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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. Ha!   Beer AND fireworks!  What could possibly go wrong?  [wink]

    Neighboring cities Ecorse, MI and Wyandotte, Mi have big firework displays every 4th.  Have done so since I can remember.  They're both located on the Detroit river so barges were always used to launch the fireworks.  But I don't know if they had them this year.  I know last year's were cancelled.  


  2. 21 hours ago, 01GT eibach said:

    EVH and Malmsteen are two totally different animals.  It is okay to not like either of them, but they are universes apart in terms of music and guitar playing.  

    Maybe.  But both sound(to me) like directionless, self absorbed wankers.  [cool]

    3 hours ago, LarryUK said:

    I watched an interview with him and he sad that Bonamassa had got him into collecting. Then he had a flurry of videos on Instagram of him playing them. He must have spent a couple of mil on them. I suppose he's come to his senses and doesn't want them now. 

    I saw an interview with Tom Petty that was done before his death and shown shortly after.  He was showing what was left of the guitars he had, saying he was in the process of shedding most of them.  When the interviewer( forgot who) asked, "How many guitars do you need?"  Tom giggled and said, "Well, I can only play one at a time."  [wink]


  3. HA!  A wedding shower on "Independence day"! [cool]

    Sounds a bit "antonymic" to me.  [wink]

    But I do wish him and his intended the best, and everyone else here a good 4th and may they all keep their eyesight and all their fingers.  \:D/


  4. Surely, you can't dislike Lightfoot because of what the SOUVENIR shop does with ONE SONG of his?   :rolleyes:  

    That's as silly as if I said I didn't like SIMON AND GARFUNKEL because of the way the radio stations WAY overplayed "Mrs. Robinson" in the late '60's.  

    But I do agree with you on Cummings being too largely overlooked.   But you might find this interesting.  [wink]


  5. In the  '78 Gary Busey movie THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY it shows him using a combo of egg cartons and old mattresses on the walls of his garage for that purpose.  [laugh]

    It also implies that a cricket burrowed in a mattress and chirping when they tried recording a tune as the catalyst for the band's name.  [wink]


  6. Y'know, it's apparent that some don't think Schon's that that much of a guitarist probably because hiis style, technique(or whatever) doesn't speak to them.  I've much the same reaction to Eddie Van Halen, a guitar player EVERYone seems to gush about.  To me, his playing comes off as a lot of pointless, directionless self absorbed wanking.  Same with Malmsteen.  Just proves you can't please everyone.  [wink]


  7. 9 minutes ago, Twang Gang said:

    Sound absorbing acoustic panels can make a huge difference.  Before I retired I worked at a private school with a large lunchroom.  With 75 or so kids in there it was deafening.  I found a supplier that sold some acoustic panels that were about 2 inches thick of foam covered in fabric.  They were 4 x 8 feet and we just glued them to the walls.  The science department had a decibel meter that we used and the panels reduced the noise level by about 2/3rds.   The music department had a couple of small practice/lesson rooms that were side by side and the sound bled from one to the other so it was hard to use them both at the same time.  I stuck a few of the panels up in there as well and while not soundproof it was difficult to hear what was going on in the room next door.

    Well, that sounds easier than collecting enough of those pressed paper and"pulp" egg cartons to cover the walls(like back in the "day", and safer than using those old asbestos ceiling tiles a few I knew way back used(before anyone knew the dangers of asbestos).   Now, as a home decoration style I think carpeting on walls looks dumb, but as an acoustic solution to a music room, might be OK if enough can be found at a decent price.  And surely will look better than egg cartons.  [wink]


  8. 21 hours ago, SteveFord said:

    She was pretty messed up last time she was in the news:


    I was once seriously bothered by the sensation of what felt like thousands of tiny mites invading my face and eyes so bad I went to the ER.  The quack there suggested it might be Morgellon's and advised me to see a psychiatrist.  But later that month, a dermatologist said it was a form of rosacea.  A compound lotion formula helped a lot.  I at first had no idea what Morgllon's was so I looked it up.  And discovered, nope.  Ain't my problem.

    It does sound messed up and I feel real bad for her.


  9. 17 hours ago, RBSinTo said:


    Our number one musical export is the music and voice of Burton Cummings.

    A towering, and sadly under-rated talent.


    I can be OK with that.   But those who know me figure I'd go with-----

    Or this(next to Dylan) other big influence of mine  [wink]


  10. Well, the only things I think are "wrong" about either side are the perceptions each side makes about the other.  On the whole that is.  Each side, both the left and the right have their shares of extremist looneys.  But those extremists aren't representative of everyone in their camps.   I have what some might consider a childishly naive philosophy how best the country might be served.  And it involves the widely accepted symbol of this great nation, the American Bald Eagle.  

    Ever see one in flight?  I've only seen film footage of them, but it is a breathtaking sight to see one majestically flying high in the air, soaring to great heights.  And how does it manage to do that?

    Well, surely not by flapping one wing!   If the Eagle flapped only the left wing, it would spin in circles on the ground, get nowhere and kick up a lot of annoying dust.  It would be the same if it flapped only the right wing.  So obviously....

    The eagle( like this country) needs BOTH wings to work together, in harmony, to reach it's greatest heights.  [wink]


  11. 53 minutes ago, 01GT eibach said:

    Referring to Neal Schon's guitar playing??  Agreed!!!!!

    Well, he was(is) good enough to be taken into Carlos Santana's band at age 17, so there must be something there.  And his work with Journey, before the advent of Steve Perry and the band became a  commercially salient AOR band was pretty remarkable.  Try this at the 4:13 mark---------


  12. I certainly get that.  Back in the "day", when I was in a band, we only had the other guitar player's cheap, small early model portable cassette recorder (New on the market as it was 1968) to record on.  I thought my voice was bad enough, but hearing a recording of it was as painful as the pain it sounded like I was in on those recordings!  [wink][laugh]

    And I did mention before(somewhere) that my old Epi sounded better to me when I sat opposite from someone else who was playing it. (And I don't mean just the guy's playing. [wink]).


  13. On 6/30/2021 at 1:45 PM, DanvillRob said:

    My statement from earlier in this thread:

    "There is no middle anymore, the fence belongs to the left, (if you pretend to not care, you're siding with the left)."


    But you see;  I'm not pretending to not care.  But my friend figured that if I didn't swing fully to the right, then it must mean I'm fully on the left. :rolleyes:  A kind of riff on the "if you're not with us, you're against us." kind of silliness.  The "fence" in this case is allegorical.  the point at which the differing ideologies separate.  Which means it doesn't "belong" to either side.

    And that your friends lacked grounding was tragic.  Nobody(IMHO) with any true set of personal principles can easily "swing"  from one ideology to another.  They obviously had no idea what it was they were looking or hoping for.  And it's truly sad your one friend went to his grave without that assurance.  And I am sincerely sorry for your loss. If my long time "ultra" conservative friend passed on before me I would truly and deeply grieve at that loss.


  14. Fastest?  Well, in the STRUMMING category for sure.  [wink]

    And he's not the only one who's used that "open tuned/one digit" style either.  [wink]  Joni Mitchell, for one, often used an open tuning, but used her index finger instead of lapping her thumb over the neck to play chords.  And she also added other elements too...


  15. 2 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    Maybe he's had enough? He might have discovered the piccolo!

    Well, that'll be one piccolo player that won't be a....well..... never mind.  [blush]

    I find it hard to believe that the '74 Guild is the only acoustic in his collection.  Unless of course, it's the only one he's auctioning off.


  16. What year was that Seville Dan?  If it was '92 or newer and had the Northstar engine, well....

    I worked at the Livonia, MI GM powertrain plant that built that engine( I was one of the first 10 on the project) so I'll apologize for any problems it might have given you.


  17. Well, I'm glad that carpenter ants are the only really bad ant problem here in MI where I live.  Far as I know, I don't think we have fire ants here.  None that I've heard about anyway.

    Now excuse me while I go find some WOOD to knock on.  [wink]


  18. I'm surprised you never noticed that about him till now.  [omg]  And SARGE;

    I usually "thumb wrap" over on the 6th instead of using barre chords in most cases.  I used to be sorta self conscious about it until I saw Hendrix usually do that too.  [wink]

    7 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    Cant hear anything on there, but open tunings a cert.


    But surely, you MUST have heard it here?  ----------------


  19. But then, Forty, there's still your misplaced apostrophe.  And BBP also missed using one.  It should have been "people's" instead of "peoples".  

    So, C- to you both.  [wink]


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