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Big Bill

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Posts posted by Big Bill

  1. 23 hours ago, jvi said:

    thanks for the capitals....who stirs the pot with trash talk ?  you chief clown.

    Just curious. Do play guitar or even own one. Do you even listen to music at all? You never seem to contribute anything to what this forum represents. You just appear to have a boner for Sgt. Pepper.

    I have nothing more to say. I'm just hasd to ask...

    • Like 1
  2. On 7/18/2020 at 7:48 PM, Retired said:

    Where at in Michigan Bill? Our daughter in laws parents live close to Naperville but are actually in Michigan at the boarder with Lake Michigan almost overlooking their back yard.  They live basically  at a golf course. 

    I'm from Detroit. Spent this vacation farther north in the Traverse City area.


  3. On 6/3/2020 at 1:53 PM, Huck Finn said:

    Hi Everybody,

    ho un problema con la mia Chet Atkins CE: il piezo non amplifica tre corde su sei. Ho provato a regolare i volumi di ogni singola corda, ma non si modifica nulla. QUalcuno con una chitarra come la mia ha incontrato questo problema? Se sì, come l'ha risolto? Grazie per i vostri contributi.

    Saluti a tutti.



  4. 6 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:



    Happy 4th to all.  Best wishes to our Bri-ish brothers. 🤝

    Do you think that's funny? Are you trying to make a point? That's is just plain stupid! I think you owe  some apologies to both sides of the pond on this one. Do you under stand... good god man,use your head.

    Now I know why my dear friends have left this forum, this place has gotten sick.

    The moderators here really need to grow some balls

    Using the word of the great Pip, "I'm out of here!"

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 2
  5. 6 minutes ago, Larsongs said:

    I'd tell my wife & kids to go in the House. Then I'd tell the Guy I paid him to do a Job & it isn't done right & that I expect "him" to correct it. I expect him to resolve it... Then I'd go back in the House.  A/C, Beer, Family & J45.......

    When he's finished I'd inspect his work & tell him I hope it level this time as I'd hate to have him make 3rd trip....

    There ya go, can't state it better than that. 

    Post of the day award!!

  6. 6 minutes ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    The guy next door has a riding mower. He does it for me every few weeks and and I give him a $20. Win - Win. Takes him all of 10 minuets if that. 

    I had a riding mower, it impacted my lawn.

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