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Everything posted by NighthawkChris

  1. Even with the Tusq nuts, they aren’t plug-n-play really… you’re doing some filing down and such to make them fit. That’s been my experience with every single one of them I’ve tried out. This is why I just go to someone who can cut a nut from a bone blank. Bone is a great material. The Tusq nuts are really good too, but again, better not sand too much material off of it… I recommend getting a couple Tusqs if you’re going this route
  2. Yeah you replace a nut with a custom filed piece of bone. The more animals parts on my guitar the better I feel
  3. I still would give it a look and I’ll bet you’d be hard pressed to find a counterfeit with a Gibson sized TR nut. I’m not in the business of counterfeit sleuthing but I’m looking there as an easy way to find the truth. You open the guts of a counterfeit, safe bet you’ll find something that looks kinda China special.
  4. Putting $2k into my house would make me feel better. Even paying $2k for a vacation might be warranted because vacation isn’t cheap anymore. But for a couple hours… Bruce’s music also sucks. He sounds like an angry drunk blathering his crap into the mic. Sorry Bruce fans, I think he’s a piece of work.
  5. Speaking of mindless “jam bands”… Phish is another band I just don’t get. I think every sound they have ever made is pointless. Their fans would claim I just blasphemed though. My buddy would just want to “jam” and would record it for a nice pointless 15 minutes of pure crap. I don’t like “jamming” when I play. It’s even worse than fusion jazz because when the guys I played with jam, they played the same rhythm in one variation or another for the entire time. Brutal… Sometimes I’d just stop for a minute or two to send a signal to stop… never worked.
  6. Cool man I never knew the meaning of the song at all. I’m with you though about the band 100%. They are a one album band to me - like Pearl Jam with Ten.
  7. That chainsaw case looks legit, but in bad shape. Guitar looks like fake Gibson though… Just show me what’s behind the truss rod cover and that will remove all doubt.
  8. At least you tried haha! Like sgt said, Lateralus was his cutoff. I think I only liked undertow, but all the other albums - even earlier - I just didn’t get too inspired by them. The one song I liked that they did was called Prison Sex. I don’t get into the aforementioned activity though, nor have I been in prison haha! Good song, but a lot of their songs aren’t in that groove like PS. Very strange video, interesting groove.
  9. Ditto on Tool. I’d rather listen to Radiohead - who I do not like either.
  10. On my “standard” LP Custom, I can feel a slight transition from the binding to the neck, but it’s not terribly noticeable. It shouldn’t be significant. But in reality, I shouldn’t feel any transition for the money these things cost. Send ‘em back I say.
  11. Wow that looks like a straight up ledge you could rest your coffee on. Good call to return the guitar. That would be a hard pass if it came to me like that. That is a result of not doing something right during its manufacture if I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing based on your pic.
  12. I grew up in the 80s, but always liked the bands my dad did - from 60s and 70s. I learned to play guitar learning Zeppelin and such. So I don’t really know jack about KISS but their music I’ve heard never turned me on to them. They aren’t the worst - BY FAR - just aren’t my cup of tea. Musically, Rush far superior. For crying out loud, they had (RIP) Neil Peart. People can love what they want. Was Gene trying to put an unseen value on his gig by what he had to do to make his millions saying someone as respected as Geddy would even have a hard time doing the whole KISS thing. So if this be the case, I don’t agree really because it almost seems like 2 different things - theatrics vs musicianship.
  13. IMHO, I never liked KISS. I cannot think of one song they have produced I can enjoy listening to. Are all the theatrics necessary too? I don’t really get into Rush either, but I’d rather listen to Rush than KISS. Quite possibly I’d rather SEE in concert Rush than KISS too based on music alone. It’s not just eyes at a concert that are needed to enjoy…
  14. Never got the whole tomato on a hot dog. I've had a Chicago dog in Chicago, and it was good, but the least favorite part was the tomato - and I love tomatoes. With you on the ketchup/catsup thing.
  15. Yeah I don’t do ketchup on most things. A little bit on a burger, but I just don’t get into that stuff. Kinda grosses me out TBH. My kids eat that crap like no one’s business. Yuck!
  16. Why do some people wear socks with sandals?
  17. Things that come to my mind are thoughts... Oh wait, there's a thread about stupid jokes. Sorry!
  18. @kidblast good deal man hope whatever you work out protects your goods.
  19. My favorite are coney dogs - chili, onions, mustard, and cheese… I absolutely love these things, but I don’t pound them down competitively haha! Don’t forget the chili-cheese fries to boot!
  20. This would make me question why you would still want to go with the Gibson case. None of my Gibson or off-brand cases have ever needed an assist to close them. Perhaps Gibson is thinking this is a solution to prevent toggle switch cap blow-ups? You know, when some turd decides to ship you a LP and forgets to take the toggle switch cap off. Happened to me a couple times. FWIW, when I travel with my LP, it's in a run-of-the-mill Gator case that doesn't call out anything Gibson on it other than the shape I suppose, and it seems to do the trick.
  21. I've shared this before here that when I got COVID the first time, I was Pfizer'ed up - fully inoculated and I only knew that I had it because I mysteriously lost my smell and taste completely - only symptoms. I have nearly an acre of land and I decided to push mow my lawn to get in some steps to keep heart-healthy as I do at times. I did this with COVID. So my first infection was the mildest of mild infections an my smell and taste were completely restored after a week. I actually didn't get the 4th booster this time as I was lazy this time around for whatever reason. I've been working like a madman while keeping up with the kids and getting it this time hasn't been fun. I feel today I've started to turn the corner a bit. I was getting a lot of body aches, fever, cold sweats, dry, hot coughs, sleeplessness to boot... I quit smoking a few years back, so I always worry about this - having to deal with 20+ years of putting poison into my lungs and heart. I just didn't want to leave my kids fatherless. All that aside, derailed this thread with COVID talk, but it took away the fun from a nice 4th Celebration I look forward to every year. My neighbors light off some straight up mortars out here for long, sustained periods of time. My windows move, haha! I heard it all, but I was laying in bed trying to work this crap off while everyone celebrated outside. It is what it is though... Just bad timing I suppose. I hope that everyone enjoyed their Independence Day and had fun with their friends and family, because that's what it is all about for me. Hot dogs, burgers, good company, etc. Hopefully next year isn't like it was this year for me - or rather "us" as in my family.
  22. Thanks Steve I appreciate the sentiments!
  23. Truth is I’m not doing so good right now and I know what you said about this crap in the recent past. I don’t care if you don’t get a vaccine or even want to fight anyone about it. I just don’t take crap from anyone as this wouldn’t be the first time you’ve tried to get under my skin with some crass comment.
  24. Kicking a man when he’s down huh @Mr. Gibson just like the teeth you kicked out of your farm animals to make the biting hurt less when you’re trying to make the next generation.
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