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Posts posted by Pinch

  1. 4 hours ago, Narwhal6 said:

    I actually had to look this guy up, from Wikipedia; "Richard John Beato (/biˈɑːtoʊ/ bee-AH-toh; born April 24, 1962[2]) is an American YouTube personality, multi-instrumentalist, music producer and educator."

    WTF Gibson? Who do you see as your customers nowadays?

    To think that anyone that plays would be more likely to buy a guitar because it has some YouTube personality's signature on it is baffling to me. Seems to me it's people who identify as collectors that buy that crap more than people who play.

    Hate to be blunt, but holy cow.


    I thought that too. At least it didn't say "influencer".

  2. On 8/2/2023 at 12:26 PM, KonLigo said:

    Hello to everyone,

    So, I've got an Epiphone DC Pro (https://www.epiphone.com/en-US/Electric-Guitar/EPIUHU51/Faded-Cherry)

    On Friday I changed my strings from the stock ones, to Elixir Nanoweb, similar gauges as the stock strings

    I installed the strings, tuned the guitar and started playing. Compared to the stock ones, the Nanowebs sounded horrible

    I started searching online and got into the whole procedure of setting up the guitar, to accommodate for the new strings

    I measured the action then and it was 3mm on the low e and 2mm on the high e

    I didn't measure it before the changing of strings

    So, since then I have tried to setup the guitar, learning by reading from various forums, reddit, watching youtube videos, and other sources

    I tried 3 times in 3 different days to set it up, so I will only discuss about the last setup I did (the setup its in right now) . All 3 setups were pretty much the same, with the relief and the intonation getting a little better every time

    Note: every time I write that i check for buzzing frets, I mean without an amp

    I didn't use an amp through the whole procedure at all

    Also: my tuner is a Peterson StroboClip HD


    First I tune it and start setting up the relief: getting a straight neck first and then setting up the relief by checking for any buzzing frets. Depending on where its buzzing, I add or remove relief

    Finally I am left with an upbow relief for which I have zero buzzing frets, and the tap test sounds exactly like in the youtube videos I have been watching


    Then I move on to the action: Like I wrote previously, the action was at 3mm low e and 2mm high e before I made any adjustments to it

    I really wanted an action of around 2mm on low e and 1.5mm on the high e

    The moment I lowered the low e, even to 2.5 from 3, it started buzzing all over the place

    So I had to leave it at 3mm. I set the high e to 2.5mm from the previous 2mm, so its closer in height to the low e


    Then I move on to intonation: This was pretty tricky, I had to maximize the distance in 3 strings, going all the way to the right, but I got it either very good to good intonation

    (note, some notes seemed to be "jumping" in one direction when tuning, like they were moving slowly at first for some time, then made a big jump to the right and then moved slowly again)

    I guess the high action isn't allowing me to set intonation perfectly


    So on to the questions : was the procedure done correctly? Did I miss anything?

    Most importantly: how can I get a lower action than 3mm on the low e, when I hear buzzing even at 2.5?

    For the intonation I assume the only fix is to setup the action lower... but like I just said, I am stuck at 3mm if I want to hear no buzzing without an amp


    Finally, I feel like I am stuck in a situation with very high action and not very good intonation from which I have no idea how to escape


    Any suggestions?

    Sounds good to me.

    Keep in mind that just by fretting the 12th fret differently, you can go flat or sharp, so good enough is often, well, good enough. 

  3. On 8/18/2023 at 7:50 AM, Guido_59 said:

    Thank you pinch.

    Fortunately I have found a local luthier despite during this period of holiday in Italy most of activities are closed.

    I ‘ll bring my guitar to him for check setup to see what work can be done.

    I shouldn’t spend a lot of money cause my guitar is not a great value guitar

    excuse me for my language and bye from Italy 

    No problem, hope it all works out and welcome back whenever you feel like it. 

  4. On 8/22/2023 at 2:06 PM, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Here is why. Let's say The Rolling Stones announce today they are playing MSG. Tickets go in 2 hours. Mick Jagger announces he's going to play MSG and he sells 2000 tickets.  Same with Guns. Who wants an Axl Rose album, but call it G & R with who gives a toss who's on it an it sells a lot more that Axl Pose and A-sshats.

    That's a good point. 

    Oh man, Geffen spent ten million on the studio. I remember thinking waiting for Illusion was a long wait... 

    They were worth it though, IMHO. Have stood the test of time, I think. The Use your illusion albums I mean. 

  5. On 8/18/2023 at 2:32 PM, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I don't like their music or see their appeal. It just grates on you. 


    Same here. If he hadn't been in the Pistols, would they have "made it"? 

  6. 19 hours ago, 'Scales said:

    Indeed. I've seen videos of Richard playing outside of GnR and I really liked his style. GnR actually had some awesome guitarists over the years but relatively few people noticed them amongst all the bs that went with the band.

    Really good player, both on lead and rhythm. I've watched a few rig-rundown type things with him, and he seems like a very cool guy, too.

    Remains to be seen if they can put something good together. This business of releasing table scraps from the Chinese Democracy sessions is not doing them any good. It's not like they need the money either, so why sully the brand.

  7. 16 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    C D was a poo burrito smothered in diarrhea sauce. Just stop you guys, your last century’s news. Who cares about them anymore? Slash needs another LP sig model though. 14 aren’t enough.

    I would say the album's... fair. "There was a time" and "This I love" are pretty good songs. I just don't understand why he'd release it under the GNR monicker, but that's just me.

    And a couple billion more people.

  8. On 7/8/2023 at 7:56 PM, jdgm said:

    Could be - loose saddle screw on bridge.  1/4 turn would fix that.

    I'll file this under "well, I'll be damned...". I tip my hat, Sir. 

    (My understanding of basic physics is something like, well, the earth was in space, and then God created Santa Claus who gifted us gravity, and that's why the vase broke) 

  9. 3 hours ago, sparquelito said:

    I have a policy of never clicking on a link to anything related to AI.


    Same here. This is where I draw the line. TikTok (what was wrong with YouTube Shorts?) was bad enough. No more adolescent bs.

  10. On 8/4/2023 at 1:45 PM, Sgt. Pepper said:

    In the USA on August 1st we will not be allowed to by incandescent light bulbs any more. Not sure if they are going to sell of what is on the shelf or not. I have had  new LED bulbs fail, but they are supposed to last a long time and reduce energy cost. Now some LED's do not like dimmer circuits. And most packs say they work with dimmers if they are designed to. 

    Same here in Europe, but it happened almost ten years ago. I know it's the principle of the thing, but with electricity prices skyrocketing here now (many hundred percents up), no one would change back, and I don't think I've noticed the difference between the two different types ever. If anything, I would say my experience is that they're more durable overall. 

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