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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. Well I doubt it would be for the same reason.  Other people did the SS# thing for identification in case of theft.  I doubt putting a NAME on the guitar(and just the surname in this case) would help in that regard.  Maybe the previous owner just liked putting his(or her) name on everything they owned, I couldn't say.  And BTW-----

    I have a grandnephew with that last name.  But, as he doesn't play, I doubt the guitar was his.  [wink]


  2. Sure.  There were long periods where my guitar would lie fallow for one reason or another.  Plus, my not being a professional musician was a factor too.  And with a 40+ hours a week job, two children to raise and a home to maintain there was little opportunity to spend countless hours a day in playing the dang thing. Once I retired(and which by that time both kids were grown and on their own) the playing time increased.  But by 2014 I had a transient ischemic  attack("Mini stroke") which affected my dexterity and endurance, so more time was allowed.  And when my wife had HER stroke( far more serious than mine) and I became her primary home caregiver, even MORE time was robbed of guitar playing.  But I did make time enough to play some for her which would soothe her and cheer her up.  Now that she's gone I still try building up my endurance and dexterity, using a tiny bag of some kind of artificial sand which was designed to use as a device for stress relief.  So you see, I've never had the time or opportunity to wear out a fret board.


    • Like 2
  3. 22 minutes ago, badbluesplayer said:

    Whaddayou, some kind of English teacher?  I talk conversationally on here 'cause some of you guys aren't all that swift.  'Cause of you guys, not 'cause of me.  I get paid to be smarter than other people.  I have since I was 22.  That's 42 years of getting paid for outsmarting people.  How many years for you?

    I'm a retired autoworker.  And it just goes to show that one needn't be "specially" educated or paid to speak and spell the language properly.  I feel too that it's in my nature to be helpful in assisting people I like to not appear to be less  astute than they're capable of with a minimum of effort.   It all goes to serving a maxim an English teacher I had in Junior high on the usage of proper grammar liked to use(  I feel he self censored it a bit.  [wink])   -------

    "If you can't blind them with your brilliance, then dazzle them with your BS!"  [flapper]   Driving home the point that being ignorant is bad enough.  There's NO NEED in SOUNDING IGNORANT too.  [cool]  After all, as you( who got paid) mighty well know, ignorance DOESN'T equal stupidity.


    • Confused 1
  4. 23 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Fripp's wife was the front woman, Macca's, I think they had a mic for her, but they didn't actually plug it in.

    But sadly, sometimes they did.  [crying]

    But the mention of YOKO surely puts her out front.  [cool]


  5. 1 hour ago, badbluesplayer said:

    One time the teacher who taught the special kids in Junior High School - he was my baseball coach in high school - goes to me "You're a smart guy and I have to tell you stuff over and over, just like I have do with my special kids in class.  What's your excuse?"

    So what's you guys' excuse?

    Same as the guy who posts that his high school baseball coach, "goes to me"  instead of "said to me", or "Asked me".  [cool]  AND could have began by stating, "Once,"  instead of "One time", leaving us to think another BAND CAMP story was coming our way!  [wink]  And too, should have put "Your guys" "  and not "You guys' "


  6. GOD, NOTES !  I remember those cheezy sounding Farfisa organs.  In one band of mine, our keys player was a guy whose previous musical training was on an accordion.  But, in order to be in the band he shelled out for the Farfisa.  

    We used to razz him from time to time at "practices" by constantly reminding him, when we played a tune with an organ solo, to not regress and start playing "Lady Of Spain"  (a common accordion favorite).  [flapper]  He'd just glare a bit and keep going.  But one time, when we did get a "gig" at a basement party at a girl we knew's house, we again were playing a tune that had an organ solo(nope, don't recall the tune) and again we teased him a bit by telling  him not to start playing "Lady Of Spain".  So, the big moment came, and when the rest of us toned down for his solo, he loudly went into a rendition of "The Beer Barrel Polka"!   Then looked up from his organ and yelled, "Happy NOW, MOTHER F***KERS?"   \:D/

    We quit teasing him after that.  [wink]


  7. Dylan covered this tune on his first LP, and claimed he first heard it from Ric Von Schmidt.  (Eric, really).  But Von Schmidt claims it was mostly penned by Rev. Davis.  [wink]

    And of course, this means an added two more members of his alumnus.  [cool]


    • Like 1
  8. Me too.  Been a blues "freak" since about the age of six or so.   A bit of a long story behind that, so I'll skip it for now.   [wink]

    I sometimes wonder at the "legend" of Robert Johnson.  Any recording Of his I've heard revealed a man with no real outstanding playing skills,   And singing skills to match.  Even Dylan is easier on the ears.  

    On 6/7/2021 at 11:11 AM, jaxson50 said:

    I think it's a Regal, I have a old Regal tenor guitar that has the same shape.

    I always liked Josh,  thanks for posting 

    Oh, and on Sunday mornings here in the Detroit area, there was a children's show called "Hot Fudge" that had THIS guy on pretty often!  My  kids used to watch it every Sunday.

    Of course, when the kids were watching Josh was much younger.  [wink]


    • Like 1
  9. I've only always used Old English lemon oil.  Every string change I use Old English wood cleaner to get all the crud off the fret board,  and then apply a scant amount of the lemon oil twixt each fret and rub it in deeply.  My 49 year old fret board is still like new.  Never had a problem. Some I know use almond oil.  I've yet to locate any to try, but if I do I'll give it a go. 

    And Chris, i guess it's a "to each...."  thing.  I really don't like that "beat to hell" fretboard look.  And especially don't like the FEEL of it!  [wink]


  10. 3 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

        On a similar note, is 'contrarian'  an erudite way of saying  'hypocrite' ? 

    No.   A "contrarian" basically is one who often takes an opposing view.   A "hypocrite"  is someone who, simply put, never practices what they preach.  Oh,----

    SGT. PEPPER-------

    I've smoked plenty of weed in my time.  But NEVER smoked any WEEK!  [wink]   Is it just as good as weed, cheaper, easier to obtain?  Or what??  [confused]


  11. 22 hours ago, Mr. Natural said:

    The Wolf is my favorite.  I've got a stack of Wolf CDs and LPs as long as my right arm.

    Never much cared for Wolf.  And I wonder if THIS is where the inspiration for his pro name came from---- (and dig that AXE!)


    • Like 1
  12. 9 minutes ago, Fish Crumpet said:

    Some brains never achieve that goal.

    That certainly seems to be the case with that commentator.  I mean, why get on HER case by blaming her generation for using all the ready-at-hand electronic devices that HIS generation helped develop?    Is he trying to claim it's all her generation's fault because their parents drive them to school?  As if that relatively small gathering of automobiles are a major factor in climate change and other environmental issues. :rolleyes:A few centuries of pouring poison in the waterways and industrial smokestacks effusing toxic fumes in the air apparently don't result in negative consequences,   at least according to science deniers.


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1
  13. 10 hours ago, jaxson50 said:

    I had the great honor to  meet this next gentlemen,  he was touring colleges with Big Mama Thorton,  the music department at the university I attended  brought them in for a concert,  and the two of them did a music tutorial for our class,  for one week they made themselves available to us, he was so nice to us young white punks. Showed us how he  played slide with a knife  

    With a knife, eh?   Back in the "day" such a thing was called either "bottleneck" (due to blues guitar players using the necks broken off of wine bottles or longneck beer bottles)  or "fretting".  On Dylan's debut LP it's claimed he was "fretting" ( Robert Shelton's words) this song with his girlfriend's(Suzy Rotolo) lipstick holder, but that he's been known to "fret" using the back of a kitchen knife or other such objects.


  14. HERE'S an interesting version of FRANKENSTEIN in that it shows Edgar was more than just a fantastic keys and sax player.  And BTW----

    That's Tommy Shannon on bass( who later played bass for SRV).  Not sure who the drummer in red is.


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