years on the forum and I'm still just "Member"...not "All Access".

    Maybe I need to be a member for over 25 years?

    I noticed it says "MEMBERS" meaning the forum mods figure you must be conjoined twins. [wink]


  7. I saw that film a couple of days before my post on TCM.  But I "surfed" into it after it began and missed any opening credits that might have had a date displayed.  It wasn't in or at the end of any movie they were showing as the movie displayed on "info"  was much newer than the clip looked, and one I've seen before and was in color.  It was one of their in between movies "fillers".


  8. How about some bathroom humor?

    I'm not talking about bodily functions, but some of the humor you might find on public(or workplace) walls.....

    Over the urinals at the Junior Achievement  boy's room:

    "While you're reading this you're p!ssing on your foot."

    "Napoleon stood here and blew his Bonaparte."

    Over a urinal at the Cadillac plant where I worked:

    "Please do not throw cigarette butts in urinal.  They get soggy and hard to light." 

    And of course, the time honored;

    "No matter how you shake and dance, the last few drops fall in your pants."



    • Haha 1
  9. 18 hours ago, Twang Gang said:

    Many years ago someone told me that when a person dies and we are sad, if you think about it, we are sad mainly for ourselves because that person will not be around to contribute the things they always contributed to our lives.  Whether it was the music they made, or the jokes they told, or the love they gave us - it will no longer be there so mourning is sort of feeling sorry for ourselves.  The closer you were to the diseased the more they probably contributed to your life in some way, thus the sadness is greater.

    And the closer you were to the diseased might mean soon you too, will be deceased.  [wink] (sorry.....couldn't resist)

    There's a lot in what you state though.  But in the case of Watts and other celebs who pass, I never felt teeth gnashing grief over it,  but did feel a bit sad about it.  Say like, when GEORGE CARLIN died.  I felt bad that no more humor will be bestowed from him, but I was reminded of how much he gave us that we can still obtain.  Same with long time music "heroes" who die at an advanced age and after a long illness.   But of course, if it concerns someone we were close to, and despite the circumstances of their passing, it does always hit harder.  And too, depending on the circumstances of their passing affects our grief as well.   And you can take the next with a grain of salt......

    My Mother had a belief( and I also adopted it) that when you see a family go way overboard on the expense of somebody's funeral, that it's more a sign of GUILT  than love.  Especially when that expense is always being pointed out by them.  

    I adopted that belief after going to the funeral of a nephew's Mother in law.   We knew her fairly well too, and often heard her son, a couple of daughters and nieces and nephews  complain about what a rotten, nasty b!tch they all though she was.  But made a big deal out of letting everyone know they paid $15,000 for the funeral!  Which reminds me......

    I should get off my *** and do what my Mom did.  We didn't pay ONE DIME for her funeral.  She had it arranged and paid for  several years before she even got sick!  And the total cost was $4500.    My wife made clear what she wanted in the event,  and following all her wishes I too, didn't pay much more than my Mom's cost.   And it was my Mom's funeral that inspired her. 


  10. I'm with Kelly.   You can count on if it's a mistake they'll want the overage returned at a time you can ill afford to provide it.  A similar thing happened to a sister in law of mine.  She contacted her bank about it( in her case it was a direct deposit too) and they were helpful in straightening the situation out.  In her case it was only a couple hondo.   

    But, at 3K I'm assuming we're not talking a weekly paycheck, eh?   Not for a PUBLIC schoolteacher anyway.  [wink]


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