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Practice hard, practice well


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Today is a beautiful beach day as was yesterday but I chose to stay in and practice. I gave myself a gold star. You can't see it but it's stuck on my forehead... [rolleyes] Ive been away on vacation and now I have a band rehearsal this coming Thursday, can't wait! I've been running through the tunes, ( we have close to 50 songs now ), it's amazing how easy it is to forget stuff in a relatively short period. We're also starting to learn some more challenging tunes, including some standard lounge and Latin Jazz type stuff, so I'm going outside of the comfortable 4 chord rock and blues vain.


I also have an opportunity now to put together an acoustic thing to play at a restaurant right across the street from my house. The owner of the restaurant, who always sees me coming and going with my guitar, asked me if I'd be interested in playing at the restaurant… Totally! We'll see what happens with that.

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I agree that practice makes you better. But some people just have 'it'. Talent. They still perfect their style, but it's natural for the, Vai being one. You can't get like that from practice.


True… It's a shame I have a Vai locked inside my body...

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Good for you, Dave.

I like the sound of the "cross the street" gig. Could be a new opening for a different side of your playing in the med-long term.


Feel free to accept a Gold Star from me too!





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