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Big Bill

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Posts posted by Big Bill

  1. 1 hour ago, rct said:

    I send Polaroids to ksdaddy.  He takes them to FotoMat and they mimeograph them so he can take them to Grants for conversion to slides.  Then he projects them and takes a picture of the slides with his iFone.


    Us your Polarhoid next time and save some time. Not your hemorrhoid, but that camera thing. 

  2. Everything looks cool to me.

    The only issue I see is VERY MINOR, the selector switch is adjust too low. Unscrew the top nut then remove the back plate to access the switch and adjust the nut on the other side so the switch protrudes out the top more. 

    I hope you enjoy your new Les Paul. I think we would all like to see pics of the whole guitar. 🙂 

  3. I think those kind of situations are a blast! I ran across the same issue with my 1975 RI Jazz Bass just last week, I bought it new in 1994. Same exact issue as the OP except I had to adjust the neck. I took the whole thing apart tuners and all and cleaned and polished it. Man when I was done that thing looks and plays sweet!! It has that binding on the neck with the block inlays, awe man, it slept in the bed with me that night. (out of its case)

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, brad1 said:

    Thanks! It's a 2012.  Got it on Reverb  

    Wasn't the world supposed to end that year?

    Its my Armageddon guitar! 😃

    That is pretty sweet, always had a chubby for one of those.

    My son said just last night that the Mayans might have been 8 years off the mark... 

    • Like 2
  5. I only have that issue with FedEx. The driver also likes leaving packages for other people at my house too. At Christmas time I feel like Santa delivering all these packages. Same jerk...

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, fortyearspickn said:

    Here for 6 months and already 400 'Likes'  - yet 3/4 of what you post is negative. Wow.     And the rest is like your opening post here - "I can't go to a concert, poor me."  Then when someone suggests it's a First World Problem - you immediately attack his Nationality.   Neither JVI, nor his nationality should be denigrated.   Ever hear the term  "Race, Color, NATIONAL ORIGIN, Sex, Religion or Age."  ?     You mention Boot Camp and being a Navy veteran (E-8?) often.  Didn't you also mention you drove another member away - whose sign on was .... "NAVYVET"?    When I was in the Navy - we looked forward to Canadian Navy visits, because they knew how to drink beer.  And hold it without getting ugly.  We also didn't have pistols or rifles in Boot Camp.  Funny.   We have enough divisiveness all over - you are either part of the problem or part of the solution.  Pick one. 

    I ask this without malice, this is a sincere question. Can you come over to the lounge and visit without your boxing gloves on? I would love for you to hang with us and join in the fun. It appears that the only time you come over here is to mix it up with others.

    There is a few here that bother the hell out of me here too, I use the ignore feature and it works very well. I highly recommend using it before going for the heavyweight belt here on the electric side of the house. This advice is intended for the  jvi too.  

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  7. 40 minutes ago, 'Scales said:

    Never seen one like that before. Congrats.[thumbup]

    :-k if one of those silver painted street performers wanted to incorporate some busking....

    I saw a guy in Trafalgar Square that could have rocked that Lester.

    I looked these Studios up, it seems they hold their value well.

  8. Ahhh, been to Bahrain many times. The Navy never kept their ramps clean, had to change tires a few tires with all the FOD scattered all over the place.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    A lot of Navy people. I can not tell you how many times I was called Puddle Pirate and Shallow Water Sailor.

    I had buddies of mine that left active duty and have gone full time reserve or the Guard and I saluted them just as proudly. 

    In these times, they spend a lot of time in theater.

  10. 51 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    I retired from the military although I had to hear for years I was in a fake service cause I was in the Coast Guard after 23 years. I still have to work to be able to survive.

    Who in the hell told you that!?!

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