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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 3 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    The word Taylor on the headstock was what gave it away . . . huh?

    Which isn't apparent when viewed on the TV screen.  Didn't notice it until posting the clip, but by that time I was "committed"  and soon might be if this keeps up.  [wink]


  2. Nice looking axe, TWANG.   But then, I've always been a sucker for acoustics with a Florentine cutaway.    I think it's a Taylor( model unknown to me) that LISA LOEB plays in a Geico  commercial.  [wink]


  3. I get that.  I have two old friends from high school that over the yeas have become staunch political conservatives.  Me and one of them still communicate( by e-Mail since he's moved to Florida in '09)  and the other refuses to have anything to do with me since he feels because I'm NOT a conservative, I must be some kind of radical liberal "socialist".  And my reminding him I'm neither right nor left, but consider myself a "centrist",  he feels it's STILL too "liberal" for him.  The three of us used to hang, but even the guy that's still talking to me says he cut off communications with the other, claiming he's too filled with anger and hate to make any reasonable and sensible comments.  Plus, the one guy who I still communicate with is done on the common ground we stay on.  He too is a guitar player( and much better than me, him being classically trained and all) and we both appreciate the same kind of music and other forms of entertainment, and usually converse about concern for other old friends we shared(like, where are they now etc.) and the like.   And the other guy even cut off communication with his parents because them and I still used to  exchange Christmas cards and occasional phone calls.  :rolleyes:

    Sure, I dislike when the political rhetoric gets too thick in here, where it doesn't belong, but sadly I get sucked into some political dogfights because I'm never one to suffer fools and can't keep still or quiet when anybody makes ill informed and misguided asinine statements.  Like "Alabama" made about PBS.[cool]


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 13 hours ago, Mr. Gibson said:

    There’s one coming up I would like to serve on, a chiropractor is accused of killing 4 people at their place of business, shot them all and cut throats on a couple of them. Nobody knows why. 

    And with nobody knowing why, you gotta wonder how HE came to be the one they think did it.   Yeah, but then yo gotta be on the jury to find that out.  [wink]

    So for now, I gotta be with BUTCH up there.


  5. 3 hours ago, sparquelito said:


    Speaking of the 1st Amendment, I exercised it this morning, and wrote you that song I promised earlier. 



    Get off your high horse, righty
    You aren’t allowed to disagree with the words she spoke
    You ain’t with it, whitey
    And you’ll never, ever be woke


    Now, DID I allude to my thinking you're not allowed to disagree with ANYBODY?  

    If you read closely( if anybody in AL can  [wink])  You'll realize I was referring to your obviously misguided belief that PBS forwards some particular political agenda.  And I'm willing to bet you still believe that "communism"  and "Socialism" really are something other than economic systems.  But probably to your dismay, neither of them is a system of governance. You will not lose any freedoms or rights because of a communist or socialist economic system.  But it's my opinion that as economic systems, both of them only look good "on paper".  it's been proven in the late '80s that any communist economy will obviously fail due to:

    1. The corruptible foible of the humans overseeing it.

    2.  It's apparent inefficiency.

    And it was THOSE TWO factors that brought about the fall of the Soviet Union.  NOT Ronald Reagan.  OR the POPE!  

    And this whole business about "woke".   Misunderstood and misused by everybody.  All it really refers to is having an awareness of social and racial injustices.  And what's wrong with that?  And actually, "Antifa"  is originally a compound abbreviation of "Anti-Fascist".  And I see nothing wrong with being against fascism.  And ya gotta wonder why right wingers consider "Antifa" to be some kind of enemy.  [wink]  And I really don't believe there's an actual political activist group that calls itself "Antifa".  It's just an idea someone(we know who) came up with as a "sleight of hand" distraction from what their true intentions are. 

    17 hours ago, brad1 said:

    Just because you have the right to do something, it doesn’t mean you should do it.  
    YOU appear to be the one on the high horse. Not Sparky.

    I think I just cleared that up for ya, Brad.   YOU need to clear up why you think anybody SHOULDN'T speak their piece. 


    • Sad 1
  6. 23 hours ago, sparquelito said:

    Oh, never mind.
    I see that Austin City Limits is aired via the overtly-political public television network PBS.

    Carry on then, Jackie Venson, by all means. 

    You brought your message to the right promoter and via the appropriate conduit, most definitely. 
    And anyone who dials into PBS knows exactly what they are signing on for. 
    So it's all good. 



    Get off your high-horse righty.  There is still such a thing as the 1st amendment.  But anyway---

    Thre's a lot of amazing women blues guitar players.  One I often "push" when this kind of topic comes up is----


  7. 2 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

       Hope we don't extend the vote to 16 and 17 year olds.  We'll wind up with  Sponge Bob as President.  

    Worse yet.   Probably ALEXA!  :rolleyes:


    • Haha 1
  8. 14 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Ford is an acronym for Fix Or Repair Daily.


    14 hours ago, Mr. Gibson said:

    Found on road dead.

    Gad!   I recall hearing both of those back YEARS before I was old enough to even care about cars!  Which means that  when my age was still in the single digits!  :rolleyes:  So how 'bout trying to figure a new one?  like;

    "Fabricated Of Real Dung"? 


  9. 1 hour ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I know. I am sure it is from a guy who lived in another country famous for inventing hockey and maple syrup.

    I wonder how may shows  we were were at and of course didn't even know it. I think we were both at The Who in '82 and The Stones in '81. I saw The Who outside on the first day and The Stones on the second day.

    Ha!   Lately I've been "catching up" with a cousin of mine who's a couple of years older than me but when we were kids we were "favorite cousins" to each other.  And recently when both of us were traipsing down memory lane, we discovered we were both at Detroit's Grande Ballroom on the same nights, and also at the Detroit swing of Cream's farewell tour at Olympia stadium the same night too.  We laughingly figured with 20,000 people in attendance at the Cream concert it was understandable we didn't manage to spot one another.  [wink]


  10. Never cared for Kiss.  Much for the same reason I really didn't like Paul Revere and The Raiders.  All that silly costume wearing.  But, at least the Raiders had a few halfways decent tunes.  Kiss never did IMO.   And I was an Elton fan from jump, but he lost me with all that sh!t about going on stage dressed as Donald Duck or Marie Antoinette.  And his music did start going downhill shortly after that started.  

    I'm not impressed with how a band dresses or makes up their faces or all the pyrotechnics and laser lights and all that crap.  I go to a concert with one priority.  I take this attitude....   I think to myself----  "I'm Stevie Wonder, so I CAN'T SEE how the band is dressed or "made up" nor can I see the light show, flash pods or other props.  So, what's left about this concert that's going to be memorable for me?"  Well, the only thing that SHOULD be memorable about ANY rock concert.   The MUSIC!  [wink]And no amount of make-up, axe shaped guitars, S/M costumes, cartoon character suits or KIKI DEE(yechhh!) is gonna make up for dreck posing as music.


  11. 8 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    I've driven Japanese cars for the last 30 years. Cant see that ever changing. 

    Before that I'd driven 3 cars where the transmission dropped onto the road while under way. Several where the brakes or clutch failed entirely whilst driving. And once where the radiator burst and jetted hot coolant all over my leg. 



    So, what kind of cars were THOSE?   You sound kinda rough on cars, eh?  [wink] Anyway...

    My 2005 Chevrolet Equinox is still running fine, but then I've yet to put over 80,000 miles on her.


  12. 15 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

    Big Red + Tequila.   A really big hit here.  The soda is also used as a secret ingredient in BBQ sauce.                                                                           Invented in Waco, as was Dr. Pepper. 

    Haven't had Big Red since they quit selling it at Cedar Point.

    2 hours ago, Retired said:

    I never could stand the taste of diet. Deb would not believe me and I was blindfolded to do tastes. I was given a coke, Pepsi, dr. pepper and even a Diet Coke and a diet pepsi and something else? Anyway, I ate a cracker in between each one and I picked them all correctly saying what they all were. They did it twice mixing them all around and I picked them all correctly. 

    Actually, I never found the  diet pops' taste to be objectionable.  Since my wife was diabetic and of course, drank it I thought it was stupid to keep two kinds of pop in the house( diet and regular)  so I drank the diet also.  


  13. Been called, but never chosen( and never been through Voir Dire).  Once spent an entire afternoon sitting in a room at the Murphy Hall of Justice in Detroit only to be told, "Ok.  You can all go home."   That was SIX HOURS I'll never get back!  [cursing]


  14. Ha!  My brother trained at Great Lakes too when he joined the Navy.  And also had the same opinion of the place.  But that was in 1965  and some might think there'd be some changes over the years.  But it doesn't appear so.  [wink]

    I really don't (especially these past four or so years) get to wander around visiting art galleries and museums, and it takes me some doing to get to the DIA(Detroit Institute of Arts) in order to gape at the museum's prized mural by Diego Rivera in the lobby. [wink]


  15. 1 hour ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I saw a Beatles tribute band at Marriott's Great America (a theme park) its called something different now. It was New Years Eve in the early 80's. They did an early show in the early suits and a later show with the Pepper suits on. Best Beatles tribute band I ever saw. I think they were called Rain.

    RAIN is a Beatles tribute band that formed in the late '70's and actually eventually became a Broadway production.  Over the years they've had a steady turnover of line-up personnel.  Likely, in the early '80's you probably saw the original line-up.


  16. 59 minutes ago, Retired said:

    Oh I agree with you. I have never heard of an adult getting the chicken pox, Have you? Is it possible? I have no idea. At 68 years old I have never got them and from the brain tumor cancer that I had, I fell more like 78 as it feels like I aged 10 years from all that. I went through so what life I have left, I really doubt I will ever get the shingles. Plus since I never had the chicken pox, my doctor says I can't get them.  Yes, you should get the shingles shot and so should my wife. 

    I would imagine after fighting and surviving cancer, chicken pox would be a cake-walk.  All I remember about it was it kept me out of school for a week.  I didn't mind that.  [wink]  But like I said, I was six at the time.  I don't know what an adult would experience.

    and SARGE----

    I like Van Gogh too.  But I was always more impressed with the pointillism  of the Georges Seurat  work "A Sunday On The Island Of La Grande Jatte".  Was thrilled some years back when I got to see the original canvas in  Chicago's museum of art.  Impressive considering the method used to create it.   I have issues with trying to post photo images, but can offer THIS.


  17. I saw Three Dog Night at The Grande Ballroom along with The MC5 and The James Gang( before they ever made an album) in '69.  anyway----

    12 hours ago, Retired said:

    The closest I have come to seeing the Beatles was at Branson I think it was. They had a group of kids that were made up to look just like them and it was great. They even acted like them, played like them. Almost like actually seeing them this group was so good. Deb mentioned to me that John, often chewed gum while he performed and said the guy that was playing John even was chewing gum. So even though they were not the authentic Beatles, they were so darn close. 

    There's a lot of good Beatles tribute bands making the rounds.  One around here that my wife and I saw a couple of times was---- (and they're a Canadian band) 

    The "Paul" member, through e-mail communication said he at the time was working at playing "lefty", but was still a struggle.  That was a little more than 10 years ago.  Haven't seen them since, but they still show up at the CAESAR'S Casino in Windsor, Ont.


  18. 15 hours ago, Realmongo said:

    After 20+ years, I finally got tired of setting up guitars and basses on the Kitchen Island, and decided to try and build a bench for my guitar loft.

    So after a trip to Home Depot last Friday for some lumber, wood screws, and sand paper, I spent the weekend  building it.

    Now that I've got it assembled, the wife is taking over to stain and poly it.

    Hopefully I can move it up to the loft next weekend!

    Bench A1.jpg

    Good job.  My ex and I used to breed Silver Persian cats.  I've built two similar structures to place their cages on..   A bit taller than yours, but very similar.  [wink]


    • Like 1
  19. On 6/23/2021 at 9:13 PM, Retired said:

    My wife had shingles way back. It was one of the worst things I seen. She was in constant misery every day for a year. I was told since I never had the chicken pox that I could not get it? Guess they were right as before she knew what they were, she kept asking me to look at them to see what they were. I was touching them rubbing them, Never got them. Although Covid can and has killed millions, I think the older folks or senior citizens are mostly at risk. Younger people seem to mostly shake it off. Here, most of the older folks have been vaccinated already. 

    My wife's shingles didn't last that long, but sho'  'nuff it's nasty.  And from what I can find out, people who've had chicken pox as kids are more at risk of getting shingles later in life.  Both, I understand, are caused from the same virus.  I had the chicken pox when I was six,  and now 64 years later, still haven't had shingles(knock wood!)  I'll tell ya, when I go next month for my 2nd vaccine shot, I'll check into that shingles vaccine.  


  20. 11 hours ago, Retired said:

    The Texas Roadhouse here stopped doing the peanuts since COVID started. It is the only steak restaurant left here that is decent but expensive. The only times we go there are for our birthdays. Either Deb or I will get a gift card from the kids to eat there. The only 2 items I like there are the 8 oz. Fillet or the Ribs. I might order a rack and eat half & take the other half home to eat for lunch the next day. Once in a great while we might head to the Outback but its not my favorite. All of my favorite places have closed down since we married.  Yes, I always tell people, What happened to prices back in the 60's & 70's? I was in high school and for lunch I could run next door from Thomas Jefferson to McDonalds, where I worked at in summer and get a Big Mac meal and coke for .75c.  and get 2 dimes and a nickel back from my buck.  Not only have the prices shot way up stupid but the quality of the food has gone way down to crap. Not worth it anymore, It's better to go to the grocery store and cook at home. 

    I really don't know if the TX roadhouse here still does it too.  Haven't been to any of those places in 5 or more years.  And sure....

    I can recall when a Whopper was 59 cents!   And now one costs more than a pound of ground sirloin!  [omg]  Which of course, you could get FOUR good burgers out of.  [wink]

    3 hours ago, sparquelito said:

    My taste for sodas has evolved over the years;

    9-15 years old - Coke

    16-35 years old - Dr Pepper

    36-56 years old - Diet Coke

    57-Present - Diet Dr Pepper

    I try to limit my consumption of sodas to two a day. 
    Coffee in the morning, and a couple of sodas during the day, interspersed with bottled water. 

    It the evening, it's beer, thank you very much. 


    My childhood( pre-9-15) leans more to "flavored" pops, like Sunshine grape soda, Dad's or Hires root beer, and Orange Crush( and I go back to when it still came in a brown glass bottle.)  But, in a pinch, ANY pop would do.  [wink]  Then later, Coke was the choice, but by age 18 I leaned toward "clean" soft drinks.  To whit, Sprite, 7-Up and the like.  But over time I've become less fussy and can accept a variety of soft drinks.  And by the way....

    DR. PEPPER makes a diet version with Cherry that's become a favorite of mine.

    NEHI made a lot of good ones too.


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