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Mr. Natural

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Everything posted by Mr. Natural

  1. An Eskimo rode his snowmobile to small gas station and garage in a northern Alaskan town. The mechanic walks out of the garage and says, "How can I help you?" The Eskimo says, "My snowmobile is sluggish, it's running rough, and it's leaking oil. Can you take a look at it?" The mechanic says, "Sure. It'll take me a little while." The Eskimo says, "That's OK. I'll just go across the street and get some lunch." The Eskimo goes to the little cafe across the street. An hour later, the Eskimo walks back across the street to the garage. The mechanic comes out of the garage, wiping his hands on a red rag, and says, "It looks like you've blown a seal." The Eskimo wipes his mouth with his hand and says, "No, that's just a little mayonnaise from my sandwich."
  2. I'm not a high gain or metal guy anyway. I'll have to look under the couch cushions and in the pockets of my old sport coats. I bet I can easily dig up 49 bucks.
  3. Saturn, I guess you like the MojoMojo? In the video demos I've seen, it sounds like what I like in an OD. I don't have any tc electronic stuff, but they seem to be highly regarded, and the MojoMojo is dirt cheap.
  4. We LOVE confusion and contradiction. Welcome to the forum.
  5. Very nice LPs! And, welcome to the forum.
  6. If you "like it like this", then get a Fender Telecaster. It's a fine guitar.
  7. I used to suffer from heartburn/GERD. Now I take 40mg of Pantoprazole every day and don't lie down within two hours of eating; no more heartburn.
  8. But they were ONCE alive. And that carrot you pull out of your garden, wash off, and take a bite out is still alive.
  9. I like Siri AND Alexa. I just hope they don't find out about each other or I'll be screwed.
  10. Yeah. Every living thing on the planet exists at the expense of other living things.
  11. Okay, maybe a jay snapping up an ant IS more interesting than a horse race.
  12. But did that ant cross your front porch in two minutes racing against other ants?
  13. Just an OD first, then maybe a fuzz. Sometimes I like a reverb at the end. I've got way too many ODs (I need to decide which ones I really like), and one fuzz (the Red Witch Fuzz God II) that I just don't like at all. The only reverb I have is the EHX Holy Grail Nano. I like it.
  14. I like Mary Anne. Or Mrs. Howell.
  15. But, seriously ... the number one problem facing the world today (in my opinion) is overpopulation (remember Paul Ehrlich, "the population bum"?). It would probably take at least one or two generations to solve (humanely) the overpopulation problem, but eventually world hunger would be solved as well. Maybe.
  16. Speaking of cannibalism...
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