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Posts posted by Whitefang

  1. I would imagine it's a very early model Gibson electric.  Mostly because I'm not sure when this performance was filmed and not sure when Epiphone or Gretsch started making electric guitars.


  2. 5 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    If you position your mouse pointer over the 'k' amount it displays how many posts precisely. 


    Cool how that works.  [omg]

    I'm at an age where things concerning computer capabilities that much younger people take for granted and are routine for them are still fascinating to me.  [wink]


  3. Can't find a less fuzzy clip, and no date available, but you can get a few good views of Bob Wills'  guitar picker.so....

    Who was he, and what's the guitar he's pickin'?

    Not a quiz.  I'd really like to know.  [wink]


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  4. 2 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    Well the double entendre was deliberate. These days it looks more boastful (at my age) than suggestive. [wink]

    [laugh]  Yeah, I can relate.  [crying]

    16 minutes ago, jdgm said:

    The song association game thread is loading much faster now.


    Noticed that.  Used to take enough time for me to go refill my coffee cup.


  5. Boys, boys!  Be nice.  [wink]

    No matter what anyone believes, it's what THEY believe and is just as valid as anyone else's belief.  After all, faith is believing something is true, even though there's no proof that either confirms it or disproves it.   Consider.....

    An electronics geek I know,  when I asked him just how television DOES work, answered, "Magic".  [wink]   "Every electronics logic we know suggests it isn't possible, but there it is.! " He went on.  And I've read somewhere that judging by all aeronautic engineering knowledge and analysis that the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly.  But fly it does.   So, how to reckon that is the question.


  6. Looks like a Les Paul to me.  It should have had that printed somewhere on it's headstock.  

    But the lack of the Gibson logo on the headstock and the metal tuning keys gives me suspicion it's some kind of "knock-off". 


  7. My Mother died a few years before my best friend's Mom( who I always considered my "Mom away from Mom").  He wasn't able to come to her funeral home viewings( in hospital at the time) but did sent condolences.

    But when his Mom died I was able to go pay my respects.  And I then went and asked his Dad how he was holding up then sat down next to my friend and asked, "So......had enough yet?"   He asked, Enough what?" Just then, two women his Mom's age walked up, said they were sorry and then, "All her troubles are over now" and "She's in a better place"  and when they walked off I said, "Again....had enough?"   I was still smoking then and we went to the basement of the funeral home that was the designated smoking area and also where coffee or other beverages were available.  It was then I told him, "I've heard that 'troubles are over' and 'Better place' horsesh!t so much at my Mom's funeral it was all I could do to not whack. the next idiot who said that with the chair I was sitting on."  

    We agreed they meant well, but that people should just give it up.   It is hard to try and say the right thing in a situation where there's really NO right thing to say.  I was gratefully spared that at my wife's funeral  by people who instead  offered condolences and preferred to talk about a pleasant memory they had of her.  And I was really touched when the drivers of the ambulance that would transport her three days a week back and forth for dialysis showed up and seemed genuinely saddened.   And my brother in law was spared any possibility of that due to his wife of 63 years(my wife's sister) dying at the beginning of the Covid restriction period(her death wasn't Covid related) and funeral homes weren't providing those services for a while.  It was bad enough that she died, but worse that she died the morning of his birthday. At that time there was no place we could all gather for a memorial except in one of her other sister's backyard.  And since it was May('20) the bugs and sun made it all a bit uncomfortable.


    • Thanks 2
  8. Glad to see you back here Sarge!  [smile]

    Yeah, I might look into that package.  Mostly for the video footage though.  I never had the LP as  my finances were severely limited when it came out.  And never got around to "catching up" with it when the money wasn't funny anymore.  But I did buy the "Naked" CD as it did thankfully contain  "Spector-free" remixes of some tunes.   

    Those guys influenced WAY more than just music.  Funny, but you can't discuss 20th century American and British pop culture history without mention of The Beatles.


  9. Just now, merciful-evans said:

    I only noticed the 'k' post count. 

    My 'upstanding member' description is finally gone. 


    [laugh]  There are some in another forum I'm in that would make  off color jokes about your "upstanding member"  description.  Like perhaps.....

    If that member is "upstanding " for four hours or more, better see your doctor!  [wink]

    And seriously, I can't see where anything is gained or "improved" by these changes, which weren't really all that much of an issue with anyone, if at all.


    • Like 2
  10. 2 minutes ago, Pinch said:

    .  The RIP Thing, I think, is more complex.

    Not really.  That's just paying respects.   What the OP might have been alluding to are those people who(and for example) like a friend of my daughter, that cried for hours, went into a scary deep funk, didn't answer calls and took a week off of work because PRINCE died!

    And she didn't know or ever meet him.  That daughter too, is a huge Prince fan, but just felt sad for a few hours and spent the next few days listening to a lot of his music.  


    • Like 1
  11. 22 minutes ago, Pinch said:

    People like feeling like they're a part of things, I  guess.

    Mr. Watts probably had a great, and certainly a relatively long life. I'd celebrate that rather than RIP it.

    Well sure.  I imagine that's why most(if not all) of us join forums like this.  And I suppose too, that people mourn the passing of music and movie "heroes" because of a natural sense of empathy and/or because of whatever part they played in making their lives more enjoyable or at least bearable.  And of course it's more disturbing if that death is at a young age and under tragic circumstances.  Like  Buddy Holly, of long ago,  Or Jimi, Janis, Jim, Jimmy,  Kurt,  and others.   

    Just the other day there was an acknowledgement  here in Detroit of the 20th anniversary of Detroit singer AaLIYAH's death in a small plane crash.  She was just 22.


  12. International Dog Day?   What is that?

    The day we're supposed to go into a bank, hold everyone in it hostage and for ransom?

    But not until the afternoon?  [flapper]

    Seriously,  I lost my two Shih-Tzus  shortly after moving to this place 10 years ago.  Both are buried in a special spot in the backyard.  Had I been aware of it I'd have put a bone or pig's ear on their graves or something.  


  13. Did THEY design that,  or someone on the Gibson design staff?  

    A friend of mine once had an "Everly Brothers" signature Gibson.  Long time ago.  It WAS a nice ax and I haven't seen him or it in over forty years.  I don't even know if he still has it or not.


  14. 2 hours ago, NighthawkChris said:

    Nothing wrong with getting your own cameras and setting up the software to get surveillance gear online.  I just don't like the "cloud" - i.e. a computer that is not mine holding onto my data.  So if the price of having a device like this costs me privacy, I'm out.  I'll stop there because I'm a radical. 

    You do know of course, that there ARE many computers, not yours,  that are holding onto your data.  You know...

    Your employer, bank, doctor, iNtet service and cell service and anywhere else you might be set up for "auto-pay" .   But I get the desire to not let another entity get all that info as well.  [wink]


  15. 22 hours ago, kidblast said:

    well said brutha..  I do remember when you told us that had lost your wife,  I'm sorry for that still.  I can't imagine.  

    I thank you for that.  And my wish for you(and any other married men here)  is that imagining that is the worst it gets for you.


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