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Ramones (1976)


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I'm relistening to it (again) and I feel no clear/definable emotion/goal within this album.


I'm not sure what it is, but the sense of ambiguity from the slur of songs about varying subjects gives it an underlying sense that they really didn't know what the **** they were doing when they made this album. (which is probably correct, bands in their infant stages, come on...) But at the same time, it gives the album, and the budding genre of punk rock (at the time) a sense of childlike innocence that I don't get from any other album, in fact probably won't. That being said, I still don't know what I feel about this album. It's just raw and funky and out there. It's kind of like it doesn't really have any place being categorized with other punk albums.


I do know that it's a good album, it's just hard to identify with the songs on a personal level I guess.


I'm having difficulty putting things into words, so this probably makes no sense at all, and all of this bullshit has probably been said in some way shape or form, but hell, I feel like repeating it.

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They knew exactly what they were doing. I can relate to that album the best, personally. Boredom, alienation, desperation, & the Texas Chainsaw Massacre all through the lens of minimalist bubblegum doo wop punk rock. Always works for me!

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I know, and I get it, but I feel like the difference between Ramones and Leave Home is night and day. Leave Home is a sex album imo.


I just don't know how to put how I feel about this album into written word. It's just a very hard feeling to describe, but I know I love the album, I'm just not sure why. it's just a mystery. The album itself just has very little expression, which is fine, that's how I am, I just get it, but at the same time, I don't.

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It's NOT like any other Ramones album. And that's why it's my favorite.

I have all their stuff. I saw the original lineup once and I saw them twice with Marky.


I think you are over analyzing this.

You wrote, "I feel no clear/definable emotion/goal within this album".

I'm pretty sure the Ramones didn't have any such goals when they made the album. So why over think it? Just enjoy it for what it is.

Loud, raw, brief, uniquely original music without pretension. That's what the Ramones represent to me. [thumbup]


Their influence is ubiquitous! :)

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I listen to music and think about it. I search for a meaning and try to connect the dots (so to speak) with my life.


It's sort of like Death's Symbolic. I can't listen to it just to listen to it. It's a very emotional album to me at least.

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Haha, yea, I can hear keyboard parts in the background.


My favorite album of all time is Too Tough To Die.


My favorite Ramones song is Highest Trails Above, however.

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I just never could take the Ramones seriously. I just didn't get it. Aside from "I wanna be sedated" nothing reached me. However, I seemed to like alot of the 'new wave/punk" of the day.

I think it took me awhile to transition from the old school rock. The radio changed totally to new wave with alot of one hit bands, and it was a welcome change. But, The Ramones just didn't seem to do anything for me. Stuff like the "Talking Heads 77" and eventually "The Clash" seemed to connect with me.



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I guess we're enemies. [flapper]


You really have to listen to them extensively to like them, I guess. Mid career (83-86, I'd say) they use a lot of synth/keyboard stuff. It's pretty damn good.


But, most people who sit through the first album think "Why does this exist?" after. I totally get it lol.

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