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SG "Devil Bevels!" ;>)

charlie brown

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I dunno if you've seen any recent '61 reissues in the store, but they've REALLY started skimping on the beveling on them in the past couple years. It's SAD. Back around '99 till, oh, say, 2004, they looked good with the circa-'99 reintroduced tapered-tip horns and the deep beveling. But now, ugh. It's a shame, considering that they USED to get it closer to "right". And the Historics have "okay" bevels, but lack the proper tapering off on the horn tips so they end up looking just like the early 90's '61 reissues instead of the "real deals". But to answer your question with an appropriate focus:


Up until mid '66 (when the bigger "batwing" pickguard had fully replaced the small treble-side one and the neck joints changed) I'd say more than 98% of all SG's had nice deep bevels, contoured/tapered horn tips and just looked dang sexy. Yes, a few got out with those "five minutes till quitting time" halfassed jobs, but they're few and far between. And even through mid '68 models you can still find some examples of early-to-mid-60's style bevels/tapers on them. But late '68 to '71 (the last years of the REAL SG's in many folks' opinions, including yours truly) saw them decrease radically to simple notches out of the inside of the cutaways, really lazy looking. By the time of the "big redesign" and Norlin catastrophy, the body outline itself had even changed pretty dramatically, as well as an almost TOTAL absence of any body bevels (the top edge of the guitar was the only real bevel for a couple years, like late '71 through early '73). The mid 70's saw a reintroduction of a certain amount of light beveling, but one in several hundred might have made it out with better-than-average beveling more reminiscent of the later 60's models.


It was really the '86 SG-62 model that more or less brought back the older style beveling on the SG (which was itself a decent, but NOT authentic "reissue"). Aside from it, up until about 1992 the Standards/Specials/etc had little beveling at all and were still quite different in outline than the originals. Technically even our Historics today aren't TOTALLY right from the front-on view, but I guess if you've never seen or felt an original 60's one in person you may never know the difference. When they redid the Standards/Specials in about '92 they reintroduced the '68-ish cutaway beveling (and the "new" SG '61 reissue introduced in I believe '93 had about the same lame, shallow beveling...NOT cool for a "reissue"). With a slight bit of variation over the past 15 years they've remained mostly the same on the standard issue stuff, the exception being the '61 RI which started aroun '96 or '97 seeing deeper, more true-to-original-spec bevels, and later got the tapered horns back in '99; and for a while, the Maestro Vibrola option (till they took that one away from us...how unfortunate).


For the past couple years however, there has been a "recession" of sorts when it comes to their attention to detail on them, and they've dwindled to the point of laughable. I would expect more from the company that introduced such landmark designs in the day...looks like they'd take more pride in preserving that rich "artisan" heritage. But I guess pride in the "art" isn't as profitable as cutting overhead, so the real losers are the consumers and guitar fanatics. If enough people *****ed and moaned we could probably get 'em to make good on it, but till then, it's the way it is. Hope that was at least helpful, in between the rants. :P



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Thanks, Hbomb...I had a '68 (in '68) that had the full "batwing" pickguard, but still had the deep bevels!!

I kick myself, quite regularly, for ever selling it, too! But, C'est La Vie, as they say. I haven't been in a

music store, in awhile (nearest one is 100 miles away), so I can't attest to the lack of details on the newer

VOS or "Historic" '61's. The earlier ones (you mentioned) seemed a lot more correct, than they'd been in

a long time. But, if what you say is true, I'm sorry that didn't remain the case. Norlin was a "disaster" for

Gibson, in many ways. And the SG's, if you can call them that, of that era are pretty sad, no doubt.

Anyway...thanks for the information.



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They're really pretty decent, on the MIJ '61. But, since it's supposed to be modeled after the '61, you'd

you'd have to expect that, I guess. Maybe not quite as pronounced as the VOS, but...never having

actually seen a VOS "up close and personal" it's kind of hard to tell. I LOVE the Epi MIJ '61, though!

Really playable, and great tone/sustain! So, no regrets/complaints, there! And, the beveling IS

quite pronounced, compared to the current Gibson non '61 "Standard" model.



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I dunno about the MIJ stuff other than the Elitists (still kicking myself for waiting too long to try to get one of those), but the Elitists had pretty nice beveling, a mix between the '61 Reissues' at the time and the Historics', and the horns were almost tapered like the '61 (much better than the Historics). If they'd have issued an Elitist with Maestro I'd have bought 2 and called it a day. They are that good.



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I dunno about the MIJ stuff other than the Elitists (still kicking myself for waiting too long to try to get one of those)' date=' but the Elitists had pretty nice beveling, a mix between the '61 Reissues' at the time and the Historics', and the horns were almost tapered like the '61 (much better than the Historics). If they'd have issued an Elitist with Maestro I'd have bought 2 and called it a day. They are that good.




IMO the MIJ Epi SGs and LPs are better than the Elitist versions, they have nitro and the correct Gibson headstock.

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I dunno about the MIJ stuff other than the Elitists (still kicking myself for waiting too long to try to get one of those)' date=' but the Elitists had pretty nice beveling, a mix between the '61 Reissues' at the time and the Historics', and the horns were almost tapered like the '61 (much better than the Historics). If they'd have issued an Elitist with Maestro I'd have bought 2 and called it a day. They are that good.




Here is an example of the Elite Epiphone SG series. It is, unfortunately sans Maestro, but it is for sale:



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Here are some photos' date=' of my MIJ '61 SG, for comparison.












If Gibson would taper the Historic's top horn at least like THAT, AND finish them in that shade of red, I would have little to complain about. Those are nice (just like the Elitist, from what I can tell, bodywise).


Very jealous here.



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Well, several of us, were fortunate enough, to find them from a decent seller, in Japan. 700 bucks, too...brand new!

I had visions of it arriving totally destroyed, but it came with out a mark, and "in tune" believe it, or not! LOL! I was,

needless to say, both relieved, and astounded, at the same time. It's a definite "keeper," no doubt about it! And, it

plays and sounds as good (if not better) than it looks! It reignited my love for SG's, that I thought was forgotten(?)...NOT!


Thanks, all, for the kind words. I really DO "Love it!"



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Well' date=' several of us, were fortunate enough, to find them from a decent seller, in Japan. 700 bucks, too...brand new!

I had visions of it arriving totally destroyed, but it came with out a mark, and "in tune" believe it, or not! LOL! I was,

needless to say, both relieved, and astounded, at the same time. It's a definite "keeper," no doubt about it! And, it

plays and sounds as good (if not better) than it looks! It reignited my love for SG's, that I thought was forgotten(?)...NOT!


Thanks, all, for the kind words. I really DO "Love it!"




I know a very trusty japanese seller who ships worldwide with much love and care, when it comes to packing and shipping. Are those guitars still avaiable for purchasing?


Man, that's the most good looking epiphone that I have ever seen. It's completely unbelievable!

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I know a very trusty japanese seller who ships worldwide with much love and care' date=' when it comes to packing and shipping. Are those guitars still avaiable for purchasing?


Man, that's the most good looking epiphone that I have ever seen. It's completely unbelievable![/quote']


Well, ours were advertised as the last guitars, of the last run of this model, in Japan (in 2006, when Gibson's contract ran out, with the manufacturer/distributor). And, the guy (seller) seemed to be quite honest, and answered all our questions in very short order...so we took the chance. You do still see them, as "used" now and then, on E-bay. If you or someone you know/trust, is in Japan, they might be able to find another "new" one?? But, could be pretty "iffy?"

They were, indeed, made in the same factory as the "Elitist" model, but could use the Gibson headstock, because

they were for "Japanese" consumption, only....no export (by the factory/distributor), etc.



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