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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 2 hours ago, Karloff said:



    I believe the small mercies is the fact that we don't have a video of Sgt's boobs ...

    And, due to the anonymity  of these boards, we're not sure they're really all that small either.  [wink]  


    • Haha 1
  2. Wow, JAXSON----

    You could have put most of those in ONE POST!  :rolleyes:   Regardless...

    I once saw this guy at Detroit's GRANDE BALLROOM during the late '60's "resurgence" in American blues......   A week after the latter was brought in for a show.  



    Great shows, both of 'em! 


    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Its only on other people posts in the bottom right corner of the post its shaded gray.

    Cause why would you need to like your own post?

    I can only imagine it has much to do with what kind of device you use to access the forum.  

    But as far as one "liking" their own posts, I've seen that happen in other forums I participate in.  Always cracks me up.  Can't decide if it's a sign of conceit or insecurity.  [cool]


  4. 23 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:


    But legend has it Babe once ate 12 hot dogs and drank 8 bottles of soda between a double header. I might be able to chock down 3 if I'm hungry enough. 

    I think John and George handed the Let It Be aka Get Back tapes off the Phil.  I think Paul didn't find out about it till the album came out. Coincidentally it is my wife's favorite Beatles album. And Yes Naked was much better than the original. I can't wait for the Doc that will hopefully be out in two months or so. I used to own it on 8-track. 

    As far as the Beatles solo stuff its hit and miss with me.

    Paul's stuff up to Venus And Mars except for Wild Life was I can still listen to and enjoy.

    George's All Things Must Pass is usually all I listen to from him. The last album on that of just them jamming was awful. And there are a few songs on some of his other solo albums I like. I never was a fan or George's voice.

    John's stuff like I said combine the best stuff of the first two of his solo albums and that is where I stop. Mind Games and Walls And Bridges has a good song or two, but that is it.  Double and Milk And Honey were pieces of poo. Double like I said maybe had 3 good tracks on it.

    Ringo's stuff is just silly. He can't sing, and I own Ringo and Goodnight Vienna on vinyl and each album has a decent song or two, but Ringo should stick to what he does best - drumming and being funny. 

    I'm a harsh critic and I know that. But I get tired of bands phoning it in just because of who you are. The greatest example of that is The Rolling Stones. I can't take anything after Goats Head except Some Girls. And their early stuff where they just did blues covers a million other people did it before them and better than them.

    Now here comes the Canadian to tell me I'm mean again. 

    I can go along with much of that 


    George's work after ALL THINGS MUST PASS is a bit hit-or-miss, but generally not as annoying as much of John's was.  And we (at least many probably) can't forget his tenure with THE TRAVELING WILBURYS. Talk about an "all star cast".  [wink]  

    I didn't like Paul's foray into  what I call "Dweeb Pop"( "My Love",  "Silly Love Songs",  "Let 'Em In",  etc.)  And his unfortunate collaborations with Michael Jackson and Stevie Wonder.  And while the LP "Band On The Run" yielded a couple/few good tunes,  I always thought the title tune blew chunks.  So does his Christmas song.   And speaking of that----

    Every time I hear John's "Happy Xmas(war is over)"  I always sing along with it.  But, I'm instead singing the lyrics to Peter, Paul and Mary's "Stewball"!  \:D/ The former always did remind me of the latter.

    [laugh] Whitefang

  5. DAN, I've often claimed I might not be around today if not for my second wife.

    I was in such a dark place when we first met(and since had often mentioned my "dark cloud" she saw over me) and she quickly snatched me out of that place and gripped my heart so tightly that I couldn't get back to that place even if I wanted to(which I didn't) I often thought I couldn't live without her, but since her passing nearly three years ago, I often realize I HAVEN'T been without her. So often is she in the way I do things, and in my reveries that I'm really never without her.  Now.....

    We've all heard people bandy about the term "soulmate".  But I can honestly say that Alicia was never my "soulmate."  ....

    She was (and is) my SOUL!


    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Why did Phil Spector add that sappy string section to the song Imagine. He did the same lame thing to Long And Winding Road. 


    He never learned even Babe Ruth never hit it out of the park every time.  And WHOSE idea was it to have Spector have a hand in it?  It's not hard to realize why I like "Let It Be... NAKED" a lot better.     And just for the record( even though nobody probably gives a sh*t)  I wasn't that impressed with DOUBLE FANTASY.  And did quickly tire of John's heavy use of reverb for the vocals in many of his post Beatle solo projects.  But can respect Yoko insofar as she's probably responsible for keeping John from totally self destructing years before he was murdered. 

    And incidentally SARGE------

    Like the thought often mistakenly attributed to Voltaire, I'll paraphrase.....

    I might not like everything you post, but will defend to the death your right to post them.  [smile]


    • Like 1
  7. On 6/11/2021 at 5:39 PM, fortyearspickn said:

    Youse guys knead two re-member your part in making the world a better place for Greta/Damien.

    KNEAD??  [confused]

    Whitefang  [wink]  (I'll let that "two" slide [cool])

  8. I'll say "Welcome to these boards SecondCity".     I'll just also say that I assume none of the other Gibson acoustics struck you the same way, so I'd be hard pressed to answer your question.  And now you've got my curiosity piqued.  So I'm anxious for the answer too.  [wink]


  9. Actually, the remake idea might not be a joke, but IS stupid nonetheless.  [wink]

    But as far as stupid jokes.....

    Didja hear about the cowboy that was so conceited he wore a 50 gallon hat?  

    (Thank you, Hazel Burke  [wink])


  10. Ah, just let me have my fun!  :rolleyes:   But I have no idea where to find a $200 acoustic guitar these days.  But I don't spend all day every day browsing through Guitar Center.  And there's no more SERVICE MERCHANDISE stores around anymore. And FINGERHUT doesn't have any showrooms either.  PAWNSHOPS would have several, but of course, they'd be far from new.


  11. 5 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:


    I think at the beginning of side 2 I think John says " Now Yoko is gonna do her thing all over you". She did and the world is not better for it.

    Sure.  When first hearing IT, I almost did my "thing" all over the living room carpet.  [blush]


    • Like 1
  12. 18 minutes ago, DanvillRob said:

    I simply don't know.... I recall as a kid in the SF Bay Area...there were "War Birds" in the sky almost all the time.   I even recall jets flying very high breaking the sound barrier!   (I think they restricted that to areas not populated very quickly).

    Yeah.  In the downriver Detroit area I grew up in there's further down the Detroit river, an island community called GROSSE ILE.  And at it's southern tip used to be a Naval air base(now a municipal airport, where the Goodyear blimp would moor when in town for the Grand Prix race) We used to watch those jet fighters fly over and would also hear the occasional sonic boom. Add those to the ground shakes when the salt mine, located in Southwest Detroit but that stretched out underground for up to 30 miles in all directions, would do their blasting and it wasn't your typical childhood lifestyle. [wink]


  13. An old friend of mine has a '66 slope shoulder J45 that he claims he hasn't played in years, and that he's too sick(Neuralgia  and arthritis in fingers) to play any more, but still refuses to sell it.  [cursing]

    Has only one kid, a son that doesn't play,and no grandchildren to give it to, and would rather just throw it out than get some easy bucks for it.  I've offered as high as $200, but he says he doesn't think it's worth that much.  so I told him, "Just name your price then."  and he still refuses.  [confused]  When he was playing I remember it sounded real nice.


  14. 5 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I'm currently re-watching The Beatles - Anthology Doc. I'm to where they are on their first tour on the US.

    I have that in VHS and watch all six tapes usually one or two a day(depending on which time of year and how clear my calendar is, in regards to doctor appointments and such) at least once a year.  STILL hasn't bored me.  [cool]  Never tire of it.


  15. I come from a time when boys didn't play with dolls("action figures" :rolleyes:)  and OUR only "action figures" were those tiny, cheap little green  Army men made of some kind of malleable  plastic.  And the most fun me and my best friend got out of those was to set their heads on fire and listen to that cool "zip!" sound made when the melted plastic fell to the ground.  [biggrin]

    But G.I.Joe  didn't come out until we were 13 and long past playing with toys basically.  More interested in spending any time or money on buying and listening to rock'n'roll 45s.  [wink]  While thinking about girls too.  \:D/

    One of the "coolest" toys I coveted was...


    • Like 1
  16. 23 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I hear the guy who recorded it doing the Nah Nah Nah's, but I think Linda's mic is off.

    That is just about my all time least favorite Beatles song. A two minute song followed by 5 minutes of Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah Nah.

    I do believe it's her, plus I've seen and heard other footage of her "singing".  As for the song....

    Never one of my favorites by The Beatles either.  And sorry, but I can't buy McCartney's "Hey Jules" story.  :rolleyes:


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