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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 5 hours ago, cody78 said:

    'Stuck in mid yodel'...haha!

    I was surprised by the version of 'Gospel Plow' you posted, I could actually listen all the way through without feeling like I needed to turn it off as soon as he started singing! Not sure about 'Lay Lady Lay' though. I never much liked that song, but it's ok I guess. 

    I think Dylan sometimes had the stronger lyrics, but Neil had the better songs. Did Dylan ever write a song as good as 'Cowgirl in the Sand'? If he did, I haven't heard it yet! 

    Cowgirl in the Sand (Live) - YouTube

    Came back to edit to say, actually Boots of Spanish Leather is a fantastic song and my favourite by him, but I still much prefer Cowgirl in the Sand. Now, if Neil sang Boots of Spanish Leather that might be better...

    OY!  What an unimpressive tune that is.  There's been Neil tunes I thought were much better.   Better written and sung.  And although I'm fond of saying that picking a favorite Dylan tune is hard for me, I can be honest enough to say perhaps my best loved song by him was also one that articulated a lot of what I was thinking and feeling at the time it came out but that I couldn't put into words as well   And that's----

    More of a still relevant dissertation on our culture than just a song IMHO


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  2. 4 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    Warning: If you research Derek Bailey or 'Free Music', you could be in for a shock. 


    Don't know what "shock" you think we could be in for.  MY quick research found this.

    Pretty interesting


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  3. Bob was a sponge of music genres and styles in his younger days (before his recording days) and managed to master many of them.  And there WAS a time Bob could actually sing pretty well.

    For instance (from that debut LP)..... 

    And too, many years after that he still showed hints of smooth vocal ability.

    I never heard Bob sound as if he was stuck mid yodel.   Neil however...............  :rolleyes:


  4. Today(5/24) one of the, if not THE most influential songwriters and musical artists turns 80 years old.  

    Born ROBERT ALLEN ZIMMERMAN on May 24, 1941,  and later adopting the surname Dylan, he broke into New York's Greenwich Village folk scene in the very early '60's and quickly made a name for himself among his contemporaries.  After being brought to Columbia records producer JOHN HAMMOND he recorded and released his eponymous debut LP in 1962.

    And the rest, as they say, is music history.   From typical humble beginnings, an American music icon emerged.


    Whitefang(Dylan "freak" since '63)


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  5. On 5/10/2021 at 9:32 AM, Sgt. Pepper said:

    The only way to describe Zappa's music is it's Zappa. But Avant-Garde could definitely be used for a lot of the early stuff.  Who else would write a song about harvesting dental floss in Montana on a tiny horse, with Zircon encrusted tweezers?

    No doubt, the same guy who'd sing about a girl named "Suzy Creamcheese" ,  Hungry Freaks  and the Brain Police.  [wink]


  6. 21 hours ago, sparquelito said:

    I read a few study summaries last year that indicated that engaging in artistic and musical endeavors (later in life) stimulate the critical parts of the brain that keep Alzheimer's at arms length. 

    Learning a new musical instrument, painting, sculpting, whatever. 

    In short, 
    Buying new guitars = a long and coherent life


    My Grandmother too took up painting(I have a couple of her canvases hanging in my house.) and it didn't stop or slow anything. Early on, when she noticed her increasing memory problems, she thought maybe it had something to do with circulation.  Indeed, while looking into this I discovered that it could be a factor, and one of the believed 50+ causes of dementia. And that dementia isn't a disease, but Describes a group of symptoms that result in the problems discussed here.


  7. An old BENNY HILL gag------

    Welfare caseworker:  "My record shows you were married for 7 years, yet you have 15 children.  How do you account for that?"

    Benny( as single mother): "He comes around every now and then to apologize." 


  8. 4 minutes ago, RBSinTo said:


    He told me that there is good evidence that doing puzzles, and mental exercise can stave off dementia for two or three years, but not prevent it from progressing beyond that.


    I can argue the unreliability of that since my Grandmother , who read rabidly and often did crossword puzzles( both diagrammed and diagramless) started  signs of dementia in her mid 70's and got progressively worse until her death at age 86.  

    Like Mr. Natural's parents, she too would often ask me who I was.  Usually in a way that she needed to be reminded("Who are you again?")  But until her last year she would go in and out of lucid moments.  On her 80th birthday I asked what it was like to reach 80 years of age.  She answered, "I'm tired."  and with a grin added, "I want to go home."  I knew then she meant it as levity. 

    But then, I could write paragraphs about my Grandmother, the person in this world and my life I've always loved and admired the most, but this thread isn't about her.  And if she were alive and standing over my shoulder she'd agree that I need to stop now and move on.  [wink]


  9. My guitar bucket list is simple....

    Gibson goldtop LP   Preferably a '68 but not essential

    Martin HD-28

    Gibson Hummingbird 12-string.  Cherry burst.

    There are variants in case one is unavailable.   Example:  If the goldtop LP isn't possible, I'll settle for either....

    A Gibson Johnny A  or---

    A Hagstrom Super Viking

    For the other two.....

    A Martin 18 or 35

    Alvarez 12-string


  10. ACH!  I HATE dental problems.  But I recently had my two front teeth replaced by crowns.  They're holding up well.  And the odd fitting upper partial that a different dentist put in finally got replaced too.  The old one had one side that didn't fit properly on one side.  But having a bit of a problem with the new one.  It fits a bit loose and has a tendency to slip off  until about noonday.  Been back once for an adjustment, but needs another, obviously.  But other medical issues and doctor visits so far had kept me from going back yet. 

    Actually(according to my dentist) your teeth are constantly shifting.  But in normal circumstances the shift is so minimal as to not be noticeable.   Just one missing tooth from either the top or bottom can cause a noticeable shift.  And that shifting could be a possible explanation for my upper partial fitting better by midday.  


  11. 17 hours ago, hummingbirdguy said:

    I've been learning guitar for coming up on 6 months now and have been thinking of getting another guitar (well several though one at a time). Today the high e string has an odd metallic almost sitar sound, a quick search indicates its likely the nut or saddle, but it'll need to go to a luthier either way. Taking it in will most likely mean leaving it there for at least a couple of days, thus leaving me with what could end up a perfect reason to get a second guitar.  


    Leaving it for repair for a couple of days ain't going to kill you.  And DAMN sure less expensive than buying another guitar.


    • Like 1
  12. Not only stupid, but sick  [-X------

    What do you name a guy with no arms or legs lying on a porch?

    MATT.  :rolleyes:

    What do you name a guy with no arms or legs in a swimming pool?

    BOB   :rolleyes:

    Where does a one legged waitress work?

    iHop   [blush]


    • Thanks 1
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  13. At a 1968 concert with SPIRIT and CANNED HEAT(and Bubble Puppy)  on the bill,  Henry Vestine of Heat had a virtual wall of Marshall stacks.  Sure sounded loud enough for them to all be hooked up.  [scared]  Especially in the 4500 seat Masonic Temple Auditorium.


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  14. 2 hours ago, kidblast said:

    and.....  we have a winner

    If I had the slightest idea what the Hell "hide glue" was, I might agree.   And I wonder....

    Does it come in cherry burst?   And.....................

    Can you get it on with a Gibson Girl on it?  [wink]


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