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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. 20 hours ago, kidblast said:

    That's kind of my take on the whole "solo" thing too Chris, and it's not just guitar, it's any improv really

    But going back to the guitar angle.... It's why guys like EVH, (RIP) Satch and Vai, and the others in their whole class of players don't really do a lot for me.

    I admire their abilities and no doubt they have off the chart chops,  but at the end of the day, (or song..) it's just endless blur of notes that really do nothing for the song.

    I can't take more than one or two tunes,  To sit thru a 13 / 14 track album of any of that, not happenin.. 




    Depends on the album for me.  Anyway.....

    I get the solo thing.  But I'll give Vai  some slack.  His solos at least(it seems to me) appear to be GOING somewhere, unlike EVH(and throw Malmsteem on that heap) whose solo work seems to be nothing more than  self indulgent musical masturbation.  Y'know, maybe I'll resurrect an old thread of mine from other forums about "Favorite guitar solos".  Look for it soon(unless one of YOU guys start it!  [wink])  But originally, I kept my list down to five.  So as not to bore too many folks.


  2. On 8/16/2021 at 11:25 AM, DanvillRob said:

    Fang, (I actually recently talked with Phil Volk...."Fang" in Paul Revere & The Raiders), we're fortunate to have an average of 300 sunny days per year.    Several years ago I put in a 12 kW Solar Panel System, (brought my summer electric bills down from over $1K per month to virtually zero).   Our generator is a Generac system....and so far it's been flawless....I know little about the Kohler system, except I have one in the motor home...but the home generators would be completely different.

    Chris' idea of building a complete off-the-grid system is WAY too ambitious for me!

    Well, Chris might well know that Generac offers a solar/battery combo( which he might have been referring to) And the Kohler generator is pretty much the same as Generac's.  Operates the same(off natural gas) and as close in price.  

    You are fortunate in having 300 sunny days a year in your state.  But here in Mich. we can go anywhere without the risk of being burnt to a crisp.  [wink]  But there's drawbacks to everything and every place.


  3. 2 hours ago, rct said:

    A serious question.  I don't care about Nickelback, I like a song or two of theirs, but I do like seeing them in big arena films, they are a good band and I'd bash at guitars with that guy doing all the singing all day.

    You do not hear the formula in the Beatles?  Zeppelin?  Any supposedly serious, "good" band that isn't just garbage pop music, according to those that know these things?  Anything that sells has a recipe behind it, that's how you get from one record to the next and stay on top.  Even Zappa knew what he was doing in order to move records.  I'll never hear the end of that, because he was "good" and not Madonna or Gaga, who also knew what they were doing in order to move records.

    You know a Beatles song from 7 miles away, the very definition of formulaic recipe pop music.

    I've never understood the hate for any of it, even the stuff I don't particularly personally care for.  I don't hate it.  I'll play it if you want and we have a singer for it.  I don't hate any of it, especially because I dismiss it as formulaic recipe pop.  It's all formulaic recipe pop.


    Well, just about any band certainly has their "sound".  I don't necessarily consider that "formulaic"  as I do when it seems that EVERY band in some particular genre seems to not only LOOK alike, but SOUND alike too.  Like all those '80's big hair "heavy metal" bands.  Seemed like every one of them had a front man(or either lead guitarist) that had long, blond hair with a wide headband tied around his head.  And they all looked like they bought all the same spandex at the same store.  And the only difference in their music was the titles of the songs.

    If you want to think of any band's particular "sound" as "formulaic", I guess that's OK, but when an entire GENRE becomes formulaic, that's another thing.  Other bands that came along and sounded similar to say, The Beatles or whoever quickly disappeared  as all copycats do.  But with a few exceptions(and it's an "ear of the beholder" thing).  Like, I've always referred to two bands by one name because to me they sound so much alike.  That (those) band(s) is  ----

    REO STYXWAGON!  [wink]


  4. 56 minutes ago, NighthawkChris said:

    I still get goosebumps when I hear the outro of Stairway.  As played as it is, awesome song hands down. 

    Yep.  Sure is subjective.  I've never understood it's appeal.  Especially since both before and since Zeppelin has done much, MUCH better tunes.  But then maybe it's just me.....

    There's other songs I consider mediocre or just not that great that other people kind of "feen" over(if I'm using that right).  like......

    Aerosmith's "Dream On"

    The Eagles' "Hotel Catatonia(er...California [wink])"

    Queen's  "Blowhemian Crapsody"  [bored]

    And of course, I'm pretty sure a lot of the tunes I really like  probably rate high on other people's "barf meter" .



  5. And sorry,

    But it's "THEIR"  not "THERE".    And "THERE'S".  Same in either Canada or the U.S.  [cool]  Oh, and as for the last try up above....

    It should read "Not sure why THEY'RE not liked......"  [wink]

    Hope that helps.


  6. 1st.----  I won't really bother my insurance about what's likely only $50 worth of food. 

    2nd.----  Since when is fish(tilapia) not food?

    As for the generator, I did mention in the OP that I'm considering giving the Generac folks a call.  Or even maybe the Kholer folks.  Expensive, sure.  But added value to the house.  I'm not going to live forever, and my kids when I'm gone, will have to sell the place and items like that only help hike up the price.  Which is also why I'm looking into redoing both the kitchen and bath.  [wink]

    I mentioned elsewhere that the worst part of this outage was it happened during the three hottest(so far) days of the month.  Reached the mid to high 90's.  Now that I've got power back and can use my A/C, it's not predicted to get any higher than mid to upper 70's. 



    • Like 1
  7. Not familiar with their work either, but I also read a lot of hate for them in various forums over the years.  And sure, they no doubt have their fans.  After all, even KISS made it big, and from what I hear in that clip, these guys are WAY better than Kiss ever could have hoped to be(IMHO).   But still not enough to convert me.  I've heard a few local bar bands do that tune just as well and some even better.  It's all an "ear of the beholder" thing.  [wink]


    • Like 1
  8. Yeah, jdgm....

    That link gave me a 401 too.   And maybe he that posted it knew that and it's why he'll be sure his paper will be unique because we can't access any source he claims to use.  [wink]  He could copy it verbatim and we'll never know.


  9. Yeah.  Big whup!  :rolleyes:

    To clarify....

    Last Wed. a huge storm ripped through my vicinity of Southeast Mich. and left not only some major flooding in some areas(not mine, thank goodness) and high winds caused an estimated 500,000 DTE(the big energy conglomerate in these parts) customers without power.  One which was me.  My power resumed around 6:00-7:00 pm last night.  I was at a nearby sister in law's house(she didn't lose power) watching the Tigers game and hoping Miguel Cabrera would hit home run #500(didn't happen) when I decided to call my landline phone( connected through my cable service).  I knew that if my home phone rang it would mean my electric power was resumed.  So for basically three days I was unable to visit and communicate with all you good people here since my only iNet connection is through a desktop PC.  And this morning was spent throwing out all the foods in my fridge and freezer section that was rendered useless due to the outage.  Luckily, there wasn't really that much anyway as I was overdue for restocking to begin with.  Just had to toss one chicken breast, a few ground sirloin patties and tilapia fillets.  Stuff that once frozen can't be used if it gets thawed then refrozen.  My frozen vegetables and pierogi will be OK though.  Then in the fridge part I had to toss the fat free half and half, the 1/2 cup of milk that was all I had let and some salad I made Tues. , and the cantaloupe I cut up and put in a container and some turkey breakfast sausage.  I'm pretty sure my fruit and salad dressings and condiments will be OK to use though.  So I'm guessing maybe 60-70$$ and five or six bags of replacement groceries will do me.   It was lucky that I could still cook a few things however.  The gas still worked, and though my stove is an electric ignition kind, I, in the case of these situations, keep one of those long barreled barbecue starter lighters handy.  [wink]   And an old stove top percolator around the house too.    And though I'm seriously considering contacting the Generac people soon, in case that's not an option I'm considering getting back into keeping oil lamps in the house( like I had in the '70's) for if or when this happens again.  They came in handy back then when there was a power blackout 'round here in '79. 

    Anyway, glad to be back.  [cool]


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  10. 15 hours ago, Dub-T-123 said:

    I like the little nodular cracklings with a hit of tabasco 

    Here's something you might(or might not) know....

    THIS is what "Mama's li'l baby" originally loved before "Shortnin' bread."  [wink]


  11. Heck.  I just might settle for someone who knows the difference between "To" and "TOO".  Or "There", "THEIR" and "They're".  [wink]

    Throw in "Here" and "Hear" also!  [biggrin]

    And now also throw in "Your" and "You're". [wink]


  12. Still high?  [biggrin]

    Must've been good sh*t!  [wink]

    Anyway, glad for ya.  Personally, It's hard for me to actually pick out a "favoritest" band.  Not even going by genre, as there are several I lend my ears to.  No one band from ANY genre supercedes the  others.  Especially those artists and bands(like Zappa and Matthews) who to me, seem to be their own genres. 

    Of course, in my youth I did have my "heroes",  which would change on a regular basis, but as years passed, I found it more and more difficult to settle for only one band/artist/genre.  And something too you might understand Chris....

    I also consider MOTOWN to be more of a genre than a record label.  [wink]


    • Like 1
  13. I have to agree with IanHenry about that vid being awful.  But, as I've often stated, it's an "ear of the beholder" thing.  I'll go a step further(proving it too is a "to each" thing) That what doesn't help keep it from being awful is them doing a song that(IMHO) can't be done well by ANYBODY.   [wink]  But, like I said.........


  14. Well, FORTY;

    If referring to the post just above your post above this one, I just see one "sad" emoticon.  Plus, I don't think any use of the emoticons indicate any kind of "vote".    Just a reaction to the particular post. 

    And, in other forums I'm in that use a similar emoticon system in the lower right hand corner, any reactions by emoticons also include the names of the forum members that  posted them. 


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