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saw this in the email this morning


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This is double posted in the Epi and Gibson "lounge" areas to see what others might think.


I got this in the email this morning...


I tend to agree although I'm a fingerpicker rather than shredder. If you look at guitar players overall, there has to be kinda a shutdown of some perception in order to play faster than the brain technically should be able to think.


To me it's not just "shredding" when you consider how fingerpickers, including classical and flamenco guitarists, are playing at times even more notes than "shredders."


It also notes that guitarists learn music differently...



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I reckon the same could be said for any type of artist or even sports person...


I think most of us have probably experienced the "spiritual" side of playing, that feeling of everything slipping away and becoming one with what you are doing.. As said, when you stop thinking and rely on instinct or what ever it is that drives that side of us... (ive had that feeling with computer games before :))


Its nothing that can really be quantified, be we all know its there :)

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Personally I think it's akin to zen.




As in martial arts training too where one does "forms" without conscious thought.


I recall listening to Harry James on trumpet, too. Incredible speed when he wished - and I think he no longer thought of which valves to press but simply played what was there to hear.



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Interesting write-up, although I'm not sure I would limit this theory to guitar players only. Seems to me it would relate to any "improvisational" style musician, regardless of instrument.


The Pat Martino info in the article shines light on something I noticed during about a 30 minute conversation I had with him a few years ago. I came away from that conversation thinking he was quite an odd bird, and somewhat hard to converse with, very slow and deliberate speech patterns. I guess a brain hemorrhage and removal of 70% of a temporal lobe would do that. He told me he lived at Les Paul's house at one time. I wonder if that was during his recovery.


On a similar note, I once saw a PBS documentary (I've never been able to find it since), about ESP studies the government did during WWII where the advertisement for volunteers asked for "musicians only". Their theory was that musicians already had a highly developed sense of intuition, and therefore more likely possess, or be more susceptible to development of, ESP and PK type stuff.

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I found this article and the research attached to be rather interesting. Whenever I sit at my computer I always have my guitar in my lap and play it without realising. Does anyone else do that? I also found that because I have a short attention span, giving me a guitar increases this because I'll play it without realising and somehow feel less bored. I use this method whenever I need to revise for exams because I struggle to otherwise stay interested in the task at hand



Just listened to some of Pat Martino's post surgery playing and it's incredible that he's able to play like that without 70% of his temporal lobe


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Just listened to some of Pat Martino's post surgery playing and it's incredible that he's able to play like that without 70% of his temporal lobe



And relearned the guitar in only two years. He also has an incredibly intellectual understanding of music and the fretboard. For instance, he pointed out that if you move any one finger back one fret in a diminished seventh chord shape, the note you moved back becomes the root of a dominant seventh chord.



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for a long time i've said one thing i love about playing guitar is i dont have to think. it just happens. and i would jokingly say i dont know what im going to play, i'm hearing it the same time you are... maybe i was closer to the truth than i thought.

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