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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 2 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    I learned that when my electronics are not working, I give them a whack and they somehow, magically, stars-aligned decide to work again… This and my smoke detectors will only start to tell me that their batteries are getting low at 3am without fail. 

    Case in point, when my amp starts making sounds I don’t like, I sometimes have to “motivate” it to stop making undesired noise. After some “coaxing” the thing shuts up. Works every time!

    Yeah, but when my KIDS started making sounds I didn't like(which was often) I found it wasn't prudent, or even legal to "coax" them in that fashion.  [biggrin]    And a brother in law of mine used to "coax" his  son that way.  Up until his son got big enough to "coax" him back!  [wink]


  2. 15 hours ago, tx-ogre said:

    Looked like the WWE meets air guitar.  It would have been more entertaining if he was doing that while jumping off the top rope or having his head pounded into a turnbuckle.  A golden opportunity wasted.

    It could be assumed that guy already had his head pounded into a turnbuckle WAY too many times!  [flapper]

    2 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

    And these people vote.

    And scariest of all,  probably PROPAGATE!!  AIEEEE!!!  [omg]


  3. Well, since two of the 5 are dead and the rest old and scattered,  that's not a concern.  And I still remember when all I had to do was sit on my porch to hear 'em.  But they had a different name then and played the current top 40 of the times. [wink]

    22 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    Lol that’s cool man you aren’t a fan. I’ve been brutally honest about how I’ve felt about Metallica and even the members. And thanks for the sentiments about having a good time - I hope we do. Doing stuff just feels different today… I don’t think we will ever return to “normal”. Life as we know it has changed and I don’t like it at all. 

    But life being what it is, we know that if we just sit tight, "life as we know it" will change yet again, and maybe( or hopefully for some) several more times.  [wink]  Actually.....

    I could, if pressed, think of several times in my life when "life as we know it" has changed in ways I didn't like either.   I don't recall ever being given any guarantees.  [cool]


  4. 20 hours ago, rjake99 said:

    Hello, I was recently given a 1934 L7 from my grandmother. I checked out the serial number because I noticed that it had two more tuning pegs and posts than the normal six and I have not been able to find another model that has this. Is this something rare or just something someone added to it at some point?

    An EIGHT string?  [omg]

    Sounds like something JOHN MAYALL would do!  He did after all, fashion a 9-string guitar from an old six string.  And several makers now do make 7 and 8 sting axes,  But what's up with the '37 of yours I couldn't say.



  5. 3 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    I owe my bud $115 and I don’t think we have a bad spot to see the band. I know very little as I was asked if I wanted to go, and I said hell yeah!

    [omg] What!!  Not HELLS yeah?  :rolleyes:

    Never understood that.   

    Personally, I wouldn't cross the street to see GnR.  For free or if I was paid to.  But, as the man said....

    "To each........"(etc.)  [wink]  I do hope you have a good time though.  


  6. Actually it turned out to be a dud.  I've never seen one of these competitions before and mistakenly went into it figuring the purpose was to try to really look like one was actually playing an invisible guitar.  But really, nobody looked as if they knew how playing a guitar was supposed to look! :rolleyes:  My mistake in thinking it was about good pantomime.   Here's a "good"(or typical) example--------


  7. Tonight at 6:00 pm EDT channel ESPN 2  will broadcast the 2021 Air Guitar championship .   This oughta be fun to watch.  [cool]

    After all, most(if not all) of us here played some wicked air guitar in our time.  [wink]


  8. Say what?   You don't get paid except for a recording of your performance?    I suppose that could be worth it if your band hasn't the equipment or the means to pay someone else to do that, which could be considered ample compensation.  Especially if the posting of that video and recording nets you more offers.  And if there are other people there, some possible "word of mouth" might be helpful too.  [wink]   And who knows....

    Maybe they'll treat you to lunch(or dinner...you didn't mention time of day).


  9. 4 hours ago, uncle fester said:

    That could've been me, sorry.  I've figured out how to work the volume part of an amp, just the playing guitar part is stumping.  Oh well, go with what you know... volume.

    Well, if I could have heard your playing,  you must have ONE REALLY POWERFUL  AMP,  or you live REALLY west of Boston!  [omg]  [laugh]


  10. Right.  It can seem like Gibson is trying to rest on it's laurels.   You know, the Gibson "name" is supposed to be attached to some kind of reliability and quality rep that the name alone should assure good sales, and making it seem that more and more recording artists are using Gibson instruments should translate into people flocking to Gibson dealers.


  11. Though never a follower of that band, there seems to  be an issue among it's fans that resent their "changing".

    Well, sometimes change is good, but too, not always for the better.   But too many bands go through personnel  changes many fans resent and so forth.  On example is one of my long time favorite bands, YES.  

    Look how many times their line up and approach to music has changed from their eponymous  debut album (from '69)  til now.  Now, I didn't like ALL the LPs they put out, but a good lot of them, which doesn't move me to hate them at all now.   The best bands and artists are the ones that don't stand still, but evolve, grow and stretch past what others see as limits.  

    As for YES, I know some early on big fans of theirs that gave them up when "Topographic Oceans" came out.  I didn't like it much either, but I just gritted my teeth and felt better when  RELAYER came out.   Those other guys never came back.


  12. 23 hours ago, Larsongs said:

    An ITunes download is much like a Record in the sense it’s a Product you buy.. So, they’re today’s Records so to speak… I agree that MP3’s are nowhere near the Audio quality of a Vinyl Record or a CD in WAV format.. But, buying today’s Records (Downloads) from ITunes & their Competitors should be equal in High Fidelity Sound to Vinyl or CD’s… Then you got something worth buying.. Even though it’s invisible.. which kinda sucks! Albums were so Cool!

    I listen to Sirius when I drive & the Sound has gotten so bad! The Compression is so bad! The pumping is driving me nuts! My new 2021 Silverado doesn’t have a CD Player.. I was told they don’t put CD’s in most new Vehicles anymore. Everybody Streams…… I need to buy a USB CD Player designed for Vehicles! Any recommendations are appreciated..



    I haven't kept up with that market for a long time.  Not since I had the Blaupunkt  after market cassette player put in my '95 Olds Silhouette.  Not knowing where you are( supposed to be a secret I guess) I'm almost sure there are several after market car audio outlets  that can help you.    That '95 Olds is long gone(along with the tape player, Sony amp and Cobalt subwoofer) And the '05 Equinox I drive still has the standard CD player that came with it.  It doesn't work properly, and I need to get off my duff and get it fixed.  

    Yeah, I miss albums too.  One of my adolescent and mid teen pleasures was coming home with a new LP, putting it on my player and lying on my bed reading the "liner notes".  And cover art was SO much more striking on a 12" X 12" album cover than a 51/2" square jewel case.  [cool] Or maybe only seen on a 3" or less screen on a phone.  :rolleyes:

    And how many "boomer" kids aged 13-16, despite maybe NOT really liking the music, bought THIS album just for it's cover?  [wink]

    [flapper] Whitefang

  13. 32 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

    I always use to wonder, when I came down with a cold,   "Where did I catch this?"   Did I get it from that  person in the office who should have stayed home and taken a sick day?   Did I get it in the grocery store?   The gas pump handle?   My granddaughter?   I gave up a long time trying to figure it out.  I don't think there would be anymore risk playing in a band, than most of our other regular pursuits. Delta Variant is spreading rapidly, they say.  But, I think that is compared to 3 months ago when we hadn't even heard of it.   I haven't seen  "Corona Virus Deaths"  reported for months, and only anecdotal references to 'increased hospitalizations'.    I think gigs, restaurants and gyms are going to take it in the shorts again though. 

    The local news broadcasts 'round here report Covid death rates every day.   But that's just deaths in this state.   They report new cases too.  

    So, maybe the state of Texas can't pull it's head out of the sand(or it's  a  s s)  to be able to do the same.  [wink]

    But, no real neighborhood "gig's on my block(or the next one over).   There is a kid down the street who has some buds come over and "jam" a bit.  But they really do need to practice.  REALLY need to! [blink] 


  14. The same thing happened to me at CVS when I was trying on condoms to make sure I got the right size!  [wink]

    And how come if department stores let you take jeans and slacks into their dressing rooms to try on, and will let you try on shoes before you buy them, they won't let you do that when it comes to underwear?   [confused]


  15. 1 hour ago, cunningham26 said:


    with the amount of bandmate firings he's been a part of i can't imagine he remembers any too  clearly these days

    Going by what little of the interview I watched( drove me nuts, that choppy narration) I'd say by the time Kirk finally gets to the end of a sentence or to any kind of point, he's probably forgotten what he was talking about at the start of the sentence!  [bored]


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