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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 22 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    That looks like a great read. 

    I was only listening to JF's Blue Moon Stomp album recently, and 'Quiero Creedence' (Latin covers) not long before that. 

    My favourite CCR song was always Green River. Its a perfect rock song.

    Seemed everyone back in "the day" liked at least ONE Creedence tune.  Me?

    My particular favorites are:





    But not at the negligence of several others.  [wink]


  2. One thing I noticed recently at the Meijer I patronize....

    A few years ago they started carrying Eight O'Clock brand coffee, which was once the specialty of the A&P markets( now defunct).  And the store even had one of A&P's old  grinders  to grind the beans up as you may(or may not?) remember the brand was sold whole beaned in resealable bags and customers could custom grind them to their preference(coarse, perk, drip whichever)  Now their coffee aisle is rife with whole bean brands of all kinds, but they got rid of the grinder.  Bugger!   No doubt, probably, in order to be able to sell grinders to customers who might otherwise not really need one, or can't easily afford one or have room or whatnot. [cursing]

    Coming from a family of serious coffee hounds, I find the switch to decaf off putting because of the price and also the unpleasant flavor.  I tried, back in the late '70's when diagnosed with Hypoglycemia to switch to decaf and found one brand, BRIM, to have a closer taste to regular than any other.  But some time ago it went off the market causing me to switch back to regular coffee with Chase&Sanborn  being my preference.  And slowly, over time, it got harder and harder to find anywhere.  But it could be found, and when I really needed to cut down on caffeine, their decaf was also priced sky high, even in those SAVE-ON  markets.  So I compromised by using the Meijer brand of "1/2 Caff", which really doesn't taste much(if any) different than regular. 

    My daughters for some reason, never took to drinking coffee like the rest of their family(my side at least) does.  My older daughter will have one, maybe two cups in the morning and uses one of those KEURIG thingies.  I suggested to her taking an old 4-cup Mr. Coffee maker I had with which she could easily figure out how much grounds to use for only two cups, as those silly little "pods" for the single serve devices come at a cost of  $12+ for a little box of 24 "pods", meaning roughly  24 cups of coffee for $12+  when a 31-32 oz can of coffee for only $5.99 will yield 240 cups!  But she's sold on the Keurig, so....  :rolleyes:


  3. 1.  GHOST'S post reminded me of an old CATHY comic strip----  She returned home from the store and went through a quick inventory of her purchases...

    "Let's see...I spent $1.95 for plastic waste paper can liners...$2.50 for tall kitchen garbage bags,  $3.95 for 30 gallon garbage bags."   

    "I just spent $8.40 cents for stuff I'm just gonna throw away."  [blink]

    2.  Evans' reminded me of one....

    A young man had the routine of going for morning jogs. On his usual route he jogs past the fence of a nearby golf course.  He often spots a few golf balls that made it over the fence, and he usually picks them up and cleans them at home.  When he collects a dozen he sells them back to some of the golfers.

    One day on his jog he noticed that the golfers had a particularly bad day of golf as there looked to be at least well more than a dozen or so balls littering the outside of the fence.  But that morning he wasn't wearing the sweats with pockets, but they did have tight elastic around the ankles, so he just dropped them down the legs and moved on.  There were enough of the golf balls to give his ankles a swollen look.  So as he slowly lurched towards home, he noticed old lady Jones working in her backyard.  He usually stops on those days to chat with her a bit, and saw he couldn't avoid it that morning, but would try to make it a short visit.

    As the two were conversing over the fence, he noticed her glancing often down at his ankles, probably wondering as to why their odd appearance.    So with a dismissive wave of his hand, he pointed down to his ankles and said, "Oh, don't pay that any mind.  It's golf balls."

    Mrs. Jones looked at him with a puzzled expression and replied, "Oh.  So tell me...."

    "Is that anything like tennis elbow?"  [biggrin]


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  4. 19 hours ago, jdgm said:


    John Fogerty has one of the greatest, instantly-recognizable rock voices. [thumbup]

    Indeed.  I remember back then that CREEM mag writer Dave Marsh tagged him as the "Male Janis Joplin".  [cool]  Because it was a strong voice and pretty much unique.  Sure, there were many unique sounding voices back then(unlike the '80's hair and spandex "metal" bands that to me, were more plastic than anything.  Well, musically,IMHO, most '80's music was plastic "cookie cutter" tripe).  But john's did kinda stand out more.


  5. I had an Aunt and Uncle who back in the late '60's closed her business( a small Kowalski store), sold their house and everything in it and got a Winnebago and set off to do the Steinbeck "Travels With Charley" thing.  They kept at it from '69 to '86 and finally settled in Boulder Colorado.  They're both long gone now.  They were a great couple of people, and were my favorite Aunt and Uncle.  Well really, GRAND Aunt and Uncle, him being my Grandmother's younger brother. 

    I admired that aspect of them,  especially  since I don't think I could endure that kind of lifestyle.


  6. 1 hour ago, Notes_Norton said:

    I recently picked up a bottle of Robert Mondavi Private Selection Bourbon Barrel Aged Cabernet Sauvignon, and enjoyed that enough to get another. It's not expensive either, and yes, we drink it at room temperature.  I know that room temp in Europe is cooler than my house in Florida, but I don't see the need to refrigerate it. It tastes just fine without going through the trouble.

    I also like to pour it about a half hour before drinking it. It takes the edge off.

    I also just discovered in Aldi some organic coffee grown in Peru. Quite delightful and not expensive either. I grind it myself because I read that when you buy already ground coffee, it's up to 10% ground up roaches and roach excrement. The roaches get in there, and when the huge batch is ground up, the bugs 'meet their maker'. Now I don't mind the extra protein from the roaches, but I was a phone man and had to clean out roach poo from many a phone terminal, and that's not pleasant.

    I don't drink bottled water unless I'm out and need to stop off for some. I have my own well, it has good water. I had it tested, and I'm not in an agricultural or industrial area. I add mineral drops because the softener takes not only the iron out, but some beneficial minerals as well. And without those plastic bottles, I am not ingesting BPA or whatever else is present.

    Perhaps it's one of the reasons why I never get sick, other than a 2-day mild cold every 15 years or so. Maybe not, who knows for sure?

    I do like my water refrigerated though.

    Insights and incites by Notes



    I've heard that film and photo unsubstantiated urban legend about ground roaches in coffee for years now.  Thought it finally faded away with all the nonsense about margarine being made with the same chemicals as plastic.  :rolleyes:

    I drink a product sold under the MEIJER brand called "1/2 Caff" supposedly containing only half the amount of caffeine than regular.  Only costs as much as regular while the fully decaffeinated  is $!0-$12 a "can"( in quotes due to coffee these days being sold in containers that resemble the one's paint is sold in these days)  .  And instead of using straight "city water" in which you can smell the odor of chlorine, I have a Brita filtering device fastened to my kitchen faucet.  I don't buy bottled water.  I'm not sure I really save a lot of money or not, but I have less plastic bottles taking up space or plastic going into landfills or filling up my recycle bin which so far never needs being taken to the curb but maybe twice a year.  And I mostly drink water from my filtered faucet, but for meals I keep a gallon pitcher of water in the fridge with a few lemon slices in it.  [wink]


  7. A very pretty and well endowed girl gets a job at a hardware store.  Claiming she knows nothing about hardware, the store's manager assures her most employees don't at first, but learn as they go along.  So she moves down the counter, waiting to help her first customer.  A short time later, a man walks up to the counter and asks her to give him a bastard. 

    Taking it wrong, she was about to smack him with a nearby hammer when the manager runs up and asked what the matter was.   Upon hearing everything, the manager mildly explains the man didn't mean anything forward but was asking for a small file, which is known as a bastard.  After apologizing to the man, and him too, he leaves with his purchase and the girl ,thankful for the new gained knowledge, waits for another customer.

    The next man at the counter asked her to show him a file so he can maybe buy one.  So, filled with confidence with her new gained knowledge, she takes one from the shelf and asked, " Would you like this little bastard?"  And the man replied.....

    "Nah, I'm gonna need a BIG motherf**ker!"  


    • Like 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Might Be said:

    You need your head read if you drink either regularly. Disgusting sugar water that has to be served close to freezing to trick you that it's refreshing and hydrating. Try tasting it properly at room temperature. 🤮

    Most who drink either at room temperature do so to treat an upset stomach.  That's an "old wives" remedy anyway.  But IMHO Vernor's, warm or cold, works better.  [wink]

    17 minutes ago, Notes_Norton said:

    Water, Coffee, Tea, and Red Wine. That's it for me.

    Throw a nice Reisling spatlese on that list and I'm with ya  [wink]  Anyway......

    My favorite red wine(when I was drinking) was OPICI lambrusco, a brand I couldn't locate for many years.   


  9. Cute.

    No, not just the guitar, but the way you titled the thread, then off the bat announced you bought a guitar that's known as the "Melody Maker".  [wink]

    Fully realizing(I hope) that despite it's name it won't really do much more to help you make melodies than any other guitar.  [cool]

    But I've always liked that SG design.  My cheap-o '67 Kalamazoo  KG-2 had a sorta SG style(as far as body shape went) but not as spiffy. 


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  10. Yeah, Jeff maybe should have just suggested getting sent a PM.  Now he'll start getting calls from everyone trying to sell him anything from metal roofing, vinyl siding and concrete floor sealing to Life Alert systems, home and car warranties and leaf guard gutters.  And too, like I'm getting lately, calls his caller ID  identifies as "Potential scam/spam".  (one or the other).  Not to mention the plethora of pissant charities asking for donations.


  11. This might be digressing a bit, but-----

    Wasn't Samsung the company having battery issues a few years back?  You know, phones and tablets going up in flames?  I remember joking that;

    "Those Samsung phones are marvelous.  You can talk, text, surf the net and send e-mails and even light your cigarettes with them!"  \:D/

    I even recall Samsung WASHING MACHINES bursting into flames!  [omg]


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  12. 12 hours ago, Retired said:

    I really liked those Gold Tops! 

    Sho' 'nuff.   A  gold top is high on my "bucket list".  Preferably a '68 as that's when I first saw one in a music shop and felt love at first sight!  [wink]  But of course, I'd also prefer it to not be "crusty" :rolleyes:


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  13. Frankly, I still use an old LG flip phone.  And why not?  It does all I want a mobile phone to.....

    Receive calls and make them.  If I said it once I've said it millions...

    I don't text, tweet, snapchat,  instagram,  take incessant, inane "selfies" and wish not to listen to tinny sounding music, watch TV or movies on a screen the size of a business card.  And I'd rather have a conversation ON my phone, NOT with it!  Or(as I've seen a lot of over the years)  ignore all the other people in the room while I "nosedive" into my phone as I'm on something called "social" media.  :rolleyes:


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