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We are not in Kansas anymore.


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I figure I will just worry about my own back yard.

I don't care what happens on the other side of the planet.

It's not my problem, nor my responsibility. Nor will I ever visit there.


What arrogance to think your beliefs will follow you around the planet.


I'm sorry, but I don't feel sorry for her. Perhaps the travel brochure was a little vague on local ethical information.

If you choose to be a martyr, you best be prepared to take it all the way.


I'm not defending stupidity or oppression. But I won't pretend it doesn't exist.


When in Rome,,, yada yada yada.



Sorry if I sound insensitive,, but sometimes, I am.

Common sense goes a long way.

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1374492766[/url]' post='1402150']

Two female journalists, one Dutch and one American (South African), have been gang raped in Egypt's Tahrir square during protests in July and celebrations in February.


That has been happening in India also. Sure it's easy to say its not in my back yard, it doesn't matter to me, but more and more Europeans and Westerners are doing business there, vacationing there, and as many of you in Europe already know, there are cities in Europe where Sharia law is being demanded by the ever growing radicalized Islamist living there..

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About 10 years ago I watched an episode of... I believe the show was called "Spotlight" on World Link TV. It was about honor killings in Pakistan and the refuge (safe house) that was available for those women trying to get out of abusive situations before it was too late. One rather poignant and disturbing story was about Kubra, who escaped to the safe house only to be talked into leaving by her own family, assuring her she would be in no danger. She went home and within a few days was shot in the head with a rifle as she slept.


They aired this show ONCE. It has not been re-run. I contacted the producers or the film company (whatever) to inquire about buying a copy of it.


Yep, $400.


$400 for a VHS copy.


I suppose if a show put a certain group in a negative light and it wasn't aligned with the network's bias, then shows can get buried in vaults, never to be seen again. This is the same network who gave away Michael Moore stuff as premiums when soliciting donations.


They have a music video show called "World Music". There was once a video on there from Mexico which bashed Americans, and basically saying they (the Mexicans) have every right to cross the border and do whatever they want and if we so much as bat an eye, we're "gringos". I emailed the network and they more or less told me to pound sand because their network promotes "diversity". If I didn't celebrate it, then I was obviously a xenophobe.

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1374506070[/url]' post='1402212']

About 10 years ago I watched an episode of... I believe the show was called "Spotlight" on World Link TV. It was about honor killings in Pakistan and the refuge (safe house) that was available for those women trying to get out of abusive situations before it was too late. One rather poignant and disturbing story was about Kubra, who escaped to the safe house only to be talked into leaving by her own family, assuring her she would be in no danger. She went home and within a few days was shot in the head with a rifle as she slept.


They aired this show ONCE. It has not been re-run. I contacted the producers or the film company (whatever) to inquire about buying a copy of it.


Yep, $400.


$400 for a VHS copy.


I suppose if a show put a certain group in a negative light and it wasn't aligned with the network's bias, then shows can get buried in vaults, never to be seen again. This is the same network who gave away Michael Moore stuff as premiums when soliciting donations.


They have a music video show called "World Music". There was once a video on there from Mexico which bashed Americans, and basically saying they (the Mexicans) have every right to cross the border and do whatever they want and if we so much as bat an eye, we're "gringos". I emailed the network and they more or less told me to pound sand because their network promotes "diversity". If I didn't celebrate it, then I was obviously a xenophobe.


Amen brother!

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This thing really pisses me of [cursing] c'on she works there, gets raped and has to go to prison.

In Western worlds mind that is outrages. They say we need to understand and respect their ways of thinking and living.

But i just can't, this is just to much.

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well, that's the old world. the origin of humanity. those people aren't evolved. it's like goin back in time when you go over there. what happened was a shame, but people need to be more aware of the ramifications of choices in life. naivete only makes you a possible victim....

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well, that's the old world. the origin of humanity. those people aren't evolved. it's like goin back in time when you go over there...


I know exactly how you feel. But I have known/worked with many Egyptians (a few Copts), Iranians (whose families left before the Ayatollah Khomeini), and Iraquis, and I can tell you that most of the ones who are educated and somewhat affluent are very much like ourselves, and most have no animosity to Westerners. It is only the ones who are poor, uneducated, and are bent towards Islamic extremism and Sharia that fit your description, of whom there are many.

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