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True to color?


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Just ordered this exact guitar from SW the other day. Is this pretty true to the actual color? I know sometimes pictures can alter the color a little bit.... The red on the outside seems to be really dark. Looks almost like a heritage cherry.

this is a picture of the honeyburst, by the way most honeybursts that ive seen look A LOT lighter. Almost like a light burst...


I was trying to go for a Jimmy Page type finish. I think I might have missed... haha

post-48030-087240000 1386878500_thumb.jpg

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Is this pretty true to the actual color? I know sometimes pictures can alter the color a little bit....

The red on the outside seems to be really dark. Looks almost like a heritage cherry.

this is a picture of the honeyburst, by the way most honeybursts that ive seen look A LOT lighter. Almost like a light burst...

This is a very interesting conundrum and I'll apologise in advance for the guff which follows...


Without wishing to be a complete 'Dork of the First Water' I have to say that all non colour-calibrated PC/Mac screens will have a tendency show the same colour slightly differently.

Furthermore, depending on how the pictures were taken/digitally processed/uploaded the colours can vary, to a lesser or greater extent, from 'reality'.

I deal with this problem on a daily basis. I'm a photographer.


OK; all that nonsense out of the way...


SW seem to use very competent snappers and I'd imagine the finished article will look very much as it appears on my (colour-calibrated :P ) screen.


As to what 'HoneyBurst' and 'Heritage Cherry Sunburst' look like;

They vary enormously. Partly down to the spray pattern - especially the exact shape of the 'teardrop'; partly the paint-mix that day; partly down to the wood-grain/figure of the individual maple cap itself.


I haven't posted these in a while so I'll blow off the cobwebs to show just one example of each by way of illustrating how a HoneyBurst can look darker due to the wood figure and also a typical Heritage Cherry S/B;


The fact that 'yours' looks nothing like either of these is no surprise...lol!







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Just ordered this exact guitar from SW the other day. Is this pretty true to the actual color? I know sometimes pictures can alter the color a little bit.... The red on the outside seems to be really dark. Looks almost like a heritage cherry.

this is a picture of the honeyburst, by the way most honeybursts that ive seen look A LOT lighter. Almost like a light burst...


I was trying to go for a Jimmy Page type finish. I think I might have missed... haha


I'm nervous about trusting color via the web. The first pic is what I saw, fell in love with and bought. The second pic is what I got. Still nice but......






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Just ordered this exact guitar from SW the other day. Is this pretty true to the actual color? I know sometimes pictures can alter the color a little bit.... The red on the outside seems to be really dark. Looks almost like a heritage cherry.

this is a picture of the honeyburst, by the way most honeybursts that ive seen look A LOT lighter. Almost like a light burst...


I was trying to go for a Jimmy Page type finish. I think I might have missed... haha


I believe yours will be much less red. You'll see. My honeyburst looked redder in pics ,too.


Here's mine, it looks much less red than this in person



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I'm nervous about trusting color via the web. The first pic is what I saw, fell in love with and bought. The second pic is what I got. Still nice but......

This is my point exactly.


First one is shot under 'Tungsten' lighting - i.e. regular house-bulb lighting - and not colour-balanced. Look in the background. That 'blue' colour cast is natural daylight. That is where the guitar should have been snapped.

It would have looked to be the 'right' colour.


Second pic is colour-balanced much better and, well, you know....



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This is my point exactly.


First one is shot under 'Tungsten' lighting - i.e. regular house-bulb lighting - and not colour-balanced. Look in the background. That 'blue' colour cast is natural daylight. That is where the guitar should have been snapped.

It would have looked to be the 'right' colour.


Second pic is colour-balanced much better and, well, you know....




i'm not so certain the 1st pic wasn't shot under a pink "grocers beef" light.....that's deliberate manipulation.

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i'm not so certain the 1st pic wasn't shot under a pink "grocers beef" light.....that's deliberate manipulation...

Oh, I don't think there was any real intention to cheat.


Here's a fairly well-known example of a strummer lit by a 60w bulb;



The wall isn't blood-orange in real life...


Taking the first image from Lazarus' post and doing a very basic (and not terribly accurate) colour balance for Tungsten lighting we'd get




Which isn't too far out, I'd guess.



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Forty6and2, I have been going through the exact same thing as you are. I saw the pic of honey burst from SW and I really liked it. This was before Gibson got their pictures up on the Gibson site. I saw the pictures on the Gibson site and was really confused as they looked nothing like the pics from SW, Zzounds, AMS or any others. I liked the orange look to it much more then the light brown look on the Gibson site. I had already ordered one in honey going off the SW pics from Gibson and when I saw the pics on the Gibson site, kind of went uhoh... called Gibson to try and change the finish on the order to a heritage cherry, I like red, but the guitar had already shipped...Gibson CS was great about it and said if you don't like the look give us a call and we'll rma it. So the guitar should be here tomorrow and I'll open it up and take a look and let you know the "real color", as soon as I see it.

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Ok I received the guitar and it is not near as red as the SW pics. I took a pic but it shows red as well. I'm sure Pippy knows about this. It is more an orangy brown, a friend called it brorange. Stunning really. I tried to enclose a pic but said file was to big...I am not a computer guy...in the light it does have a slight brownish red tinge to it.

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Don't get me started on lighting and people who don't white balance [scared] I've done film and photography work for a while with my brother and the one thing I'm good at is lighting and it drives me crazy when people can't get good pictures :)

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How does it Sound?

How does it Feel?

How does it Play?


Because that is really all that matters.



Plays great, sounds great. But it's going back, because they sent me a Les Paul Standard min-etune instead of a Standard Plus lol Plays and sounds just as great as my 2013 standard plus Desert Burst. I have Gibsons with the 50's, 59, and 60's slim taper necks and I like the feel of the new asymmetrical neck the best. I know everyone has their own preferences, but this is by far the most comfortable neck for me.

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Ah, well. Sorry to hear it didn't turn out as you had hoped.


When the situation finally is resolved please post some snaps!





Thank you Pippy. Gibson said the guitar should be here next week. I'm hoping it will be a great Christmas present! And while I know some may want to smack me for this, I went ahead and changed the finish to Heritage Cherry. It's just such a vintage color to me and has always screamed Les Paul. So for the anniversary model that's the color I chose. I really did like the Honey and I'm sure I'll have to save my pennies for one in that finish. I got photo bucket, so hopefully I'll be able to post some pics when it gets here! And while I can build one bad@ss race engine I am neither a photographer nor a computer guy, So hopefully all will turn out:)

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Just ordered this exact guitar from SW the other day. Is this pretty true to the actual color? I know sometimes pictures can alter the color a little bit.... The red on the outside seems to be really dark. Looks almost like a heritage cherry.

this is a picture of the honeyburst, by the way most honeybursts that ive seen look A LOT lighter. Almost like a light burst...


I was trying to go for a Jimmy Page type finish. I think I might have missed... haha




Jimmy Page type finish would be a Light-Burst 1959 reissue.

It depends what year of Zeppelin you're going for, early 70's it was the regular cherry sunburst, mid 70's it's a little less red (like light burst or sunrise tea burst)then the burst wasn't even red after the late 70's, much like a faded lemon burst

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