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wacky invention


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And nobody will ever need calluses at all. Only skin weakened by soap or the like is troublesome. Consequently avoiding detergents allows for playing guitar without ever building up hard skin and all the cracking, hurting and bleeding coming along with it.


Been there, done that through lots of painful years, and never encountered problems since I avoid contact of any cleansing materials to my skin.

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And nobody will ever need calluses at all. Only skin weakened by soap or the like is troublesome. Consequently avoiding detergents allows for playing guitar without ever building up hard skin and all the cracking, hurting and bleeding coming along with it.


Been there, done that through lots of painful years, and never encountered problems since I avoid contact of any cleansing materials to my skin.


I knew there was a funny smell in here :)

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I knew there was a funny smell in here :)

[biggrin] Yes, this may occur in case your skin's natural bacteria culture is affected by cleansers and deodorants. Building it up again takes some months.


The only use of practically all toiletries is making money through people playing a permanent game of killing and trying to restore. Shampooing their hair without gloves is the worst thing people usually do to their fingertips.


The bad bacteria surviving this will cause bad smell, string corrosion, calluses, cracks and so on. That's why I left it all behind. Playing is just fun since then, and no more endurance problems, too.

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I hear ya .


and tend to agree .


mind you , I have beautiful hair and need shampoo :)


kidding aside , I've never had any problems with sore fingers (aside from a few 6 hour pub sessions in the local where the fingers can be a bit tender the next morning) since I started playing many years ago. and, way back then in my teenage bedroom, I just thought it was worth it . no pain - no gain.


I can't see how people can't look at the world of professional musicians and not wonder why we've never heard of one having to give up because his fingers were too sore.

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you can't say anything.

You cover yours with glass and steel tubes



On reflection, I think I have worried about the sore brain bit more than the sore finger bit - what an endless proposition learning guitar is! Piano has the note there, but guitar has that same one there and there and there and there!


Though I think it helps the sore fingers to not have any more time off than can be helped......





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